HOWTO_RUN.txt 1.93 KB


 Here is how you can RUN pyros 

(More on this subject at

(A) Command-line running (no web interface):

(1) Running pyros interactively:
	$  [python] ./ shell

(2) Launching an agent:
	$  [python] ./ start <agent-name>
	=> Ex: to start the env-monitoring agent:
	$  [python] ./ start agentM
	=> Ex: to start agentA:
	$ [python] ./ start agentA

(3) Launching the Environment Monitoring
Open 3 different terminals
a) In terminal 1, launch the PLC simulator
	$ cd simulators/plc/
	$ [python] ./ 
b) In terminal 2, launch the Monitoring agent 
	$ [python] ./ start agentM
c) In terminal 3, launch the webserver
	$ [python] ./ start webserver
d) With a browser, go to the Environment Monitoring dashboard
	- See the current weather :
	Click on Weather (or go to
	- Configure the monitoring :
	Go to

(4) Launching many agents:
	$ [python] ./ start <agent1-name>,<agent2-name>,.
	=> Ex: start agentA and agentB
	$ [python] ./ start agentA,agentB
	=> You could also start ALL agents at once:
	$ [python] ./ start all

(B) Running with the website

(1) Start only the webserver (for pyros website)
	$ [python] ./ start webserver
Then, connect to http://localhost:8000
You can also connect to the admin interface: http://localhost:8000/admin
(Login as 'pyros' with the password 'DjangoPyros')

(2) Now, you can start some (or all) agents to have the website come to life !
See section (A) just above