17 Apr, 2015
2 commits
writen in modules each function can be use independantly rather than full complicate scripts /!\ interdependancy between modules
14 Apr, 2015
1 commit
- Constants: improve analytic expression computation for CMB - Spectrum: put real computation of the analytic expression
07 Apr, 2015
1 commit
- count vs theta and phi
03 Apr, 2015
1 commit
30 Mar, 2015
1 commit
add a comparison between different precision on zlim Add a test on generation and charge in all scripts
20 Mar, 2015
1 commit
- dN/dt versus t
13 Mar, 2015
3 commits
++ Arrival direction of photons ++ Angle versus flux + analytic expression ++ Analytic comparison for Compton scattering ++ Energy spectrum + Elmag results ++ Generation distribution of the photons