User guide to program with guitastro Python classes
This section show how to use guitastro in a Python code.
1. Context
Celestial mechanics allow to compute celestial bodies positions and manage dates, durations, angles, coordinates
2. Python classes provided by guitastro
Brief descrition of the guitastro classes:
- Angle: Convert angles in complex formats.
- Coords: Convert angles in complex formats.
- Home: Define a mount location on the Earth surface.
- Horizon: Define horizon line to set the limits of telescope pointings.
- Atmosphere: Define atmospheric conditions to set the conditions to compute refraction effects.
- Site: Define an observation site by merging Home, Horizon, Atmosphere.
- Date: Convert dates in complex formats.
- Duration: Convert durations in complex formats.
- Mechanics: Low level methods for celestial mechanics
- Targets: High level methods for celestial mechanics
3. Using the Python module guitastro for angles
3.1. Simple example to convert angles
import guitastro
a = guitastro.Angle("2h3m27s")
print("angle deg =", a.deg())
angle deg = 30.862499999999994
3.2. Operation with angles
We want to compute sum of the angles 2h3m27s and -0d28m12.4s. Display the results in sexagesimal format expressed in degrees:
import guitastro
a = guitastro.Angle("2h3m27s")
b = guitastro.Angle("-0d28m12.4s")
c = a + b
4. Using the Python module guitastro for dates
Celme module is located in the folder pyros/src/utils Examples: pyros/src/utils/report/ help(Date)
4.1. Simple example to convert dates
import guitastro
a = guitastro.Date("now")
print("Date ISO =", a.iso())
Date ISO = 2018-10-11T22:45:44.958
print("Date Julian Day =", a.jd())
Date Julian Day = 2458403.448437011
4.2. Operation with dates
We want to compute date corresponding to add 2 days and 28 minutes to the 2018-10-11T22:45:44.958. Display the results in ISO format:
import guitastro
a = guitastro.Date("2018-10-11T22:45:44.958")
b = guitastro.Duration("2d28m")
c = a + b
print("Date ISO =", c.iso())
Date ISO = 2018-10-13T23:13:44.958
5. Using the Python module guitastro for ephemeris
5.1. Simple example to compute Sun coordinates
First we compute RA, DEC coordinates of the Sun:
import guitastro
date = guitastro.Date("now")
site = guitastro.Site("GPS 0 E 49 200")
skyobj= {'planet':'Sun'}
target = guitastro.Target()
output0s = ['ra','dec']
results = target.ephem(date,site,output0s)
ra = results['RA']
dec = results['DEC']
Second, we inject RA, DEC to compute its local coordinates:
skyobj= {'RA':ra , 'DEC':dec }
outputs = ['elev']
results = target.ephem(date,site,outputs)
elev = results['ELEV']
6. Angle formats
Input accepted formats:
Sexagesimal formating using uspzad convention rad is an angle in radian Sexagesimal format:
- u (unit) = h,H,d,D (default=D). Capital mean module [0:360[, lower case means module [-180:180[
- s (separator) = " ",:,"" (default="" means letters hms or dms)
- p (plus/minus) = +,"" (default="")
- z (zeros) = 0,"" (default="")
- a (angle_limits) = "",90, (+/-limit if unit D,H, default="" means 360)
- d (sec_digits) = "",".1",".2",... (default="")
Style 1:
- To Display a R.A.: "H0.2" => 23h07m42.49s
- To Display a Decl.: "d+090.1" => +00d34m22.6s
- To Display a H.A.: "h0.2" => -08h43m16.05s
Style 2:
- To Display a R.A.: "H 0.2" => 23 07 42.49
- To Display a Decl.: "d +090.1" => -00 34 22.6
- To Display a H.A.: "h 0.2" => -08 43 16.05
Style 3:
- To Display a R.A.: "H:0.2" => 23:07:42.49
- To Display a Decl.: "d:+090.1" => -00:34:22.6
- To Display a H.A.: "h:0.2" => -08:43:16.05
7. Date formats
Input accepted formats:
- now = Now. e.g. "now"
- jd = Julian day. e.g. 24504527.45678
- iso = ISO 8601. e.g. 2018-02-28T12:34:55.23
- sql = ISO 8601. e.g. 2018-02-28 12:34:55.23
- ymdhms = Calendar. e.g. 2018 2 28 12 34 55.23
- equinox = Equinox. e.g. J2000,0
- digits = Pure digits e.g. 20180228123455.23