generate_documentation.rst 2.28 KB

Generate this documentation

This documentation is generated by the use of Sphinx and Pyreverse. Sphinx uses the Restructured Text format. The following links gives some informations about the syntax:

Installation of Sphinx and Pyreverse

Procedure for Linux (root privileges):

sudo pip3 install sphinx
sudo pip3 install rst2pdf
sudo pip3 install pylint
sudo pip3 install sphinx_pyreverse
sudo pip3 install graphviz
sudo apt-get install graphviz graphviz-dev
sudo pip3 install pygraphviz

Procedure for Windows (user xxx). First you must download and install Graphviz. Then:

cd c:\Users\xxx\Anaconda3\Scripts
.\pip install -U Sphinx
.\pip install rst2pdf
.\conda install pyreverse
.\conda install python-graphviz

Generate the documentation

To generate the documentation you must start to execute pyreverse followed by sphinx.

Procedure pyreverse for Linux:

pyreverse3 -p pyros -o png ../../pyros
cp classes_*.png ../doc_images

Procedure sphinx for Linux:

cd pyros/doc/rst
sphinx-build -b html . ./../doc_html
sphinx-build -b pdf . ./../doc_pdf

Procedure pyreverse for Windows (user xxx):

cd astromecca\doc_rst\doc_pyreverse
c:\Users\xxx\Anaconda3\Scripts\pyreverse -p pyros -o png ../../pyros
copy classes_*.png ..\..\doc_images

Procedure sphinx for Windows (user xxx):

cd astromecca\doc_rst
C:\Users\xxx\Anaconda3\Scripts\sphinx-build -b html . .\..\doc_html
C:\Users\xxx\Anaconda3\Scripts\sphinx-build -b pdf . .\..\doc_pdf