Etienne Pallier
member since Dec 02, 2015
User Activity:
038f236d cleanup
6692316e BUILD auto in PYROS_DOCKER_UPDATE if any docker file changed
156992e1 Refactorisation PYROS_DOCKER_UPDATE
ec1e5b33 bugfix PYROS_DOCKER_UPDATE and comments
3496d8ed added comments
7c7ece7b fix spacing
80d55816 agent cleanup and comments
82400cb8 simplification import Agent dans A_Scheduler
1fb6bca0 refactorisations et simplifications dans pour eviter des r...
2614eae0 bugfix AgentBasic
4fac45d0 petit bugfix de + simplification et commentaires
8ca1d24c quelques commentaires
80d242ea ajout condition git clone guitastro ok pour continuer build
e1b0fb96 petits reformatages
b6ff102c Merge branch 'dev' of i...
a56e6e0e comments and shortcuts in and docker scripts
- Compare → 683fc05b...b6ff102c
63f2beb2 renamed PYROS_DOCKER_INSTALL => PYROS_DOCKER_INSTALL_DB, car c plu ...
aa66d59c comments in docker files
b1e4e4dd Renamed scripts => PYROS_DOCKER_BUILD and PYR...
2da110b4 fix call to START.bat => in all PYROS_DOCKER_ scripts
2be8242a Ajout du shebang dans les scripts PYROS_DOCKER_ shell pour demarrag...
7eb64ba3 Improved docker start with a nice group name 'pyros-app' in Docker-...
af6953e2 .env-sample commentaires et aeration
e7016f79 cleanup Dockerfile et docker-compose
35a2d21d ajout commentaires dans Dockerfile...
b4df3bc3 cleanup gitignore - replaced src and config by /src and /config
0c2da379 cleanup gitignore
b232ab5e ajout commentaires
19fd5023 cleanup
14d238ba cleanup
e045e5e0 added comment
- Member since Dec 02, 2015
Personal projects