AstroCat.dtd 8.02 KB

This DTD describes the format of an XML catalog server description file.
There are two types of XML files that use this DTD:

  1: A top level catalog directory file (see conf/AstroCat.xml), which
     lists only the names and types of catalogs that are defined

  2: A catalog description file that describes the query parameters for a
     single catalog.  In this case, the XML file describes the parameters
     and the catalog server URL. 
In the first case, the XML file contains a list of catalogs. The
"path" attribute of a catalog element can point to another XML file
describing the catalog server in more detail, or the "class" attribute
can point to a Java class that implements a catalog directory.  If no
path or class attributes are given, the catalog is expected be defined
elsewhere (for example, in the skycat.cfg file). Such entries are
included in the AstroCat.xml file, so that they appear in the catalog
menu in the user interface. Only catalogs in the top level directory
appear in the menu. The others are only accessible via the catalog
tree widget.
Plot symbol descriptions may be included in either type of XML file.
When you edit the plot symbol descriptions in the user interface, they
are saved in the ~/.jsky3/AstroCat.xml file and override the
descriptions in the detailed XML files.

$Id: AstroCat.dtd,v 1.2 2009/02/23 21:23:43 abrighto Exp $

<!-- The ASTROCAT_DTD_VERSION is updated whenever the structure or content
     of the DTD is altered.

<!-- catalogs is the top level element and contains a list of catalog elements.

     The root element is required to have a version attribute set to
     the value of the DTD used in the document.
<!ELEMENT catalogs (catalog)+>
<!ATTLIST catalogs
          version   CDATA #FIXED "1.0"

<!-- A catalog element describes one HTTP based catalog server


     id                a short identifier for the catalog

     name              the display name of the catalog

     description       a short description of the catalog (also used for copyright notice)

     docURL            a URL pointing to documentation for the catalog

     type              identifies the type of the catalog 
                       (one of "catalog", "archive", "imagesvr", "directory", "namesvr", ...)

     protocol          protocol for catalog access (default: http, "file" for local catalogs)

     host              the host name for HTTP access

     port              the port number for HTTP access (default: 80)

     path              the path for HTTP access, without parameters

     class             This can be the path name of a Java class that implements the method:
                       "public static CatalogDirectory getDirectory(AstroCatalog cat)"
                       for catalog directories, or:
                       "public static Catalog getCatalog(AstroCatalog cat)" for catalogs.

<!ELEMENT catalog (params?, symbols?)>
<!ATTLIST catalog
          id               CDATA #IMPLIED
          name             CDATA #REQUIRED
          description      CDATA #IMPLIED
          docURL           CDATA #IMPLIED
          type             CDATA #IMPLIED
          protocol         CDATA #IMPLIED
          host             CDATA #IMPLIED
          port             CDATA #IMPLIED
          path             CDATA #IMPLIED
          class            CDATA #IMPLIED

<!-- params contains a list of param elements describing the catalog's query parameters.
<!ELEMENT params (param)+>

<!-- A param element describes one catalog server parameter


     id                the parameter name used in the URL or command line

     name              the display name of the parameter

     description       a short description of the parameter

     value             the default value of the parameter

     (The following attributes are needed for center position and radius related parameters)

     type              the parameter type (used to identify key parameters for cone search)
                       for example: "ra", "dec", "radec", "radius", "equinox", "epoch". 
		       May also be "hidden", if the parameter should be included in the URL, but 
		       not displayed (in which case the "value" attribute should be defined).

     units             units of the parameter: for example: "arcmin", "arcsec", "deg", "hours"

     format            the format that the server expects the parameter in 
                       for example: "h:m:s", "d:m:s", "h m s", "d m s", "hours", "deg"
<!ELEMENT param (options)?>
<!ATTLIST param
          id               CDATA #REQUIRED
          name             CDATA #REQUIRED
          description      CDATA #REQUIRED
          value            CDATA #IMPLIED
          type             CDATA #IMPLIED
          units            CDATA #IMPLIED
          format           CDATA #IMPLIED

<!-- options contains a list of option elements describing a parameter's possible values
<!ELEMENT options (option)+>

<!-- An option element describes one of the possible parameter values


     name              the display name of this option

     value             the value to use for this option
<!ATTLIST option
          name             CDATA #REQUIRED
          value            CDATA #REQUIRED

<!-- symbols contains a list of plot symbol definitions that describe how to plot rows in
     a table returned from this catalog as an image overlay. 
<!ELEMENT symbols (symbol)+>

<!-- A symbol element describes how to plot a row in a table returned from a query to this


     name            a name to display for this symbol definition in a property editor

     description     an optional description of this plot symbol definition

     raCol           Optional index of the center position RA column (default 1)

     decCol          Optional index of the center position Dec column (default 2)

     equinox         Optional equinox of RA and DEC (default J2000)

     columnsUsed     a space separated list of column names that are used as variables in expressions 
                     (default: none).

     shape           the shape of the plot symbol: one of :"circle", "square", "plus",
	             "cross", "triangle", "diamond", "ellipse", "compass", "line", "arrow"
		     (default: "circle")

     color           the symbol's color: one of: "black", "blue", "cyan", "darkGray","gray", 
	             "green", "lightGray", "magenta", "orange", "pink", "red",  "white", "yellow"
		     (default: "white")

     The following five attributes may all be expressions in Java syntax using column names as variables.

     condition       the symbol is only drawn if the condition evaluates to true (default: true)

     ratio           the x/y ratio (ellipticity ratio) of the symbol (default: 1)

     angle           the rotation angle, from WCS north, in degrees (default: 0)

     label           a text label to display next to the symbol (default: no label)

     size            the size (radius) of the symbol in the given units (default: 5 pixels)

     units           the units of the symbol size: one of: "deg" (WCS degrees),
                     "image" (image pixels, default)
<!ATTLIST symbol
          name           CDATA #IMPLIED
          description    CDATA #IMPLIED
          raCol          CDATA #IMPLIED
          decCol         CDATA #IMPLIED
          equinox        CDATA #IMPLIED
          columnsUsed    CDATA #IMPLIED
          shape          CDATA #IMPLIED
          color          CDATA #IMPLIED
          condition      CDATA #IMPLIED
          ratio          CDATA #IMPLIED
          angle          CDATA #IMPLIED
          label          CDATA #IMPLIED
          size           CDATA #IMPLIED
          units          CDATA #IMPLIED>