index.txt 822 Bytes
# index.txt -  database Inventirap 

Here, its's the database directory.
Index :  
- BDD_IRAP.sql : Create the database and its structure. 

- Insert_TablesFunct.sql : Insert the functionnality tables content : Sur-categories, categories, sous-categories, groupes metiers et thematiques, privileged users)

- Upd_TablesConstraints.sql : Modify database structure to add some constraints on tables. 

Updates :

Last : 10/12/13

10/12/13 : Update script to create database and fill it with functionnal informations. 
Cut the script BDD_IRAP.sql to keep only the database structure. 
Create scripts : Insert_TablesFunct.sql and Upd_TablesConstraints.sql for the functionnal informations.

Janvier 2014 : 
Update Materiels table too add fields : Createur, modificateur and correponding dates