PagesControllerTest.php 5.45 KB
 * CakePHP(tm) : Rapid Development Framework (
 * Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
 * Licensed under The MIT License
 * For full copyright and license information, please see the LICENSE.txt
 * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice
 * @copyright     Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
 * @link CakePHP(tm) Project
 * @since         1.2.0
 * @license MIT License
namespace App\Test\TestCase\Controller;

use Cake\Core\Configure;
use Cake\TestSuite\IntegrationTestCase;

 * PagesControllerTest class
//class PagesControllerTest extends IntegrationTestCase
class PagesControllerTest extends General
	 * Fixtures
	 * @var array
	public $fixtures = [

     public function authUser() {
     	     $user = [
     	     		'Auth' => [
     	     				'User' => [
     	     						'sn' => [0 => 'test2'],
									'mail' => [0 => ''],
									'givenname' => [0 => 'test1'],
									'cn' => [0 => 'testa'],
									'userpassword' => [0 => 'test'],
     	   $authType = ['authType' => 'cn'];
     * testDisplay method
     * @return void

	//public function testDisplay()
	public function testPage10AccessHome() {
	    foreach ($this->ROLES as $role) $this->subtestPageAccessHomeAs($role);
	public function testPage10AccessHomeAsUser() { $this->_testPageAccessHomeAs('USER'); }
	public function testPage10AccessHomeAsResp() { $this->_testPageAccessHomeAs('RESP'); }
	public function testPage10AccessHomeAsAdmin() { $this->_testPageAccessHomeAs('ADMIN'); }
	public function testPage10AccessHomeAsAdminPlus() { $this->_testPageAccessHomeAs('ADMINP'); }
	public function testPage10AccessHomeAsSuperAdmin() { $this->_testPageAccessHomeAs('SUPER'); }
	private function _testPageAccessHomeAs($role) {
	    $this->assertResponseContains('Voir mes matériels');

        switch ($role) {
            case 'USER':
                //$configuration->procedure_sur_accueil = TRUE;
                $this->assertResponseContains('Procédure à suivre');
            case 'RESP':
            case 'ADMIN':
                $this->assertResponseContains('Voir les matériels à valider');
            case 'ADMINP':
            case 'SUPER':
            	    $this->assertResponseContains('Super Administrateur');

	//public function testDisplay()
	public function testPage20AccessTools() {
	    foreach ($this->ROLES as $role) $this->subtestPageAccessToolsAs($role);
	public function testPage20AccessToolsAsUser() { $this->_testPageAccessToolsAs('USER'); }
	public function testPage20AccessToolsAsResp() { $this->_testPageAccessToolsAs('RESP'); }
	public function testPage20AccessToolsAsAdmin() { $this->_testPageAccessToolsAs('ADMIN'); }
	public function testPage20AccessToolsAsAdminPlus() { $this->_testPageAccessToolsAs('ADMINP'); }
	public function testPage20AccessToolsAsSuperAdmin() { $this->_testPageAccessToolsAs('SUPER'); }
	private function _testPageAccessToolsAs($role)
	    if ( $this->USER_IS_ADMIN_AT_LEAST() ) {
	    //if ( in_array($role, ['ADMIN','ADMINP','SUPER']) ) {
	    //if ( $this->userHasRoleAtLeast('Administration') ) {
	    //if ( $this->ControllerApp->userHasRoleAtLeast('Administration') ) {
	       $this->assertResponseContains('Outils', $role.' should be allowed to access the Tools page');
	       $this->assertResponseContains('Gérer le contenu variable de ', $role);
	       if ($this->USER_IS_SUPERADMIN())
	       //if ($role == 'SUPER') 
        	       $this->assertResponseContains('Passer en mode DEBUG');
	           $this->assertResponseNotContains('Passer en mode DEBUG');
	    else {
	        $this->assertResponseNotContains('Outils', $role.' should not be allowed to access the Tools page');
     * Test that missing template renders 404 page in production
     * @return void
    public function testMissingTemplate()
        Configure::write('debug', false);

        $this->assertResponseContains('Cette action est impossible');

     * Test that missing template in debug mode renders missing_template error page
     * @return void
    public function testMissingTemplateInDebug()
        Configure::write('debug', true);

        $this->assertResponseContains('Missing Template');