6.14 KB
;   Craig B. Markwardt, NASA/GSFC Code 662, Greenbelt, MD 20770
;   Normalize a Good Time Interval (GTI) - no overlapping and adjoining
;   A good time interval is by definition a list of intervals which
;   represent "good" or acceptable portions of the real number line.
;   In this library a GTI is a 2xNINTERVAL array where NINTERVAL is
;   the number of intervals.
;   The numbers in the array represent the start and stop times of
;   each interval.  Thus, the array [[0,10],[20,30],[40,50]] represent
;   intervals ranging from 0-10, 20-30 and 40-50.  Formally, this
;   example GTI represents times which would satisfy the following
;   expression, for each time T and interval number i:
;       T GE GTI(0,i) AND T LT GTI(1,i)
;   Note that the endpoint is closed on the left but open on the
;   right.
;   However, not every 2xNINTERVAL array is a valid or "normalized"
;   GTI as used by this library.  The array must satisfy several
;   conditions:
;      * time ordered (ascending)
;      * no overlapping intervals
;      * no adjoining intervals (intervals that start and stop at the
;        same point; e.g. the point 10 in this array [[0,10],[10,20]])
;   A user who desires to create his or her own GTI array can proceed
;   as follows.
;   First, the array is placed in time order.  This can be
;   accomplished simply using the built-in function SORT.  This
;   statement sorts the array by start times.
;       GTI = GTI(*, SORT(GTI(0,*)))
;   Second, the GTITRIM function is used to fully normalize the set of
;   intervals:
;       GTI = GTITRIM(GTI)
;   After these two procedures the GTI is considered valid and can be
;   passed to the other routines of the library.  Of course if the
;   user can guarantee the above requirements without using GTITRIM
;   then this is acceptable as well.
;   It should be noted that this function is not constrained to
;   operation only on time arrays.  It should work on any
;   one-dimensional quantity with intervals.
;   GTI - a 2xNINTERVAL array where NINTERVAL is the number of
;         intervals.  GTI(*,i) represents the start and stop times of
;         interval number i.  The intervals must be non-overlapping
;         and time-ordered (use GTITRIM to achieve this).
;         A scalar value of zero indicates that the GTI is empty, ie,
;         there are no good intervals.
;   MAXGAP - Maximum allowable gap for merging existing good time
;            intervals.  Intervals with gaps smaller than MAXGAP will
;            be combined into a single interval.
;            Default: 0   (any gap keeps intervals separate)
;   MINGTI - Minimum size interval.  If any interval is smaller than
;            MINGTI then it is discarded.
;            Default: 0   (all intervals are preserved)
;   COUNT - upon return, the number of resulting intervals.  A value
;           of zero indicates no good time intervals.
;   A new GTI array containing the normalized intervals.  The array is
;   2xCOUNT where COUNT is the number of resulting intervals.
;   GTI(*,i) represents the start and stop times of interval number i.
;   The intervals are non-overlapping and time-ordered.
;   If COUNT is zero then the returned array is a scalar value of
;   zero, indicating no good intervals were found.
;   Written, CM, 1997-2001
;   Documented, CM, Apr 2001
;   Corrected bug which bypassed MIN/MAXGTI, CM, 20 Jul 2003
;  $Id:,v 1.7 2006/10/22 09:50:09 craigm Exp $
; Copyright (C) 1997-2001, 2003, Craig Markwardt
; This software is provided as is without any warranty whatsoever.
; Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute modified or
; unmodified copies is granted, provided this copyright and disclaimer
; are included unchanged.

function gtitrim, gti, maxgap=maxgap, mingti=mingti, maxgti=maxgti, $
                  count=count, query=query

  if keyword_set(query) then return, 1

  count = 0L
  ngti = n_elements(gti)
  if n_elements(maxgap) EQ 0 then maxgap = 0D
  if n_elements(mingti) EQ 0 then mingti = 0D

  ;; Case of empty GTI
  if ngti LT 2 then return, 0L

  ;; Case of single GTI
  if ngti EQ 2 then begin
      if gti(1) - gti(0) LT mingti then return, 0L
      count = 1L
      newgti = reform(gti, 2, 1)
      goto, GTI_CHECKS

  newgti = gti
  ngti = ngti/2
  ;; Check for gaps, spaces between GTIs
  gaps = newgti(0,1:*) - newgti(1,*)
  wh = where(gaps GT maxgap, ct)
  if ct EQ 0 then begin
      ;; All of the gaps are too small
      newgti = reform([min(newgti), max(newgti)], 2, 1)
  endif else if ct GT 0 AND ct LT ngti-1 then begin
      ;; Remake the GTI, removing the gaps
      vgti = reform(make_array(2, ct+1, value=newgti(0)), 2, ct+1, /overwrite)
      vgti(0,0)  = min(newgti)
      vgti(1,ct) = max(newgti)
      vgti(1,0:ct-1) = newgti(1,wh)
      vgti(0,1:ct)   = newgti(0,wh+1)
      newgti = temporary(vgti)

  ;; Remove too-small GTIs
  dur = newgti(1,*) - newgti(0,*)
  wh = where(dur GE mingti, count)
  if count GT 0 then newgti = newgti(*,wh) else newgti = 0L
  if count GT 0 then newgti = reform(newgti, 2, count, /overwrite)

  if count GT 0 AND n_elements(maxgti) GT 0 then begin
      maxgti1 = maxgti(0)
      nper = (newgti(1,*)-newgti(0,*)) / maxgti1
      iper = ceil(nper)
      totgti = total(iper)
      if maxgti1 GT 0 AND totgti GT count then begin
          vzero = newgti(0) & vzero(0) = 0
          newgti2 = make_array(2, totgti, value=vzero)
          j = 0L
          for i = 0L, count-1 do begin
              if iper(i) EQ 1 then begin
                  newgti2(*,j) = newgti(*,i)
              endif else begin
                  for k = 0, iper(i)-1 do $
                    newgti2(*,j+k) = [ newgti(0,i)+maxgti1*k, $
              j = j + iper(i)

          count = totgti
          newgti = reform(newgti2,2,totgti)

  return, newgti