1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467
25-11-2022 (AKo): v0.6.13.0
	- Add is_active field for agents in tnc obsconfig 
	- Add new colors in agents_cmds and agent_detail for cmd status

24-11-2022 (EP): v0.6.12.0
	- Added tooltip to Agent specific commands
	- get_all_cmds => returns also tooltips
	- updated all agents for AGENT_SPECIFIC_COMMANDS format

24-11-2022 (AKo): v0.6.11.1
	- AgentSST change names of agents when launched with simulated computer
	- Add login required of agents view & add get_all_cmds management
	- UI changes on agent_detail view
	- Add parameter simulated_computer for obsconfig_class method get_agent_name[...]
	- Add argparse & new main methods on few agents (in src)

24-11-2022 (EP): v0.6.11.0
	- Agent specific command execution in THREAD => now possible
	- bugfix do_stop/restart => valeur de retour
	- PRIO commands => new management, simpler and more efficient
	- New format (dict) for AGENT_SPECIFIC_COMMANDS
	- ...

23-11-2022 (AKo): v0.6.10.5
	- Change column order for agents commands views, add color for pending commands, fix width of table
	- Change location of pyros config file
	- Remove colibri icon/logo	

18-11-2022 (EP): v0.6.10.4
	- bugfix CC_PREV
	- bugfix TEST_MAX_DURATION_SEC => end main loop (and int type)
	- bugfix get_all_cmds()
	- cleanup

15-11-2022 (EP): v0.6.10.1
	- cleanup

14-11-2022 (EP): v0.6.10.0
	- Optimization of next command selection : set all expired, unimplemented, or invalid commands in just one iteration

10-11-2022 (EP): v0.6.9.1
	- Bugfix list of remaining PENDING commands on EXIT (remove current do_stop)
	- comportement "noprio" => généralisé
	- routine_process_before/after => renamed iter_start/end
	- remove deprecated commands
	- result => TextField
	- get_all_cmds is PRIO

09-11-2022 (EP): v0.6.9.0
	- Added "noprio" management for priority command do_stop and do_restart

09-11-2022 (EP): v0.6.8.1
	- bugfix do_eval command

08-11-2022 (EP): v0.6.8.0
	- get_all_cmds() remplace get_specific_cmds() et renvoie la liste de TOUTES les commandes : générales ET spécifiques
	- Paramètres des commandes générales vérifiés via assertion, si erreur = Exception

07-11-2022 (EP): v0.6.7.4
	- Allow commands to be sent manually to an agent even if in TEST mode, without disturbing it
	- Bugfix result = "0" (=false) => now shown

07-11-2022 (EP): v0.6.7.3
	- Renamed Agent Status names

07-11-2022 (AKo): v0.6.7.2
	- Improve agents commands view (add status filter)
	- Add port configuration for phpmyadmin in docker-compose.yml

01-11-2022 (EP): v0.6.7.1
	- CmdException* moved from Agent to models.AgentCmd (as inner/nested classes)

29-10-2022 (EP): v0.6.7.0
	- Simplified agent v2 (async) algo
	- Added management of any exception occuring during execution of an agent specific ommand => becomes CmdExceptionExecError
	- bugfix exceptions management
	- New activity diagram for Agent v2 (PlantUML)

28-10-2022 (AKo): v0.6.6.0
	- Add view to see all agents commands
	- Fix css on index view of observation and monitoring
26-10-2022 (EP): v0.6.5.1
	- (Agent v2 async in progress...) 
	- added partial PRIO cmd management
	- Added Timeout management

26-10-2022 (EP): v0.6.5.0
	- Agent big update : towards Agent v2 async - already compatible with non sequential commands

25-10-2022 (AKo): v0.6.4.1
	- Change cmd form submit to dynamic with jquery post

21-10-2022 (EP): v0.6.4.0
	- Agent updates :
		- cleanup : methods are now either private, protected, or public, according to their role
		- CTRL-C managed sooner : no more at main_loop level but at restart_loop level
		- Misnamed commands managed and test error cases added to AgentBasic
		- nicer/easier reading of general algo
		- allow to send command to AgentXY even if AgentXY running in test mode (better managed but not yet completely ok, can crash agent...)
		- Stop : affiche le nom de l’agent qui s’arrete

21-10-2022 (AKo): v0.6.3.0
	- UI changes on agent detail
	- Handling badly nammed commands
	- add buttons to scroll to logs and cmd form, hide submit button when submitting form

20-10-2022 (AKo): v0.6.2.1
	- Add new field in cmd list (exec_time), fix issues with get_specific_cmds, try to improve performance of js script in agent_detail view
	- Change import of agents

18-10-2022 (AKo): v0.6.2.0
	- First version of dynamic agent cmd form
	- Adding AgentMCO
	- Fixing agentsst do_things_before_exit

17-10-2022 (AKo): v0.6.2.0
	- Ui changes on agent views
	- AgentSST fix restart_agent soft

14-10-2022 (AKo): v0.6.2.0
	- Add vue to render list of received&sent commands

13-10-2022 (AKo): v0.6.2.0
	- Fixing restarting agent in auto mode
	- Improving get_specific_cmds usage
	- Add new fields in agent detail command list
12-10-2022 (AKo): v0.6.1.0
	- Filter agent state api (not display state if agent is not updated since two days)
	- Update variable name in agent_detail & use method to check cmd status
	- Adding do_restart_agent soft/hard mode
	- Fixing display of get_specific_cmd error and sort

10-10-2022 (AKo): v0.6.1.0
	- fix wait time for agent detail view when agent isn't running
	- Adding image_calibration in tnc obs config
	- Fixing agentSST restarting agent in auto soft mode
08-10-2022 (EP): v0.6.0.2
	- Bugfix - Log agent state at each important state

07-10-2022 (EP): v0.6.0.1
	- Bugfix - Command (non running) exception should not stop agent

06-10-2022 (AKo): v0.6.0.0
	- Change typo in agent_detail, add agent state & mode, disabling button if agent not reachable
	- Adding titles, changes on css of agent detail, fix agentsst sender name

30-09-2022 (AKo): v0.5.7.0
	- AgentSST not longer restarting its agents if in test mode of soft mode in manual
	- Fixing Agent's test_commands_list iteration 
	- Add link to agentSST in its managed agents view
29-09-2022 (AKo): v0.5.6.0
	- Add agent per computer of agents obs config view 
	- Fix obsconfig view by adding agent plc
	- Add button to manage agents in agentsst view (start, restart, stop)
	- Improving loading speed of agent_detail view 
	- Add three agentsst in obsconfig 
	- Updating AgentSST name depending of the observatory configuration & updating AgentSurvey entry

28-09-2022 (AKo): v0.5.6.0
	- Add vuejs in agents_state (update informations every 4 secs)
	- Add new option for agentSST : start a specific agent

23-09-2022 (AKo): v0.5.5.0
	- Add flexible form for sending agent cmd
	- New implementation of Agent get_specific_cmds()	
	- Adapt agentSST to new signature of specific_cmds, add type hints to cmd functions
	- Synchronise agent (pyros_django) folder with privatedev/plugin/agent
	- Add agenttriton in tnc obsconfig & update hostname for AKo laptop

20-09-2022 (AKo): v0.5.4.1
	- Fixing value of sequence template for layout field (take the real value of the sequence)
	- Adding running command in agent state view (reload automatically)
	- Fixing logout form 
	- Change sender to username when sending cmd via website

08-09-2022 (AKo): v0.5.4.0
	- Add AgentTriton
	- Add dependencies section in tnc obs config
	- Add dependencies section in obs schema 
30-08-2022 (AKo): v0.5.3.2
	- Pyros container has fix hostname (hostname of local machine)
	- Adding switch of database if we're not in docker and not on the computer that host the database
	- Add fix IP adress for db_pyros and pyros container, updating database.env files to connect to db_pyros
	- Add new shell script for build (with verification that user isn't root)
	- Fixing endofline issue of windows
	- Update logout for Django 4.1 (Send form POST)
	- Fixing test with new logout call
	- Fixing warning of urls with regex 

29-08-2022 (AKo): v0.5.2.1
	- Adding colors for recieved and sended commands of an agent.
	- Renabling print when pulling git repo of guitastro
	- Update guiastro url 
	- Fixing guiastro siteobs in get_sun_elev()
	- Add send command to agent from website (generic commands)
	- Removing Pylon (Basler dependencies) in dockerfile

16-08-2022 (AKo): v0.5.1.0
	- Adding compilation of guitastro file into Dockerfile

12-08-2022 (AKo): v0.5.1.0
	- Adding AgentSST diagram (.pu)

08-08-2022 (AKo): v0.5.1.0
	- Adding better handling of import of root project path for agents
	- Adding nb_restart of an agent reset in AgentSST when (re)starting an agent
	- AgentSST : kill command now send do_exit (was sending do_abort) due to new implementation of those commands
	- Changing few guitastro import due to guitastro restructuration 
	- Fixing tests of obsconfig (with the addition of mandatory agents), skipping test of SP lifecycle cause bugged due to how agent works with (test) database
	- Fixing UI of topbar when not logged

12-07-2022 (AKo): v0.5.1.0
	- Change on naming of Agent (take his name from obsconfig)
	- Fixing AgentSST (Adding timeout of commands)
	- Fixing AgentImagesProccessor (remove override of agent's name)
	- Fixing agentSST start (was sending do_abort too soon after starting, fixing stop of agentSST wait properly agent to shutdown with do_abort command)
11-07-2022 (AKo): v0.5.1.0
	- Adding timeout color on agent_state view
	- Adding nb_try_max_restart in agentSST and in AgentSurvey models
	- Add current_nb_restart of agent in agent_state view

08-07-2022 (EP): v0.5.1
	- (SF04) Agents improvements : verified scenario (with expected_res field)

01-07-2022 (EP): v0.5
	- Changed version to v0.5 corresponding to PA1.2 (29-6-2022)
	- Lots of Agents

30-06-2022 (AKo): v0.4.15.2
	- Changing type of voltage and intensity from int to float for schema computer
	- Adding test mode for agentSST (send test mode to his agent, AgentSST doesn't have an test mode)
	- Adding another time limit to send again a command if this command was executed but nothing has changed (Between 25 and 30 seconds ago from now)
	- Enabling foreground parameter to True as default value for ExecProcessFromEnv (update, obsconfig, test, shell)

29-06-2022 (AKo): v0.4.15.1
	- Fixing issue with AgentSST (was sending multiple times the same command due to Agent iteration fast speed)
	- Fixing issue with (missing import)
	- Removing previous work with database.env file in 
	- Enabling foreground on pyros test command

28-06-2022 (AKo): v0.4.15.0
	- Fixing error in AgentSST when AgentSurvey hasn't any entry
	- Changing computer_name as key to hostname for get_agent_per_computer, Adapting agentSST default computer 
27-06-2022 (AKo): v0.4.15.0
	- Adding view to change software mode
	- Adding view to see agents status
	- Adding view to see agent log
	- Fixing agentSST error command not implemented
	- Adding Majordome Model
	- Adding AgentMajordome 
	- Renaming agentSST cmd parameters
	- Fixing agent do_exit, do_abort, do_restart
	- Change Agent status on do_exit (in cleanup method)
	- Adding do_start_agent for AgentSST

23-06-2022 (AKo): v0.4.14.0
	- Adding methods in obsconfig class to get home of unit and path_data_root of agent
	- Adding data folder at root of project with an README. Git will ignore all content outside of this file in this folder

20-06-2022 (AKo): v0.4.14.0
	- Fixing issues for PYROSW with Windows OS, Adding venv option actions (running pyros in actual venv) if there is one and we're not within docker's pyros container
	- Fixing AgentSST (renaming method properly)
17-06-2022 (AKo): v0.4.14.0
	- Adding Sequences pickles creation on submit to plannification
	- Renaming commands of AgentSST (Adding prefix 'do') and moving routine work to routine_process_after
	- Forcing foreground mode for shell command
	- Changing option of PYROSW wrapper from '--docker' to '--venv' 
	- Adding src/core/pyros_django/sequences_pickle to gitignore

16-06-2022 (AKo): v0.4.14.0
	- Improving / Fixing PYROSW script and PYROS.bat
	- Fixing obsconfig_class that made PyROS rewrite pickle when trying to read invalid value in pickle

07-06-2022 (AKo): v0.4.13.0
	- Adding foreground option for start command 

03-06-2022 (AKo): V0.4.12.0
	- Adding pyros stop command
	- Better implementation of do_things_before_exit for AgentSST

25-05-2022 (AKo): v0.4.11.0
	- Updating Agent constructor (removing RUNNIN_IN_THREAD)
	- Adding new start for (launching agentSST)
	- Add option foreground for new-start (if set, doesn't show output of pyros start)
	- Fixing AgentCmd create (create_cmd_for), Fixing init of device_command to parse cmd full_name into cmd name and args, Fixing agentSST methods/commands
	- Adding PORT value for database.env in settings
18-05-2022 (AKo): v0.4.10.0
	- Adding mandatory agents in obsconfig
	- Adding MissingMandatoryAgentException class
	- Adding env file for database for all obsconfig and reading in
	- Reworking .bat scripts to pass arguments like in bash

16-05-2022 (AKo): v0.4.9.0
	- Adding new init fixtures (prod & dev)
	- Fixing css issues (sidebar and dropdown) for mobile devices

05-05-2022 (AKo): v0.4.9.0
	- Adding export of weather history as csv file

04-05-2022 (AKo): v0.4.8.0
	- Adding "last_modified_by" in Sequence table
	- Allow all users of an scientific program to see all the sequences and edit or delete them. (Sequence are linked to an SP not only to an user)
	- Update F05 tests according those changes.
	- Changed display of datetimes in sequence_list (Now in ISO format)

29-04-2022 (AKo): v0.4.7.0
	- Adding AgentSST
	- Adding bash script to copy privatedev content into private folder
	- Updating observatory schema to add protocol to AGENT
	- Updating observatory configuration (guitalens, tnc)
	- Copy AgentSP, AgentScheduler in privatedev/plugin/agent and AgentM in privatedev/plugin/agent_devices/
	- Fixing css for monitoring and observation index pages
	- Fixing date format display for sequences list and add icon button to unsubmit sequence
	- Fixing agent build_agent function error while trying to get obs_config "is_real" attribute 
	- Add unique attribute to sequence name
	- Changed behavior of copy sequence : the copied sequence has a new default name (like we do when creating a sequence from scratch.)
	- Update .gitignore (Add private folder)

28-04-2022 (AKo): v0.4.6.0
	- Adding weather history view
	- time every new entry of weather history is added and last x minutes to plot are set up from config_pyros
	- adding env monitoring to config_pyros, update schema accordingly 
	- update WeatherWatchHistory models attributes to match those with WeatherWatch
	- WeatherWatchHistory entry makes a copy of WeatherWatch data

27-04-2022 (AKo): v0.4.5.0
	- Adding unsubmit button for sequences
	- Re-enabling cancel button for sequence (cancel = delete)
	- Fixing bug where "show more informations" button on plan view page was submitting form
	- Fixing issue with saveWeather for agentM

26-04-2022 (AKo): v0.4.4.1
	- Adding 3 full sequences to debris scientific program in initial fixture
	- Fixing view / edit page of sequences (new messages to explain errors/warnings)

25-04-2022 (AKo): v0.4.4.0
	- Adding PhpMyAdmin to docker-compose
	- Renaming "common" tables with a simplified name

15-04-2022 (AKo): v0.4.4.0
	- Adding WeatherWatchHistory usage (saving entry in AgentM, display in view current_weather)
	- Adding a small sublist of weatherwatch when loading the monitoring weather page

12-04-2022 (AKo): v0.4.3.0
	- Adding SP_Period in API
	- Adding guitastro gitclone and installation of guitastro's python package in docker_build
	- Addind git pull of guitastro in
	- Adding check if guitastro folder already exists in PYROS_DOCKER_BUILD
	- Removing vendor folder from .dockerignore"Removing vendor folder from .dockerignore
	- Fixing warning of current_uid variable for pyros_docker_start
	- Fixing Agent's init and build agent methods, adapt agentM and agentSP to it
	- Renaming plc agent name to AgentM
	- Adding Vue to weather monitoring, updating version of plotly

08-04-2022 (AKo): v0.4.2.0
	- Fixing for classic installation (without docker)
	- Add export for SP
	- Handling exceptions in
	- Add host option for pyros_api
	- Add button to go back to list of sequences when saving and made saving sequence redirecting to list of sequences
	- Fixing typo in base html to import fontawesome css 
	- Reordering channels, layouts and albums disposition in obsconfig/astronomer_view
	- Fixed eye button in device detail view
	- Add host_name for pyros (django)

24-03-2022 (EP): v0.4.1.0
	- Better requirements.txt files with pip-tools (using
	files) : for the Sphinx RST doc and for Guitastro
		==> fixed all packages version for python3.8.12

17-03-2022 (EP): v0.4.0.0 (PA1.1)
	- Version for the PA1.1 CNES, which includes :
		- auto generation of the API doc via Sphinx for guitastro and codestyle (pyros coming later) (in /doc/doc_rst/) (via install/update)
		- code style exemples (in /doc/codestyle_examples/) (with sphinx autogenerated doc)
		- (TBC) auto installation of Guitastro C/C++ dependencies via Dockerfile (python dependencies still installed via
		- seraration of requirements.txt files for guitastro, sphinx doc, and pyros (plus requirements_dev.txt files for DEV mode)
		- DEV mode (true by default) : installs ALSO requirements_dev.txt

24-02-2022 (AKo): v0.3.9.0
	- Add tests for F05
	- Format documents to pep8 
	- Update script
	- Add TOKEN file to .gitignore and test_import_seq.yml
	- change in MountPointing.yml, target is set to be always editable (is_editable = True)

21-02-2022 (AKo): v0.3.8.0
	- Improve pyros_api with (click) commands 
	- Add view to get all sequences within a date period (start_date and end_date)

18-02-2022 (AKo): v0.3.7.0
	- Add API url to get a full sequence (i.e. with albums and plans)
	- Add API urls for querying Plan and Album models
	- API : Small improvements on checking who is querying (if Admin can see all, if not the view is restricted)
	- Upgrade fontawesome version (from version 4 to version 6)
	- Replace edit, delete, copy (i.e. global buttons) by icons with tooltips
	- Upgrade Mysql version 
	- Fix sql queries for mysql 8.0
	- Add pyros_user in sequence list and detail
	- Add description field in observatories configuration 
	- Add those description as tooltips when they are displayed sequence fields 
	- Add local fontawesome css
	- Rename configpyros properly (ConfigPyros)
	- Fix dockerfile issue with permission (uid needs to be the same as the host)

08-02-2022 (AKo) : v0.3.6.0
	- Add DRF (Django Rest Framework) to requirements
	- Add Pyros API (User and sequences with sequence submission)
	- Add PyrosAPI script to use the API via Python command line
	- Fixed error when submitting the sequence : the period wasn't associated

07-02-2022 (AKo) : v0.3.5.0
	- Adding INVENTORY section to observatory configuration
	- Logout now redirect to home page

04-02-2022 (AKo) : v0.3.4.0
	- Adding VERSION file reading to get version number
	- Adding configpyros class and renaming previous ConfigPyros class to obsconfig to avoid confusion 
	- Adding configpyros parameters to pyros (settings)
	- Adding Sequence submission by file (import) or sequence copy
	- Adding Sequence export (as is and as template)
	- Fixing obs_astronomer_config webpage according the new obsconfig (layouts and albums)
	- Fixing obsconfig tests with obsconfig changes (layouts and albums)
	- Adding pagination to sequence, users, scientific program

12-01-2022 (AKo) : v0.3.3.0
	- Reworking schema, obsconfig and configpyros with layouts and albums
	- Adapting sequence form according to obsconfig changes (albums automatially created)

6-01-2022 (AKo) : v0.3.2.0
	- Adding git pull in PYROS_DOCKER_UPDATE before executing update within container
	- Adding attributes in models : period in Sequence, complete in Plan
	- Adding methods and Manager for ScientificProgram table
	- Adding new method on configpyros that returns the horizon line of the unit
	- Updating sequence validator and re-enabling sequence submission 
	- Modification on Sequence form : adding horizon line, ordering fields, print messages on webpage when saving / submitting sequence
	- Adding Sequences list on SP_Period detail view
	- Adding Scientific Program in user detail view
	- Update columns of list of sequences in sequences_list view 

06-01-2022 (EP) : v0.3.1.3
	- format fixe des messages de log => plus lisible
	- clean messages logs dans AgentC, Agent, et => c'est plus propre (et plus verbeux seulement en mode debug)
	- bugfix quelques messages log avec virgule...
	- ajout quelques log debug dans AgentM
	- script PYROS_DOCKER_RUN démarre le serveur web et l'agentM en mode debug

05-01-2022 (EP) : v0.3.1.1
	- log agents : 1 dossier par agent
	- => format simplifié = print() 

05-01-2022 (EP) : v0.3.1.0
	- New pyros logger : src/ 

08-12-2021 (EP) : v0.3.0.0
	- new script, wrapper on
	- added this CHANGELOG file