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Welcome in the GuitAstro Device DeltaTau module documentation

1. What is GuitAstro Device DeltaTau?

GuitAstro is a Python module that provides classes and methods to write scripts for astronomical observations. GuitAstro wraps the classical astronomical Python modules (AstroPy, etc.) and adds functionalities.

All information are provided in the Git repository

GuitAstro Device DeltaTau is a complement of GuitAstro to add the class device_deltatau. By this way, it is possible to use mount, filter wheel and focuser driven by DeltaTau.

DeltaTau provides a motion controler between application (as GuitAstro) to drive telescope motors.


DeltaTau Logo.

2. Installation of Guitastro Device DeltaTau

See the documentation of GuitAstro. The principles are exactly the same. The main folder guitastro_device_deltatau must lie at the same tree level than guitastro as shown below:

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3. External resources

No external source is needed.

4. Some very simple tests

5. Example collection

6. Class and method documentation

For developers of Python code of GuitAstro:

The classes of GuitAstro Devices DeltaTau.