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COSMIC-PAH / pahtat
COSMIC-PAH / photoelectric-heating
for JWST
OV-GSO-DC / EpnTAPClient
OV-GSO-DC / VOTableLib
The VOTable library aims to provide methods to get and manage VOTables.
OV-GSO-DC / comet
OV-GSO-DC / dustem-wrapper_idl
PDC-IRAP / pdc-web
Logiciel Plan De Charge
TEST / tools
A set of Python tools for PIRENEA
Annie Hughes / dustem_fortran
the DustEM fortran code and associated data files, under git version control
Alexandre Schulz / DDServer2
DDServer implementation using SQL backend
Alexandre Schulz / amda_data_generator
AMDA dataset retrival and data format conversion tool written in python
Alexandre Schulz / litf
LITF - Lost in the Forest Solver creation platform (in development, functional but ugly as can be). Users add Problems, Solvers and testing method implemented as python classes. The code is executed in Docker containers.
Alexandre Schulz / xsd2tkform
Transforming XSD files into Tkinter forms
Benjamin Renard / cdpp-epn-tap-server
carbon / travel-carbon-footprint.irap.omp.eu
A travel carbon footprint calculator for scientific seminars.
Elodie Bourrec / Emir_Osp
Elena Budnik / SolarWind
Etienne Pallier / labinvent
Logiciel d'inventaire de matériels (Php/CakePhp/MySql), développé et sans cesse amélioré depuis 2012 (toujours maintenu en 2022), déjà utilisé dans plusieurs laboratoires de recherche (IRAP, IP2I, IAS, LATMOS, CRAL), installable via Docker
guitastrolib / guitastro
Guitastro core library.
guitastrolib / guitastro_device_ascomcam