8 KB
;   Craig B. Markwardt, NASA/GSFC Code 662, Greenbelt, MD 20770
;   Write a single variable to an open SAVE file
;   CMSVWRITE writes a single IDL variable to an open IDL SAVE file.
;   The file should already have been opened for writing as a normal
;   file using OPENW or OPENU.
;   CMSVWRITE is a simplified version of the CMSVLIB package, and as
;   such is not capable of writing heap data (pointers) or object
;   data, or structures that contain them.  Strings, structures, and
;   all array types are supported.
;   This procedure is part of the CMSVLIB SAVE library for IDL by
;   Craig Markwardt.  You must have the full CMSVLIB core package
;   installed in order for this procedure to function properly.
; ==================================================================
;   Research Systems, Inc. has issued a separate license intended
;   to resolve any potential conflict between this software and the
;   IDL End User License Agreement. The text of that license
;   can be found in the file LICENSE.RSI, included with this
;   software library.
; ==================================================================
;   UNIT - the open file unit.
;   DATA - the data to be written.
;   NAME - the optional name of the variable to be written (must be a
;          valid variable name).
;          Default: CMSVWRITE automatically creates a valid name.
;   COMPATIBILITY - a string, which describes the format to be used in
;          the output file.  Possible values are:
;                  'IDL4' - format of IDL version 4;
;                  'IDL5' - format of IDL versions 5.0-5.3;
;                  'IDL6' - not supported yet, for versions 5.4-above;
;                  'RIVAL1' - same as 'IDL5'
;           Note that files written in IDL5 format may still be
;           readable by IDL v.4.
;           Default: 'IDL5'
;   NO_END - a save file must terminate with an "end" record.  By
;            default, CMSVWRITE will append such a record after the
;            variable is written, and then rewind the file pointer.
;            The end record must be written after the last variable,
;            but is optional otherwise.  Set this keyword to disable
;            writing the end record (for performance reasons).
;   QUIET - if set, error messages are not printed.
;           Default: an error causes errors to be printed with MESSAGE
;   STATUS - upon return, this keyword will contain 1 for success and
;            0 for failure.
;   ERRMSG - upon return with a failure, this keyword will contain the
;            error condition as a string.
;   Write variables A, B, C and D to a file.
;   openw, 50, 'test.sav'       ;; Add /STREAM under VMS !
;   cmsvwrite, 50, a, name='a'
;   cmsvwrite, 50, b, name='b'
;   cmsvwrite, 50, c, name='c'
;   close, 50
;   Written and documented, 11 Jan 2001, CM
;   Make version checks with correct precision, 19 Jul 2001, CM
;   Added notification about RSI License, 13 May 2002, CM
;   NOTE: remember to modify CMSVLIB.PRO when changing library!
; $Id:,v 1.12 2009/11/22 22:50:49 craigm Exp $
; Copyright (C) 2001, Craig Markwardt
; This software is provided as is without any warranty whatsoever.
; Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute modified or
; unmodified copies is granted, provided this copyright and disclaimer
; are included unchanged.
pro cmsvwrite, unit0, data, name=name0, compat=compat0, no_end=noend, $
               quiet=quiet, status=status, errmsg=errmsg

  status = 0
  catch, catcherr
  if catcherr EQ 0 then lib = cmsvlib(/query) else lib = 0
  catch, /cancel
  if lib EQ 0 then begin
      errmsg = 'ERROR: The CMSVLIB library must be in your IDL path.'
      if keyword_set(quiet) then return else message, errmsg

  if n_elements(compat0) EQ 0 then compat = 'IDL5' $
  else                             compat = strtrim(compat0,2)

  if compat NE 'IDL4' AND compat NE 'IDL5' AND compat NE 'IDL6' AND $
    compat NE 'RIVAL1' then begin
      errmsg = 'ERROR: unrecognized COMPAT value'
  ;; Do type checking on the data
  if n_elements(data) EQ 0 then begin
      errmsg = 'ERROR: DATA must be defined'
      if keyword_set(quiet) then return else message, errmsg

  if double(!version.release) GT 4D then begin
      has_objects = 0
      cmsv_ptrsum, null, /null
      cmsv_ptrsum, data, pheap, has_objects=has_objects

      if n_elements(pheap) GT 1 then goto, PTR_ERROR
      if pheap(0) NE null OR has_objects then begin
          errmsg =  'ERROR: CMSVWRITE cannot save pointers or objects'
          if keyword_set(quiet) then return else message, errmsg

  if n_elements(unit0) EQ 0 then begin
      errmsg = 'ERROR: UNIT is not defined'
      if keyword_set(quiet) then return else message, errmsg
  unit = floor(unit0(0))

  stat = fstat(unit)
  if stat.write EQ 0 OR EQ 0 then begin
      errmsg = 'ERROR: UNIT is not open for writing'
      if keyword_set(quiet) then return else message, errmsg

  ;; We are at the beginning of the file, make sure this is a proper
  ;; IDL save file.
  if stat.cur_ptr EQ 0 then begin
      ;; Open the file
      cmsv_open, unit, 'FILENAME', off0, access='W', /reopen, $
        status=status, errmsg=errmsg
      if status EQ 0 then begin
          if keyword_set(quiet) then return else message, errmsg

      ;; Write the opening records which establish the version number
      ;; and time stamp.
      pp = 0L
      cmsv_wrec, block, pp, block_name='TIMESTAMP', offset=off0, $
        status=status, errmsg=errmsg
      if (status NE 0) AND (compat NE 'IDL4') then $
        cmsv_wrec, block, pp, block_name='VERSION', offset=off0, $
        compat=compat, status=status, errmsg=errmsg
      if status EQ 0 then begin
          if keyword_set(quiet) then return else message, errmsg

      ;; Write the block
      writeu, unit, block(0:pp-1)
  point_lun, -unit, off0

  ;; Construct a name for this variable, if one wasn't provided
  if n_elements(name0) EQ 0 then begin
      name = string(off0, format='("CMSV_",Z8.8)')
  endif else begin
      name = strupcase(strtrim(name0(0),2))
      if name EQ '' then goto, DEFAULT_NAME

  pp = 0L
  block = 0 & dummy = temporary(block)

  ;; Make a block and write out the variable type and data.  The
  ;; following procedure is required.  First, we create a new block,
  ;; which establishes the header and record type (VARIABLE).  Second
  ;; we write out the variable type.  Finally we write the actual
  ;; data, and call the "finblock" procedure which rewrites the header
  ;; record to have the correct "next" pointer.
  ;; Note that all these procedures write to a block in memory first,
  ;; and only at the end is the block written to disk.
  sz = size(data)
  off1 = pp
  cmsv_wrec, block, pp, data, name, block_name='VARIABLE', $
    /init, offset=off0, $
    status=status, errmsg=errmsg
  if status EQ 0 then begin
      if keyword_set(quiet) then return else message, errmsg

  ;; Now write out an end marker block, which will serve to terminate
  ;; the file in case the user closes it.  We will rewind to this
  ;; point in case new writes occur, so they will overwrite the end
  ;; block.

  eoff = off0 + pp
  if NOT keyword_set(noend) then begin
      cmsv_wrec, block, pp, block_name='END_MARKER', offset=off0, $
        status=status, errmsg=errmsg
      if status EQ 0 then begin
          if keyword_set(quiet) then return else message, errmsg

  writeu, unit, block(0:pp-1)
  block = 0
  ;; Now rewind the file pointer so that it points at the end marker.
  ;; Any new writes will overwrite the marker.
  if NOT keyword_set(noend) then point_lun, unit, eoff

  status = 1