BenchmarkShell.php 5.29 KB
 * CakePHP(tm) : Rapid Development Framework (
 * Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
 * Licensed under The MIT License
 * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
 * @copyright     Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
 * @link CakePHP(tm) Project
 * @since         DebugKit 1.0
 * @license MIT License
namespace DebugKit\Shell;

use Cake\Console\Shell;
use Cake\Utility\Text;

 * Benchmark Shell Class
 * Provides basic benchmarking of application requests
 * functionally similar to Apache AB
 * @since         DebugKit 1.0
 * @todo Print/export time detail information
 * @todo Export/graphing of data to .dot format for graphviz visualization
 * @todo Make calculated results round to leading significant digit position of std dev.
class BenchmarkShell extends Shell

     * Main execution of shell
     * @return void
    public function main()
        $url = $this->args[0];
        $defaults = ['t' => 100, 'n' => 10];
        $options = array_merge($defaults, $this->params);
        $times = [];

        $this->out(Text::insert(__d('debug_kit', '-> Testing :url'), compact('url')));
        for ($i = 0; $i < $options['n']; $i++) {
            if (floor($options['t'] - array_sum($times)) <= 0 || $options['n'] <= 1) {

            $start = microtime(true);
            $stop = microtime(true);

            $times[] = $stop - $start;

     * Prints calculated results
     * @param array $times Array of time values
     * @return void
    protected function _results($times)
        $duration = array_sum($times);
        $requests = count($times);

        $this->out(Text::insert(__d('debug_kit', 'Total Requests made: :requests'), compact('requests')));
        $this->out(Text::insert(__d('debug_kit', 'Total Time elapsed: :duration (seconds)'), compact('duration')));


        $this->out(Text::insert(__d('debug_kit', 'Requests/Second: :rps req/sec'), [
                'rps' => round($requests / $duration, 3)

        $this->out(Text::insert(__d('debug_kit', 'Average request time: :average-time seconds'), [
                'average-time' => round($duration / $requests, 3)

        $this->out(Text::insert(__d('debug_kit', 'Standard deviation of average request time: :std-dev'), [
                'std-dev' => round($this->_deviation($times, true), 3)

        $this->out(Text::insert(__d('debug_kit', 'Longest/shortest request: :longest sec/:shortest sec'), [
                'longest' => round(max($times), 3),
                'shortest' => round(min($times), 3)


     * One-pass, numerically stable calculation of population variance.
     * Donald E. Knuth (1998).
     * The Art of Computer Programming, volume 2: Seminumerical Algorithms, 3rd edn.,
     * p. 232. Boston: Addison-Wesley.
     * @param array $times Array of values
     * @param bool $sample If true, calculates an unbiased estimate of the population
     *                           variance from a finite sample.
     * @return float Variance
    protected function _variance($times, $sample = true)
        $n = $mean = $M2 = 0;

        foreach ($times as $time) {
            $n += 1;
            $delta = $time - $mean;
            $mean = $mean + $delta / $n;
            $M2 = $M2 + $delta * ($time - $mean);

        if ($sample) {
            $n -= 1;

        return $M2 / $n;

     * Calculate the standard deviation.
     * @param array $times Array of values
     * @param bool $sample ''
     * @return float Standard deviation
    protected function _deviation($times, $sample = true)
        return sqrt($this->_variance($times, $sample));

     * Get option parser.
     * @return \Cake\Console\OptionParser
    public function getOptionParser()
        $parser = parent::getOptionParser();
            'Allows you to obtain some rough benchmarking statistics' .
            'about a fully qualified URL.'
        ->addArgument('url', [
            'help' => __d('debug_kit', 'The URL to request.'),
            'required' => true
        ->addOption('n', [
            'default' => 10,
            'help' => __d('debug_kit', 'Number of iterations to perform.')
        ->addOption('t', [
            'default' => 100,
            'help' => __d(
                'Maximum total time for all iterations, in seconds.' .
                'If a single iteration takes more than the timeout, only one request will be made'
            'Example Use: `cake benchmark --n 10 --t 100 http://localhost/testsite`. ' .
            '<info>Note:</info> this benchmark does not include browser render times.'
        return $parser;