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CDF tools

This project contains a set of files used to publish EPN-TAP compliant planetary data for AMDADB.

This data can be accessed through:



Other directories:

  • doc: documentation site for this project;
  • install: installation files (to create the Python environment, build the documentation, etc.);
  • examples: some example files (used to learn or test some scripts);
  • specs: data model specifications (for SPASE or CDF ISTP);
  • this file.

After executing some script, the local folder may contain additional files:

  • nc2cdf: the Python environment, generated by virtualenv;
  • doc_source: sources files for the documentation, generated by Sphinx;
  • DATA/CDPP: SPASE dataset files, downloaded (or generated in the case of DATA/CDPP/Granules) by;
  • log: log repository, generated by several scripts;
  • DaCHS/amdadb_db.sql: the PSQL script which insert epn-tap granules on the DaCHS server, generated by ./DaCHS/
