07 May, 2021
3 commits
06 May, 2021
11 commits
with bootstrap cards. dynamically display categories annd labels.
Activated menu is done with ul opening and li color Activation used to be triggered on menu item click. It is now triggered on page load thank to a specific span syntax.
Included in any graphs allow to choose the export format
30 Apr, 2021
1 commit
26 Apr, 2021
4 commits
22 Apr, 2021
1 commit
From http://bl.ocks.org/Rokotyan/0556f8facbaf344507cdc45dc3622177 By Nikita Rokotyan
21 Apr, 2021
5 commits
pages agent and project
16 Apr, 2021
3 commits
We make sure an updated asset will be reloaded by the navigator. Preventing file css and css caching is done with an url like: `static/css/filename.css?v=0.3.1` wich url changes for each new released version.
When period name is like '2021', was considered as a category to plot.
12 Apr, 2021
6 commits
used to forget first category value
- calling js build_chart() with new 'project' arg - through new route
10 Apr, 2021
6 commits