5.07 KB
;   Craig B. Markwardt, NASA/GSFC Code 662, Greenbelt, MD 20770
;   Replicates an array or scalar into a larger array, as REPLICATE does.
;   The CMREPLICATE function constructs an array, which is filled with
;   the specified VALUE template.  CMREPLICATE is very similar to the
;   built-in IDL function REPLICATE.  However there are two
;   differences:
;      * the VALUE can be either scalar or an ARRAY.
;      * the dimensions are specified as a single vector rather than
;        individual function arguments.
;   For example, if VALUE is a 2x2 array, and DIMS is [3,4], then the
;   resulting array will be 2x2x3x4.
;   VALUE - a scalar or array template of any type, to be replicated.
;           NOTE: These two calls do not produce the same result:
;                  ARRAY = CMREPLICATE( 1,  DIMS)
;                  ARRAY = CMREPLICATE([1], DIMS)
;           In the first case the output dimensions will be DIMS and
;           in the second case the output dimensions will be 1xDIMS
;           (except for structures).  That is, a vector of length 1 is
;           considered to be different from a scalar.
;   DIMS - Dimensions of output array (which are combined with the
;          dimensions of the input VALUE template).  If DIMS is not
;          specified then VALUE is returned unchanged.
;   The resulting replicated array.  
;   x = [0,1,2]
;   help, cmreplicate(x, [2,2])
;     <Expression>    INT       = Array[3, 2, 2]
;   Explanation: The 3-vector x is replicated 2x2 times.
;   x = 5L
;   help, cmreplicate(x, [2,2])
;     <Expression>    LONG      = Array[2, 2]
;   Explanation: The scalar x is replicated 2x2 times.
;   Written, CM, 11 Feb 2000
;   Fixed case when ARRAY is array of structs, CM, 23 Feb 2000 
;   Apparently IDL 5.3 can't return from execute().  Fixed, CM, 24 Feb
;     2000
;   Corrected small typos in documentation, CM, 22 Jun 2000
;   Removed EXECUTE() call by using feature of REBIN() new in IDL 5.6,
;     (thanks to Dick Jackson) CM, 24 Apr 2009 
;   Remove some legacy code no longer needed after above change
;     (RETVAL variable no longer defined; thanks to A. van Engelen),
;     CM, 08 Jul 2009
;   Change to square bracket array index notation; there were reports
;     of funny business with parenthesis indexing (thanks Jenny Lovell),
;     CM, 2012-08-16
; Copyright (C) 2000, 2009, 2012, Craig Markwardt
; This software is provided as is without any warranty whatsoever.
; Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute modified or
; unmodified copies is granted, provided this copyright and disclaimer
; are included unchanged.
function cmreplicate, array, dims

  COMPILE_OPT strictarr
  if n_params() EQ 0 then begin
      message, 'RARRAY = CMREPLICATE(ARRAY, DIMS)', /info
      return, 0L
  on_error, 2
  if n_elements(dims) EQ 0 then return, array
  if n_elements(array) EQ 0 then $
    message, 'ERROR: ARRAY must have at least one element'

  ;; Construct new dimensions, being careful about scalars
  sz = size(array)
  type = sz[sz[0]+1]
  if sz[0] EQ 0 then return, make_array(value=array, dimension=dims)
  onedims = [sz[1:sz[0]], dims*0+1] ;; For REFORM, to extend # of dims.
  newdims = [sz[1:sz[0]], dims    ] ;; For REBIN, to enlarge # of dims.
  nnewdims = n_elements(newdims)
  if nnewdims GT 8 then $
    message, 'ERROR: resulting array would have too many dimensions.'

  if type NE 7 AND type NE 8 AND type NE 10 AND type NE 11 then begin
      ;; Handle numeric types

      ;; Passing REBIN(...,ARRAY) is a feature introduced in
      ;; IDL 5.6, and will be incompatible with previous versions.
      array1 = rebin(reform([array], onedims), newdims)

      return, array1

  endif else begin
      ;; Handle strings, structures, pointers, and objects separately
      ;; Handle structures, which are never scalars
      if type EQ 8 AND sz[0] EQ 1 AND n_elements(array) EQ 1 then $
        return, reform(make_array(value=array, dimension=dims), dims, /over)

      nold = n_elements(array)
      nadd = 1L
      for i = 0L, n_elements(dims)-1 do nadd = nadd * round(dims[i])
      if type EQ 8 then $
        array1 = make_array(value=array[0], dimension=[nold,nadd]) $
      else $
        array1 = make_array(type=type, dimension=[nold,nadd], /nozero)
      array1 = reform(array1, [nold,nadd], /overwrite)
      array2 = reform([array], n_elements(array))

      ;; Efficient copying, done by powers of two
      array1[0,0] = temporary(array2)
      stride = 1L   ;; stride increase by a factor of two in each iteration
      i = 1L & nleft = nadd - 1
      while nleft GT stride do begin
          array1[0,i] = array1[*,0:stride-1]  ;; Note sneaky IDL optimization
          i = i + stride & nleft = nleft - stride
          stride = stride * 2
      if nleft GT 0 then array1[0,i] = array1[*,0:nleft-1]

      return, reform(array1, newdims, /overwrite)
