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Guitastro library

GUITAstro stands for General Use of Instruments and Telescopes in ASTROnomy.

GuitAstro is a Python module that provides classes and methods to write easily Python scripts for astronomical observations.

GIT repository:

Few basic examples of use

First example: Subtract a dark file to a raw image and save the image m63.fits:

import guitastro
ima = guitastro.Ima()

Second example: Subtract a dark file to a series of raw images to and save the images to

import guitastro
imaseries = guitastro.ImaSeries()
imaseries.sub("", "m63-", "")

Guitastro will collect all the file names corresponding to messier63-*.fit before subtracting to these files.

How to install Guitastro?

git config --global http.sslVerify false    
git clone
cd guitastro
python install

This install allow to import guitastro in any Python program. For Guitastro developers read the documentation in the guitastro/docs folder for details.

Guitastro functionalities

GuitAstro wraps the classical astronomical Python modules (AstroPy, etc.) and adds functionalities. They are dispatched into classes.

Classes for image processing and analysis

  • Ima: Manage one image. Load and save, processing, analysing.
  • ImaSeries: Manage a series of images applying the same processing to all images of the series.
  • ImaStack: Manage a series of images apply a processing to generate one output image.
  • Visu: Provides a graphical tool to display images.

Classe for camera acquisitions

  • Camera: Manage camera drivers. This class provides a simulated camera. Additional classes can be added to Guitastro for specific drivers (ASCOM, INDI, Balser).

Classes for angle conversions

  • Angle: Manage angle formats and computations.
  • Coords: Manage coordinates, spherical, cartesian.

Classes for date conversions

  • Date: Manage date formats and computations.
  • Durations: Manage durations and computation with dates.

Classes for ephemeris computation

  • Ephemeris: Compute ephemeris of planets, minor planets, comets, artificial satellites.
  • Mechanics: Manage celestial mechanics.
  • Targets: Manage old style ephemeris.
  • ExposureTimeCalculator: Compute exposure time from an instrumental setup.
  • Voevent: Manage clients for receiving VOEvents

Classes for earth location definitions

  • Home: Manage earth geographical coordinates formats.
  • Horizon: Manage a local horizon line to define a site.
  • Site: Manage geagraphical site defined by home, horizon and atmosphere.

Classe to generate various maps

  • Maps: Generation of earth or sky maps.

A complete documentation can be generated from .rst files in the folder doc/doc_rst


GuitAstro is inspired by the software AudeLA written since 1999 by astronomers of the Toulouse region (France).

Why the name GuitAstro ?

  • Official version: General Use of Instruments and Telescopes in ASTROnomy.
  • Legendary version: GUITalens ASTROnomy

Support and contact

The main author is