readme_pkg_renew.txt 4.67 KB
 Solar Wind Model :  LAST UPDATE 2015.9.3

Step1. input file
Step2. MHD simulation
Step3. output file

---------------Step1. input file -----------------------------------
input file format:
 ,input radius [AU],input longitude [deg],output radius [AU],output longitude [deg], ###data_flag(datalack=1, data=0)###

 ex. tmpmar2006all/OM2006_dt1hmar.txt
      184120200   8.70000e+00   9.76170e+04   3.64533e+02  -1.33668e+01  -1.27383e+01   6.00000e-01   3.20000e+00  -3.20000e+00   9.92549e-01   3.86900e+01   1.45337e+00   4.14146e+01   0.00000e+00
      184123800   9.90000e+00   1.23962e+05   3.73407e+02   5.86594e+00  -2.02255e+01   1.60000e+00  -2.50000e+00  -3.20000e+00   9.92538e-01   3.87317e+01   1.45342e+00   4.14385e+01   0.00000e+00
      184127400   9.50000e+00   1.35123e+05   3.72683e+02   1.95138e+00  -3.12955e+01   2.60000e+00  -4.00000e+00  -3.00000e-01   9.92527e-01   3.87734e+01   1.45347e+00   4.14624e+01   0.00000e+00

*Any time step is O.K. --> obsered time step

*For inward propagation (venus etc.), please reverse time sequence as follows.
      255137400   5.90000e+00   9.81480e+04   4.43997e+02  -4.64970e+00  -2.94919e+01  -7.20000e+00   5.20000e+00  -2.80000e+00   9.85225e-01   1.31472e+02   7.24292e-01   2.33151e+02   1.00000e+00
      255133800   6.80000e+00   1.58901e+05   4.59303e+02  -1.76446e+01  -3.53675e+01  -6.10000e+00   4.60000e+00  -1.50000e+00   9.85219e-01   1.31430e+02   7.24287e-01   2.33084e+02   0.00000e+00
      255130200   1.09000e+01   2.95218e+05   4.48218e+02  -3.37017e+01  -3.69543e+01  -5.50000e+00   4.80000e+00   6.00000e-01   9.85213e-01   1.31388e+02   7.24281e-01   2.33018e+02   0.00000e+00

cf. input file format for old version:
 ,input radius [AU],input longitude [deg],output radius [AU],output longitude [deg]

---------------Step2. MHD simulation -----------------------------------

Please prepare:
 namelist, sw.out (exe file), folder for temporary files

in the namelist

For all processes:
>        idp_in=1     ! input-data production process (=1 exec)
>        idp_prop=1   ! propagation simulation (=1 exec)
>        idp_out=1    ! output-data production process (=1 exec)

If you already have tmpXXX_in.txt files (XXX: reference angle),
 you can skip first process as follows:
>        idp_in=0     ! input-data production process (=1 exec)
>        idp_prop=1   ! propagation simulation (=1 exec)
>        idp_out=1    ! output-data production process (=1 exec)

If you already have tmpXXX_in.txt and tmpXXX_out.txt files,
 you can only do the last process as follows:
>        idp_in=0     ! input-data production process (=1 exec)
>        idp_prop=0   ! propagation simulation (=1 exec)
>        idp_out=1    ! output-data production process (=1 exec)
"reference angles" please use >= 2 (not 1) reference angles
>        angref(1)=0.,60.,120.,180.,240.,300.
>        angref(1)=0.,60.

For outward propagation,
>        idprop=1     ! propagation (1:outward, -1:inward)
For inward propagation,
>        idprop=-1     ! propagation (1:outward, -1:inward)

Please check the inner and outer boundaries according to your interest.
>        xmin1=0.3 !--inner boundary
>        xmax1=1.3 !--for inner propagation (venus etc.)
>        xmax1=2.3 !--for earth-mars
>        xmax1=10.3 !--for earth-jupiter,saturn

The case for xmin1 < 0.25 is under checking.
Please set 0.3 < xmin1 < 1.
Please set 1 < xmax1

---------------Step3. output file -----------------------------------

output file format:
time yyyy mm dd hh mm ss, density[/cc],Temperature[K],Vx[km/s],Vy[km/s],By[nT]
 , dynamic pressure [nPa], longitude difference between input and output [deg]
 , data lack flag (1=lack, 0=data)

 ex. tmpven2007all/test2007ven.txt (L4536-4538)
2007 01 01 00:00:00  8.14044E-01  1.97411E+05  3.87022E+02  3.41517E+01  2.85651E+00  2.05212E-01  1.54861E+02  0.00000E+00
2007 01 01 01:00:00  7.45884E-01  1.53887E+05  3.77959E+02  3.62930E+01  2.68021E+00  1.79583E-01  1.54834E+02  0.00000E+00
2007 01 01 02:00:00  7.27376E-01  1.30618E+05  3.66950E+02  3.89924E+01  2.66554E+00  1.65412E-01  1.54806E+02  0.00000E+00

* output with time resolution of dtr*touts (e.g. 300*12=3600sec=1h)

* output file might include artificial variations
 before/after input solar wind is propagated.
 Please check referring to the calcurated variation
 (not constant values)