27 May, 2021
8 commits
and continue moving to python3 /spend 8h
/spend 2min
Spent time is not attached to this commit only. /spend 11h
This is a stepping stone towards python 3 support, that we need to fix the geocoder.
25 May, 2021
1 commit
30 Apr, 2021
4 commits
…e ADEME numbers that are now more in line with myclimate and DEFRA.
…bone/donnees-consulter/liste-element/categorie/547 (in April 2021)
15 Dec, 2020
1 commit
08 Oct, 2020
9 commits
Co-authored by: @Adrenesis
Co-authored by: Adrenesis <adrenesis@gmail.com>
Co-authored by: @Adrenesis
04 Oct, 2020
5 commits
We're not even going to use it, it's too big.
03 Oct, 2020
3 commits
When a file is provided, the textarea can be empty.
02 Oct, 2020
6 commits
01 Oct, 2020
3 commits