5.44 KB
import os
from numpy import loadtxt, select, log, sin, cos, tan, arctan, arccos, exp, sqrt, pi, size
from numpy import append, zeros, linspace, shape
from src.constants import degre, yr


def PSF_Taylor2011(E): # E in GeV -> PSF in degre
   return 1.7 * E**(-0.74) * (1+(E/15)**2)**0.37

# READ SIMULATIONS FILES ===================================================================
def select_events(simulation,Erange=[1e-3,1e6],delayrange=[-1e8,1e30],powerlaw_index=1,tjet=180.,tobs=0.,generation='all'):    
      Allowed to read results file of a simulation and to apply a preselection on events. 
         1. simulation directory location
         2. energy range [min,max] in GeV
         3. delay range in second
         5. powerlaw index Gamma such as dN/dE = E^-Gamma
         6. jet opening angle
         7. observation angle 
         8. generation desired else 'all' 

            0. weight
            1. energy [GeV]
            2. time delay [s]
            3. arrival angle [degre]
            4,5. theta, phi (arrival polar and azimuthal coordinates) [degre]
            (6. generation if generation = "all")

   # 0 - generation
   # 1 - weight
   # 2 - energy [GeV]
   # 3 - time delay [s]
   # 4,5,6 - theta_pos, theta_dir, phi_dir [rad]
   # 7 - source photon energy [GeV]
   results = loadtxt(simulation+resultsFile,unpack=True)
   Dsource,redshift,n_phot  = ReadProfile(simulation,[2,3,4]) 
      gen_select = int(generation)
      cond = (results[0] == gen_select)
      # select photons only
      cond = (results[0]%2==0) 
   # energy selection and time selection
   cond = cond & (results[2] >= Erange[0])     & (results[2] <= Erange[1])  
   cond = cond & (results[3] >= delayrange[0]) & (results[3] <= delayrange[1])
   results = results[:,cond]

   # Apply source spectrum
   results[1] /= n_phot 
   if "simple case" not in simulation: 
      # compute intrinsic luminosity 
      powerlaw_index = float(powerlaw_index) 
      results[1]*= results[7]**(1-powerlaw_index) * log(Erange[1]/Erange[0])
      if powerlaw_index == 2:
         results[1] /= log(Erange[1]/Erange[0])
         results[1] *= (2-powerlaw_index)/(Erange[1]**(2-powerlaw_index)-Erange[0]**(2-powerlaw_index))

   # misaligned jet & jet opening angle selection 
   results = append(results,zeros((2,size(results,axis=1))),axis=0)
   phi_dj = 0
   results[8] = phi_dj
   results[9] = cos(tobs*degre)*cos(results[4])+sin(tobs*degre)*sin(results[4])*cos(phi_dj-results[6])
   tabi = results
   for phi_dj in linspace(-pi,pi,Nphi-1):
   #for phi_dj in 2*pi*random.rand(Nphi):
      results[8] = phi_dj
      results[9] = cos(tobs*degre)*cos(results[4])+sin(tobs*degre)*sin(results[4])*cos(phi_dj-results[6])
      tabi = append(tabi,results,axis=1)
   results = tabi     
   cond = (arccos(results[9])/degre < tjet)
   results = results[:,cond]         
   #if tjet < 90:
   #    sigma = sin(tjet*degre)
   #    results[1] *= exp((sin(arccos(results[9]))/sigma)**2) 
   results[1] /= Nphi #*4*pi * Dsource**2 *(1-cos(tjet*degre))
   if generation == "all":
      return results[1],results[2],results[3],results[5],results[8],results[7],results[0]
      return results[1],results[2],results[3],results[5],results[8],results[7]

# READ RESULTS FILES =======================================================================

def ReadProfile(fileName,cols=[0,1,2,3,4,5]):
      Allowed to read simulation profile
         0 - magnetic field amplitude [Gauss]
         1 - maximum source energy [TeV]
         2 - source distance [Mpc]
         3 - source redshift
         4 - number of photons emitted
         5 - number of leptons produced during the cascade
   if not os.path.exists(resultdir+fileName):
      return loadtxt(fileName+profileFile,unpack=True,usecols=cols)
      return loadtxt(resultdir+fileName+profileFile,unpack=True,usecols=cols)

def ReadSpectrum(fileName,cols=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]): 
   return loadtxt(resultdir+fileName+"/Spectrum.txt",unpack=True,usecols=cols)

def ReadSourceSpectrum(fileName): 
   return loadtxt(resultdir+fileName+"/Source_spectrum.txt",unpack=True,usecols=[0,1])

def ReadRadial(fileName,cols=[0,1,2,3,4]): 
   return loadtxt(resultdir+fileName+"/arrival_Angle_distribution.txt",unpack=True,usecols=cols)

def ReadTiming(fileName,cols=[0,1,2,3,4]): 
   return loadtxt(resultdir+fileName+"/Timing.txt",unpack=True,usecols=cols)

def ReadGeneration(fileName,cols=[0,1]):
   return loadtxt(resultdir+fileName+"/Generation.txt",unpack=True,usecols=cols)

def ReadAngleVsEnergy(fileName,cols=[0,1,2,3,4]): 
   return loadtxt(resultdir+fileName+"/Angle_versus_Energy.txt",unpack=True,usecols=cols)

def ReadDelayVsEnergy(fileName,cols=[0,1,2,3,4]): 
   return loadtxt(resultdir+fileName+"/Delay_versus_Energy.txt",unpack=True,usecols=cols)

def ReadDelayVsAngle(fileName,cols=[0,1,2,3,4]): 
   return loadtxt(resultdir+fileName+"/Delay_versus_angle.txt",unpack=True,usecols=cols)

def ReadElmag(fileName):
   E,E2dNdE = loadtxt(resultdir+fileName+"/Elmag.dat",unpack=True,usecols=[0,1])
   E_PSF,E2dNdE_PSF = loadtxt(resultdir+fileName+"/Elmag_PSF.dat",unpack=True,usecols=[0,1])
   return  E*1e-9, E2dNdE*1e-9, E_PSF*1e-9, E2dNdE_PSF*1e-9

def ReadTaylor(fileName):
   E,E2dNdE = loadtxt(resultdir+fileName+"/Taylor2011-fig1.csv",delimiter=",",unpack=True,usecols=[0,1])
   E *= 1e-9
   E2dNdE *= 1e-9 
   return E, E2dNdE