CakePHP DebugKit
DebugKit provides a debugging toolbar and enhanced debugging tools for CakePHP applications.
The master
branch has the following requirements:
- CakePHP 3.1.0 or greater.
- PHP 5.4.16 or greater.
- SQLite or another database driver that CakePHP can talk to. By default DebugKit will use SQLite, if you need to use a different database see the Database Configuration section below.
DebugKit for CakePHP 2.x
If you want DebugKit for your 2.x application, you can use the latest 2.2.y
tag or the 2.2 branch.
Install the plugin with Composer from your CakePHP Project's ROOT directory (where the composer.json file is located)
php composer.phar require --dev cakephp/debug_kit "~3.0"
Plugin::load('DebugKit', ['bootstrap' => true, 'routes' => true]);
'debug' => true,
Reporting Issues
If you have a problem with DebugKit please open an issue on GitHub.
If you'd like to contribute to DebugKit, check out the roadmap for any planned features. You can fork the project, add features, and send pull requests or open issues.
DebugKit has several releases, each compatible with different releases of CakePHP. Use the appropriate version by downloading a tag, or checking out the correct branch.
1.0, 1.1, 1.2
are compatible with CakePHP 1.2.x. These releases of DebugKit will not work with CakePHP 1.3. You can also use the1.2-branch
for the mos recent updates and bugfixes.1.3.0
is compatible with CakePHP 1.3.x only. It will not work with CakePHP 1.2. You can also use the1.3
branch to get the most recent updates and bugfixes.2.2.x
are compatible with CakePHP 2.2.0 and greater. It is a necessary upgrade for people using CakePHP 2.4 as the naming conventions around loggers changed in that release. 2.2.x is not actively being developed.3.x
is compatible with CakePHP 3.x and is still under active development.
Database Configuration
By default DebugKit will store panel data into a SQLite database in your application's tmp
directory. If you cannot install pdo_sqlite, you can configure DebugKit to use a different
database by defining a debug_kit
connection in your config/app.php
Toolbar Panels
The DebugKit Toolbar is comprised of several panels, which are shown by clicking the CakePHP icon in the upper right-hand corner of your browser after DebugKit has been installed and loaded. Each panel is comprised of a panel class and view element. Typically, a panel handles the collection and display of a single type of information such as Logs or Request information. You can choose to panels from the toolbar or add your own custom panels.
Built-in Panels
There are several built-in panels, they are:
- Request Displays information about the current request, GET, POST, Cake
Parameters, Current Route information and Cookies if the
is in you controller's components. - Session Display the information currently in the Session.
- Timer Display any timers that were set during the request see
for more information. Also displays memory use at component callbacks as well as peak memory used. - Sql Logs Displays sql logs for each database connection.
- Log Display any entries made to the log files this request.
- Variables Display View variables set in controller.
- Environment Display environment variables related to PHP + CakePHP.
- Routes Display all the routes connected in your application, highlighting the current route.
- Packages Display the packages your application depends on, and view which ones are out-dated.
- Mail After building
classes you can preview your application's email messages inside DebugKit.
- Enable or disable panels for DebugKit. You can disable any of the standard panels by:php // Before loading DebugKit Configure::write('DebugKit.panels', ['DebugKit.Packages' => false]);
Developing Your Own Panels
You can create your own custom panels for DebugKit to help in debugging your applications.
Panel Classes
Panel Classes simply need to be placed in the src/Panel
directory. The
filename should match the classname, so the class MyCustomPanel
would be
expected to have a filename of src/Panel/MyCustomPanel.php
namespace App\Panel;
use DebugKit\DebugPanel;
* My Custom Panel
class MyCustomPanel extends DebugPanel {
Notice that custom panels are required to subclass the DebugPanel
By default Panel objects have 2 callbacks, allowing them to hook into the
current request. Panels subscribe to the Controller.initialize
events. If your panel needs to subscribe to additional
events, you can use the implementedEvents
method to define all of the events
your panel is interested in.
You should refer to the built-in panels for some examples on how you can build panels.
Panel Elements
Each Panel is expected to have a view element that renders the content from the
panel. The element name must be the underscored inflection of the class name.
For example SessionPanel
has an element named session_panel.ctp
, and
has an element named sqllog_panel.ctp
. These elements should be
located in the root of your View/Elements
Custom Titles and Elements
Panels should pick up their title and element name by convention. However, if you need to choose a custom element name or title, you can define methods to customize your panel's behavior:
- Configure the title that is displayed in the toolbar.elementName()
Configure which element should be used for a given panel.
Panels in Other Plugins
Panels provided by Plugins
work almost entirely the same as other plugins, with one minor difference: You
must set public $plugin
to be the name of the plugin directory, so that the
panel's Elements can be located at render time.
namespace MyPlugin\Panel;
use DebugKit\DebugPanel;
class MyCustomPanel extends DebugPanel {
public $plugin = 'MyPlugin';
To use a plugin panel, update your application's DebugKit configuration to include the panel.
array_merge((array)Configure::read('DebugKit.panels'), ['MyPlugin.MyCustom'])
The above would load all the default panels as well as the custom panel from MyPlugin
DebugKit Storage
By default, DebugKit uses a small SQLite database in you application's /tmp
directory to store
the panel data. If you'd like DebugKit to store its data elsewhere, you should define a debug_kit
Cleaning Storage
You can safely remove the file tmp/debug_kit.sqlite, the plugin is able to regenerate it.