8.72 KB
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import os
import sys
import json

SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.expanduser(__file__))))
sys.path.append(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, PACKAGE_PARENT)))

#(EP renamed) from utils.Device import Device
from utils.DeviceSim import DeviceSim
from utils.StatusManager import StatusManager

#(EP renamed) class PLCSimulator(Device, StatusManager):
class PLCSimulator(DeviceSim, StatusManager):
    # (EP) This simulator will generate some events ?
    status = {
        "name": "STATUS", "from": "Beckhoff", "version_firmware": "20170809", "site": "OSM-Mexico",
        "date": "2017-03-03T13:45:00",
        "device": [{"name": "WXT520", "type": "meteo", "serial_number": "14656423", "valid": "yes",
                    "values": [
                        {"name": "OutsideTemp", "value": 12.12, "unit": "Celcius", "comment": ""},
                        {"name": "OutsideHumidity", "value": 64.1, "unit": "percent", "comment": ""},
                        {"name": "Pressure", "value": 769.2, "unit": "mbar", "comment": "At site elevation"},
                        {"name": "RainRate", "value": 0.0, "unit": "mm/h", "comment": ""},
                        {"name": "WindSpeed", "value": 3.1, "unit": "m/s", "comment": ""},
                        {"name": "WindDir", "value": 202.3, "unit": "deg", "comment": "(N=0, E=90)"},
                        {"name": "DewPoint", "value": 8.3, "unit": "deg", "comment": ""}
                   {"name": "DRD11", "type": "meteo", "serial_number": "RET6789", "valid": "yes",
                    "values": [
                        {"name": "analog", "value": 2.345, "unit": "V", "comment": "3V=Dry <2.5V=Rain"},
                        {"name": "digital", "value": 1, "unit": "bool", "comment": "1=Dry 0=Rain"}
                   {"name": "VantagePro", "type": "meteo", "serial_number": "ERTRY2344324", "valid": "no",
                    "values": [
                        {"name": "OutsideTemp", "value": 12.45, "unit": "Celcius", "comment": ""},
                        {"name": "InsideTemp", "value": 20.28, "unit": "Celcius", "comment": ""},
                        {"name": "OutsideHumidity", "value": 65.3, "unit": "percent", "comment": ""},
                        {"name": "InsideHumidity", "value": 45.6, "unit": "percent", "comment": ""},
                        {"name": "Pressure", "value": 768.7, "unit": "mbar", "comment": "At site elevation"},
                        {"name": "RainRate", "value": 0.0, "unit": "mm/h", "comment": ""},
                        {"name": "WindSpeed", "value": 2.8, "unit": "m/s", "comment": ""},
                        {"name": "WindDir", "value": 207.0, "unit": "deg", "comment": "(N=0, E=90)"},
                        {"name": "WindDirCardinal", "value": "SW", "unit": "string", "comment": ""},
                        {"name": "DewPoint", "value": 8.5, "unit": "deg", "comment": ""}
                   {"name": "MLX90614-1", "type": "meteo", "serial_number": "Unknown", "valid": "yes",
                    "values": [
                        {"name": "SensorTemperature", "value": 23.56, "unit": "Celcius", "comment": ""},
                        {"name": "SkyTemperature", "value": -15.67, "unit": "Celcius",
                         "comment": "Clear<-10 VeryCloudy>4"}
                   {"name": "LAMP_FLAT_CAGIRE", "type": "calib", "serial_number": "REF_3434", "valid": "yes",
                    "values": [
                        {"name": "status", "value": "on", "unit": "string", "comment": "on or off"},
                        {"name": "current", "value": 0.234, "unit": "Ampere", "comment": ""}
                   {"name": "LAMP FLAT CAGIRE", "type": "calib", "serial_number": "REF_3434", "valid": "yes",
                    "values": [
                        {"name": "status", "value": "on", "unit": "string", "comment": "on or off"},
                        {"name": "current", "value": 0.234, "unit": "Ampere", "comment": ""}
        "mode": "AUTO",
        "is_safe": True

    list = {"name": "LIST", "from": "Beckhoff", "version_firmware": "20170809", "site": "OSM-Mexico",
            "date": "2017-03-03T13:42:46",
            "command": [
                {"name": "LIST", "type": "",
                 "parameters": ""
                {"name": "SATUS", "type": "",
                 "parameters": ""
                {"name": "LAMP_FLAT_CAGIRE", "type": "calib",
                 "parameters": [
                     {"name": "value", "unit": "string", "comment": "on or off", "default": ""},
                     {"name": "current", "unit": "Ampere", "comment": "", "default": "0.345"}

    def __init__(self, argv):
        # DeviceSim init
        # Listen to its own ip and port (the PLC's)
        #EP added
        if (len(argv) > 1):
            self.setStatusManager("plcSimulator", argv)
            self.EVENT_GENERATOR = True

    def plcPrint(self, string: str):
        if DEBUG_FILE:
            print("PLCSimulator : " + string)

    def updateStatus(self, i: int):
        for dic in self.sims:
            # ex: dic is like "plcSimulator" : {"device_name":"VantagePro", "value_name":"RainRate", "value":12.0} 
            if (int(dic["time"]) == i):
                change = dic[self.status_name] # ex: {"device_name":"VantagePro", "value_name":"RainRate", "value":12.0} 
                device_name = change["device_name"] # ex: VantagePro
                devices = self.status["device"]
                for device in devices:
                    if device["name"] == device_name:
                        values = device["values"]
                        # ex: for VantagePro
                        # values =
                        # {"name": "OutsideTemp", "value": 12.45, "unit": "Celcius", "comment": ""},
                        # {"name": "InsideTemp", "value": 20.28, "unit": "Celcius", "comment": ""},
                        for value in values:
                            if value["name"] == change["value_name"]:
                                # This will indirectly update self.status
                                value["value"] = change["value"]
        return 0

    def handleConnections(self):
        print("number of connexions to handle: "+str(len(self.connections)))
        for conn in self.connections:
            print("current connexion: ")
            data = self.readBytes(1024, conn)
            answer = "["
            count = False
            #if data != "" and self.isError(data) is False:
            if data != "" and not self.isError(data):
                json_array = json.loads(data)
                command_list = json_array["command"]
                for command in command_list:
                    if command["name"] == "STATUS":
                        if count:
                            answer += ','
                        answer += json.dumps(self.status)
                        count = True
                    elif command["name"] == "LIST":
                        if count:
                            answer += ','
                        answer += json.dumps(self.status)
                        count = True
                        print("command received by PLC simulator : [>>> "+ str(command["name"]) + " <<<] unknown")
                answer += ']'
                if len(answer) > 0 and answer != "[]":
                    self.sendMessage(answer, conn)
        return (0)

    def loop(self):
        i = 0

        if (self.EVENT_GENERATOR and self.ended==0):
            self.plcPrint("No entry for PLC found in config file : " + self.config_file)
            return False
        while (True):
            print("\n\n\nIteration "+str(i)+" :")
            if self.EVENT_GENERATOR: self.updateStatus(i)
            if (self.isConnected()):
            i += 1
            if (self.EVENT_GENERATOR and i > self.ended): return (0)
        return True

    def run(self):
        if DEBUG_FILE:
            print("PLC simulator running...")
        if self.EVENT_GENERATOR and not self.parse(): return False
        return self.loop()
        #return (0)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    sim = PLCSimulator(sys.argv)