2.38 KB
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.shortcuts import render
from common.models import AgentCmd

# Create your views here.

def index(request):
    if request.user.is_authenticated:
        # return the initial view (the dashboard's one)
        return render(request, 'dashboard/index.html', { 'base_template' : "base.html"})                              
    return render(request, 'dashboard/index.html', {'USER_LEVEL': 0, 'base_template' : "base_unlogged.html"})                              

def weather_config(request):
    """ PM 20180926 prototype without database
        Moved to monitoring
        # Import PLC status sensor parser
        from monitoring.plc_checker import PlcChecker
        # Parse PLC status in colibri-new-fixed-2.json
        #colibri_json = open("../simulators/plc/colibri-new-fixed-2.json")
        #colibri_struct = json.load(colibri_json)
        #plc_status = colibri_struct["statuses"][1]["entities"][0]
        plc_checker = PlcChecker()
        _struct = {"origin":plc_checker.origin, "sensors_table":plc_checker.sensors_table, "monitoring_names":list(plc_checker.monitoring_names.keys())}
        # Return template with sensors list
        return render(request, 'dashboard/config_weather.html', {'weather_config' : _struct, 'base_template' : "base.html"})
    except Config.DoesNotExist:
        return render(request, 'dashboard/config_weather.html', {'weather_info' : None})

def weather_config_update(request):
    """ PM 20190716 ajax
        Get data...
        # print(request.GET["data"])
        cmd_name, cmd_args = request.GET["data"].split(" ", 1)
        # ['nom', 'monitoring_name actuel', 'id(json path) du capteur', 'nouveau monitoring_name']
        # <class 'list'>: ['monitor_name_switch', 'None', 'Came:/S/N_A5EM:/Power_input', 'Rain_boolean']
        if "Error_code" in cmd_args:
            something = 5/0
        AgentCmd.send_command('Dashboard', 'AgentM', cmd_name, cmd_args)

        #TODO: Pour l'instant, on ne recupere pas encore ce retour

        return HttpResponse('{"update":"OK", "cmd_name":"' + cmd_name + '"}', content_type="application/json")
        return HttpResponse('{"update":"ERROR", "cmd_name":"' + cmd_name + '"}', content_type="application/json", status="500")