device_FLI_Kepler4040_sn2821221.yml 3.09 KB
# Schema file to check the syntax of this config file
schema: schema_device-2.0.yml

# Here is the description of the configuration of an isolated device

    _inventory_label: CAM-FLI-2821221
    _manufacturer: FLI
    _model: Kepler4040
    _description: "Camera FLI CMOS" # opt str
    _sn: KL2821221
        _voltage: 220
        _intensity: 10
        _socket: "CEE 7/7 2P+T"
        _input: "male 3 inches"
        _output: USB3
        - CAPABILITY:
            component: DetectorSensor
                - attribute:
                    key: manufacturer
                    value: GSense4040

                - attribute:
                    key: _model
                    value: MN34230

                - attribute:
                    key: _type
                    value: CMOS
                - attribute:
                    key: _exposuretime
                    value: 1.0
                    liminf: 1e-5
                    limsup: 600
                    is_editable: True
                - attribute:  
                    key: binnings
                        _binxy:       [ [1,1] ]
                        _readouttime: [     6 ]
                    is_editable: False
                - attribute:
                    key: _celldimx
                    value: 9e-6
                - attribute:
                    key: _celldimy
                    value: 9e-6
                - attribute:
                    key: _cellnbx
                    value: 4096
                - attribute:
                    key: _cellnby
                    value: 4096

                - attribute:
                    key: _color
                    value: None
                - attribute:
                    key: _qdes
                        _wavelengths:  [379e-9, 380e-9, 1100e-9, 1101e-9]
                        _qde: [0.0,       0.9,     0.9,     0.0]
                - attribute:
                    key: electronic
                         _gain_manufacturer: ["merge", "high", "low"]
                         _gain_eadu:         [1.10 1.57  20.99] # e/adu
                         _readout_noise:     [4.19 6.37 33.97] # e
                         _readout_signal:    [145, 157, 85] # adu
                         _saturation_level:  [65535, 4096, 4096] # adu

        - CAPABILITY:
            component: DetectorShutter
                - attribute:
                    key: manufacturer
                    value: FLI

                - attribute:
                    key: _model
                    value: None

                - attribute:
                    key: _type
                    value: ['rolling']

                - attribute:
                    key: _modes
                    value: ["opened"]
                    is_editable: False