Copyright (C) 1996 The Regents of the University of California, All
  Rights Reserved.  Written by Matthew W. Craig.

  The original package may be distributed for free by anybody, anywhere, 
  as long as the entire package is distributed, including the COPYRIGHT.

  Permissions for distributing modifications of the official 
  distribution are below.

  If you want to distribute it commercially (e.g. as part of a CD or book), 
  please contact the author. In almost all cases permission will be granted.

  Of course, RSI could save us all of this trouble by simply including 
  TeXtoIDL in its IDL distribution :). 

  Feel free to modify the code as you see fit for local use.  

  In the interst of avoiding a plethora of individual versions running 
  around, I would prefer that you not distribute modify versions without 
  first contacting me. However:
	+ If you try to contact me at the email address in the README file 
	  and don't get a response within two weeks, you have 
	  permission to post it wherever you'd like, BUT
	+ If you post a modified version, please make it clear (by 
	  putting a line or two into the file called LOCAL_MODIFCATIONS) that 
	  the version you are distributing has been modified and 
	  what modifications you have made, AND
	+ Please keep a copy of the original COPYRIGHT notice in the file.

  There is none.  I hope you find the code useful, though.  See the
file DISCLAIMER for lots of details about exactly what no warranty