dustem_activate_plugins.pro 12.5 KB
PRO dustem_activate_plugins,p_min,st,help=help

;    dustem_activate_plugins
;    activates the plugins present in the parameter description vector
;    DUSTEM Wrapper, Distributed, Mid-Level, Plugins
;    dustem_activate_plugins,p_min,st[,/help]
;    p_min  = parameter values
;    st   = dustem structure
;    None
;    help                  = if set, print this help
;    None
;    None
;    The DustEM fortran code must be installed
;    The DustEMWrap idl code must be installed
;    dustem_activate_plugins,p_min,st
;    Written by IC Apr-2022
;    Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab.
;    See http://dustemwrap.irap.omp.eu/ for FAQ and help.  

IF keyword_set(help) THEN BEGIN

p_dim = p_min * (*(*!dustem_fit).param_init_values)
!dustem_current = ptr_new(st)

if isa((*!dustem_fit).fixed_param_descs) then begin

    ;concatenating the parameter vectors
    param_descs =  [(*(*!dustem_fit).param_descs),(*(*!dustem_fit).fixed_param_descs)]  
    param_values = [p_dim,(*(*!dustem_fit).fixed_param_init_values)]
    param_values = param_values(sort(param_descs)) ;should we put it back to the way it was?
    param_descs = param_descs(sort(param_descs))
        ;Taking care of the param_func vector
    dustem_set_func_ind, param_descs, param_values ; this sets  (*(*!dustem_fit).param_func)
    param_func = (*(*!dustem_fit).param_func)
    dustem_set_func_ind, (*(*!dustem_fit).param_descs), p_dim ;setting the pointers back to their original valyes 
endif else begin
    param_descs = (*(*!dustem_fit).param_descs)
    param_values = p_dim
    param_func = (*(*!dustem_fit).param_func)


f=1 ; Initializing the index that is associated to each plugin 
FOR i=0L,n_elements(param_descs)-1 DO BEGIN
   parameter_type=dustem_parameter_description2type(param_descs[i],string_name=string_name) ; Looping over the parameter description vector (here saved in a system variable) to sort out its different elements with repect to their types
   IF parameter_type EQ 'PLUGIN' THEN BEGIN   ; Selecting the plugins
        ftn = strmid(param_descs(i),0) ; String containing the name of the plugin and the keyword used (ie: dustem_create_continuum_2)    
        ii = strsplit(ftn,'_',count=countx) & ii = ii(countx-1)-1 ; Locating the last underscore to automate the extraction of the plugin's keyword
        ftn = strmid(ftn,0,ii) ; String containing the name of the plugin without the associated keyword
        k=where(strmid(tag_names(*!dustem_plugin),0,8) eq strmid(strupcase(strmid(ftn,14)),0,8),counte) ; Selecting a plugin through matching the string name of the plugin from the scope system variable with the one read from the parameter description vector
        tmp = where(param_func eq f, count) ; Array of indices helping with the sorting out of the different plugins (as a plugin can be called several times with different keywords so as to fit several quantities) 
        PDO_tmp = param_descs(tmp) ; Array containing the different calls of each plugin at a time
        p_dim_tmp = param_values(tmp) ; Array containing the values of the fitted parameters
        vari = strmid(PDO_tmp(0),ii+1) ; Test variable to be used to alter the initialization of the index and value arrays below as a keyword can be a scalar or a string
        ; Initialization of the index and value arrays. These arrays will be used (below) when calling the plugins (with the default key=key and val=val keywords)
        if strlen(strtrim(string(vari),2)) gt 1 then begin
            index = strarr(count) & value = fltarr(count)  
        endif else  begin
            index = fltarr(count) & value = fltarr(count)
        ; Filling the index and value arrays for one plugin at a time  
        FOR l=0, count-1 DO BEGIN
           index[l] = strmid(PDO_tmp[l],ii+1) 
           value[l] = p_dim_tmp[l]                      
        ;==============Assigning data to the plugin data structure==============
        ;Dry run of the plugins to obtain their scopes and run them accordingly (an advanced user might want to add their own lines here)
        str='toto='+ftn+'(scope=scope)' & str=str(0)        
        ;we first need to run the isrf plugin
        ;should we adjust the list of plugins with given priority?
        if (*(*!dustem_plugin).(k).scope) NE 'STELLAR_POPULATION' and strmid((*(*!dustem_plugin).(k).scope),0,7) NE 'REPLACE'  THEN BEGIN
            str='toto='+ftn+'(paramtag=paramtag)' & str=str(0)        
            str='((*!dustem_plugin).('+strtrim(k,2)+').spec)=ptr_new('+ftn+'(key=index,val=value)'+')' & str=str(0)
            toto=execute(str) & IF !dustem_verbose NE 0 THEN message,strupcase(strmid(ftn,7)),/info
        f=f+1 & i=i+count-1 ; Incrementing the parameter and same-type plugin indices  

f=1 ; Initializing the index that is associated to each plugin 
FOR i=0L,n_elements(param_descs)-1 DO BEGIN
   parameter_type=dustem_parameter_description2type(param_descs[i],string_name=string_name) ; Looping over the parameter description vector (here saved in a system variable) to sort out its different elements with repect to their types
   IF parameter_type EQ 'PLUGIN' THEN BEGIN   ; Selecting the plugins
        ftn = strmid(param_descs(i),0) ; String containing the name of the plugin and the keyword used (ie: dustem_create_continuum_2)    
        ii = strsplit(ftn,'_',count=countx) & ii = ii(countx-1)-1 ; Locating the last underscore to automate the extraction of the plugin's keyword
        ftn = strmid(ftn,0,ii) ; String containing the name of the plugin without the associated keyword
        k=where(strmid(tag_names(*!dustem_plugin),0,8) eq strmid(strupcase(strmid(ftn,14)),0,8),counte) ; Selecting a plugin through matching the string name of the plugin from the scope system variable with the one read from the parameter description vector
        tmp = where(param_func eq f, count) ; Array of indices helping with the sorting out of the different plugins (as a plugin can be called several times with different keywords so as to fit several quantities) 
        PDO_tmp = param_descs(tmp) ; Array containing the different calls of each plugin at a time
        p_dim_tmp = param_values(tmp) ; Array containing the values of the fitted parameters
        vari = strmid(PDO_tmp(0),ii+1) ; Test variable to be used to alter the initialization of the index and value arrays below as a keyword can be a scalar or a string
        ; Initialization of the index and value arrays. These arrays will be used (below) when calling the plugins (with the default key=key and val=val keywords)
        if strlen(strtrim(string(vari),2)) gt 1 then begin
            index = strarr(count) & value = fltarr(count)  
        endif else  begin
            index = fltarr(count) & value = fltarr(count)
        ; Filling the index and value arrays for one plugin at a time  
        FOR l=0, count-1 DO BEGIN
           index[l] = strmid(PDO_tmp[l],ii+1) 
           value[l] = p_dim_tmp[l]                      
        ;==============Assigning data to the plugin data structure==============
        ;Dry run of the plugins to obtain their scopes and run them accordingly (an advanced user might want to add their own lines here)
        str='toto='+ftn+'(scope=scope)' & str=str(0)        
        ;we first need to run the isrf plugin
        ;should we adjust the list of plugins with given priority?
        if (*(*!dustem_plugin).(k).scope) EQ 'STELLAR_POPULATION' THEN BEGIN
            str='toto='+ftn+'(paramtag=paramtag)' & str=str(0)        
            str='((*!dustem_plugin).('+strtrim(k,2)+').spec)=ptr_new('+ftn+'(key=index,val=value)'+')' & str=str(0)
            toto=execute(str) & IF !dustem_verbose NE 0 THEN message,strupcase(strmid(ftn,7)),/info
            st = dustem_run(p_dim) ;run with changed isrf
            !dustem_current = ptr_new(st)
        f=f+1 & i=i+count-1 ; Incrementing the parameter and same-type plugin indices  

f=1 ; Initializing the index that is associated to each plugin 
FOR i=0L,n_elements(param_descs)-1 DO BEGIN
   parameter_type=dustem_parameter_description2type(param_descs[i],string_name=string_name) ; Looping over the parameter description vector (here saved in a system variable) to sort out its different elements with repect to their types
   IF parameter_type EQ 'PLUGIN' THEN BEGIN   ; Selecting the plugins
        ftn = strmid(param_descs(i),0) ; String containing the name of the plugin and the keyword used (ie: dustem_create_continuum_2)    
        ii = strsplit(ftn,'_',count=countx) & ii = ii(countx-1)-1 ; Locating the last underscore to automate the extraction of the plugin's keyword
        ftn = strmid(ftn,0,ii) ; String containing the name of the plugin without the associated keyword
        k=where(strmid(tag_names(*!dustem_plugin),0,8) eq strmid(strupcase(strmid(ftn,14)),0,8),counte) ; Selecting a plugin through matching the string name of the plugin from the scope system variable with the one read from the parameter description vector
        tmp = where(param_func eq f, count) ; Array of indices helping with the sorting out of the different plugins (as a plugin can be called several times with different keywords so as to fit several quantities) 
        PDO_tmp = param_descs(tmp) ; Array containing the different calls of each plugin at a time
        p_dim_tmp = param_values(tmp) ; Array containing the values of the fitted parameters
        vari = strmid(PDO_tmp(0),ii+1) ; Test variable to be used to alter the initialization of the index and value arrays below as a keyword can be a scalar or a string
        ; Initialization of the index and value arrays. These arrays will be used (below) when calling the plugins (with the default key=key and val=val keywords)
        if strlen(strtrim(string(vari),2)) gt 1 then begin
            index = strarr(count) & value = fltarr(count)  
        endif else  begin
            index = fltarr(count) & value = fltarr(count)
        ; Filling the index and value arrays for one plugin at a time  
        FOR l=0, count-1 DO BEGIN
           index[l] = strmid(PDO_tmp[l],ii+1) 
           value[l] = p_dim_tmp[l]                      
        ;==============Assigning data to the plugin data structure==============
        ;Dry run of the plugins to obtain their scopes and run them accordingly (an advanced user might want to add their own lines here)
        str='toto='+ftn+'(scope=scope)' & str=str(0)        
        ;we first need to run the isrf plugin
        ;should we adjust the list of plugins with given priority?
        if strmid((*(*!dustem_plugin).(k).scope),0,7) EQ 'REPLACE' THEN BEGIN
            str='toto='+ftn+'(paramtag=paramtag)' & str=str(0)        
            str='((*!dustem_plugin).('+strtrim(k,2)+').spec)=ptr_new('+ftn+'(key=index,val=value)'+')' & str=str(0)
            toto=execute(str) & IF !dustem_verbose NE 0 THEN message,strupcase(strmid(ftn,7)),/info
            st = dustem_run(p_dim) ;run with changed isrf
            !dustem_current = ptr_new(st)
        f=f+1 & i=i+count-1 ; Incrementing the parameter and same-type plugin indices  
