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Guitastro Device ASTROMECCA library

GUITAstro stands for General Use of Instruments and Telescopes in ASTROnomy.

GuitAstro is a Python module that provides classes and methods to write easily Python scripts for astronomical observations.

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Guitastro device Astromecca complete Guitastro to provide access to ASTROMECCA focuser drivers:

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Few basic examples of use

First example: To connect a Astromecca controler and drive a focuser:

import guitastro
import guitastro_device_astromecca

dev = guitastro_device_astromecca.Device_Astromecca()
dev.commandstring("focuser SET target 50000")
dev.commandstring("focuser GOTO")

Guitastro functionalities

GuitAstro device Astromecca wraps the driver functions dispatched into the classe:

  • Device_Astromecca: Manage device Astromecca drivers.

This class inheritate from the classes Component* of Guitastro. As a consequece, it is needed to install Guitastro before using Guitastro Astromecca.

A complete documentation can be generated from .rst files in the folder doc/doc_rst

Support and contact

The main author is