quickstart.md 1.5 KB

Change AppView

// src/View/AppView.php
namespace App\View;

use WyriHaximus\TwigView\View\TwigView;

class AppView extends TwigView
     // Code ...

Load Helpers

// src/View/AppView.php
namespace App\View;

use WyriHaximus\TwigView\View\TwigView;

class AppView extends TwigView
    public function initialize()

Note: TwigView will look for its templates with the extension .twig and then for .tpl (deprecated).

Create the default layout to be used by TwigView named default.twig instead of default.ctp

Layout example

<!DOCTYPE html>
    {{ Html.charset()|raw }}
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
        {{ __('MySite') }}
        {{ _view.fetch('title')|raw }}
    {{ Html.meta('icon')|raw }}

    {{ Html.css('app.css')|raw }}
    {{ Html.script('app')|raw }}

    {{ _view.fetch('meta')|raw }}
    {{ _view.fetch('css')|raw }}
    {{ _view.fetch('script')|raw }}

        {{ _view.fetch('header')|raw }}

        <h1 class="page-title">{{ _view.fetch('title') }}</h1>
        {{ _view.fetch('content')|raw }}


Create a view template

in Template/Controller/action.twig

{{ _view.start('header') }}
    <p>It's my header</p>
{{ _view.end() }}

{{ _view.assign('title', "it's my title") }}

<p>It's my content</p>