aaareadme.txt 4.68 KB
/coyote                                                           Nov 2016

The procedures in this directory are a subset of the IDL program library (the
"Coyote library") developed by David Fanning ( ).  
They are duplicated here because they are used by other procedures in the
Astronomy library, but they are *not* included in the .tar or .zip distributions
of the Astronomy library.   Users must either separately download the entire 
Coyote library 
or this directory, which is available as a tar file in 
Please inform if there are any discrepancies between 
these procedures and those in the current Coyote library.  

Contents of /pro/coyote

cgAspect() - Calculate position coordinates to return a plot with given aspect ratio
cgAXIS - Wrapper for the AXIS command for drawing an axis
cgBITGET() - Returns the bit value (0 or 1) of a specified bit in a supplied number
cgCENTERTLB - Position a widget program on the display at an arbitrary location.
cgCheckForSymbols() - Check a string for symbols that should be revolved with cgSymbol
cgCOLOR() - Obtain drawing colors by name
cgcolor24() - Convert an RGB triple into equivalent 24 bit integer
cgCOLORFILL - Wrapper to PolyFill to fill a polygon 
cgCONTOUR - Wrapper to Contour to with extra features 
cgControl - Set various properties of a cgWindow object
cgCoyoteGraphic() - Identifies if a routine is a Coyote graphic routine
cgDblToStr() - Convert number to a string maintaining all significant digits
cgDefaultColor() - Choose a default color for Coyote Graphics routines
cgDefCharSize() - Define a default character size for Coyote Graphics routines
cgDisplay - Open a window in the current graphics device
cgErase - Wrapper to ERASE to erase a graphics window with a particular color.
cgErrorMsg() - A device independent messaging function
cgFixPS - Turn an IDL-produced postscript file right side up
cgGetColorState() - device-independent way to get the color decomposition state
cgGreek() - Return code for Greek letter for specified font 
cgHasImageMagick() - Determine if IMageMagick is available on the system
CgPickColorName - Provide a blocking widget for selecting a color name
cgPickFile() = Wrapper for DIALOG_PICKFILE for selecting data files
cgPlot - Wrapper to PLOT that provide device independence
cgPlots - Wrapper to PLOTS that provide device independence
cgpolygon -  Draw a filled or unfilled polygon
cgPS2PDF - convert a postscript file to a PDF file
cgPS2Raster - Convert a Postscript file to high resolution raster via ImageMagick
cgPS_Close - Close a postscript file
cgPS_Config - Configure the PostScript device using a graphical interface
cgPS_Open - Set-up a postscript file for subsequent plotting
cgPSWINDOW - Calculate size of a PostScript window with specified aspect ratio
cgQuery() - Provide information about  current cgWindow applications
cgrootname - Parse a file name or path
cgScaleVector() - Scale elements of a vector to a given data range
cgSet - Select the cgWindow application to be the "current" application
cgSetColorState -  Device independent way to set color decomposition state
cgShow - Select the Cgwindow application to bring forward on the display
cgSnapshot() - Screen dumps with proper color decomposition
cgSourceDir - Provide a portable way of finding the source directory of a program distribution.
cgSymbol() - Device independent way to ask for commonly used symbols
cgSymCat() - Provide a symbol catalog for specifying a number of plotting symbols.
cgTEXT - Wrapper to XYOUTS that provide device independence
cgWINDOW - Implement a "smart" resizeable graphics window
COLORSAREIDENTICAL() - Returns a 1 if the two input colors refer to the same color
CONVERT_TO_TYPE() - Convert input argument to a specified data type
FPUFIX - Remove math errors by setting underflow values to zero
FSC_DROPLIST - Compound widget to create a droplist
FSC_FIELD - Improved version of CW_FIELD widget data entry field
FSC_FILESELECT - Compound widget to type or select a file name
FSC_PSCONFIG__DEFINE - IDL Object for the Postscript device configuration. 
GETPRIMARYSCREENSIZE() - Get the screen size of the primary monitor
IMAGE_DIMENSIONS - Return various dimensions of an image
LINKEDLIST__DEFINE - Object implementing a linked list
PS_BACKGROUND - Device-independent way to set the background color in  PostScript
SETDEFAULTVALUE  - Set default values for positional and keyword arguments
STR_SIZE() - Return the proper character size to fit a string in a window
UNDEFINE - Undefine an IDL variable, more powerful than DELVAR
WindowAvailable() - Return 1 if specified window number is open or available