# CDF tools This project contains a set of files used to publish EPN-TAP compliant planetary data for AMDADB. This data can be accessed through: - the [VESPA client](http://vespa.obspm.fr/planetary/data/epn/query/all/); - ADQL queries from the [DaCHS server](http://amda-epntap.irap.omp.eu/__system__/adql/query/form); - or all clients implementing the EPN-TAP protocol, such as [AMDADB](http://amda.cdpp.eu/), [CASSIS](http://cassis.irap.omp.eu/) or [3Dview](http://3dview.cdpp.eu/). ## Content Projects: - [converter](./converter): the [NetCDF-to-CDF converter](./converter/usage.md); - [dataset_getter](./dataset_getter): download SPASE datasets and generate granules files; - [DaCHS](./DaCHS): files required to publish granules on DacHS server; Other directories: - [doc](./doc): documentation site for this project; - [install](./install): installation files (to create the Python environment, build the documentation, etc.); - [examples](./examples): some example files (used to learn or test some scripts); - [specs](./specs): data model specifications (for `SPASE` or `CDF ISTP`); - [readme.md](readme.md): this file. After executing some script, the local folder may contain additional files: - `nc2cdf`: the Python environment, generated by `virtualenv`; - `doc_source`: sources files for the documentation, generated by `Sphinx`; - `DATA/CDPP`: SPASE dataset files, downloaded (or generated in the case of `DATA/CDPP/Granules`) by `create_granules.py`; - `log`: log repository, generated by several scripts; - `DaCHS/amdadb_db.sql`: the PSQL script which insert epn-tap granules on the DaCHS server, generated by `./DaCHS/build_BDD.py`. ## Licence - License: [GPLv3](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html); - Credits: CNRS/IRAP; - contact: nathanael.jourdane@irap.omp.eu