1.96 KB
from flask import render_template

from . import bp

from app.models import Agent, Project, Service, Capacity, Period

def index():
    return render_template('index.html', subtitle="Page d'accueil")

def services():
    # get services list
    all_services = Service.query.order_by(
    num_services = len(all_services)
    # pass to template
    return render_template('services.html', subtitle="Liste des services ({})".format(num_services),

def projects():
    # get projects list
    all_projects = Project.query.order_by(
    num_projects = len(all_projects)
    # pass to template
    return render_template('projects.html', subtitle="Liste des projets ({})".format(num_projects),

def agents():
    # get agents list
    all_agents = Agent.query.order_by(Agent.firstname).all()
    num_agents = len(all_agents)
    # pass to template
    return render_template('agents.html', subtitle="Liste des agents ({})".format(num_agents),

def capacities():
    # get capacities list
    all_capacities = Capacity.query.order_by(
    num_capacities = len(all_capacities)
    # pass to template
    return render_template('capacities.html', subtitle="Liste des fonctions ({})".format(num_capacities),

def periods():
    # get capacities list
    all_periods = Period.query.order_by(
    num_periods = len(all_periods)
    # pass to template
    return render_template('periods.html', subtitle="Liste des périodes ({})".format(num_periods),

def add_charge():
    return render_template('charge.html', subtitle="Affecter un agent")