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README.txt 2.62 KB
Readme File for DustemWrap V4.3

0. What is this?

This package contains the DustEMWrap v4.3 software, developed and maintained at the Institute of Research in Astrophysics and Planetology (IRAP).

DustemWrap requires the fortran code DustEM, which is developed and maintained at the Institute of Space Astrophysics (IAS). The DustEM fortran code must be downloaded separately (see the DustEMWrap Users' Guide for instructions about obtaining and installing DustEM.) 

More information, including a Users' Guide, is available at the DustEMWrap website,

A non-exhaustive list of information on the website : 
* instructions for obtaining DustEM
* installation instructions for the current releases of DustEMWrap and DustEM
* an overview of how DustEMWrap works, including how it interacts with the underlying DustEM fortran code
* format requirements for user input 
* a description of how color corrections and plugins are implemented in DustEMWrap
* a description of the individual DustEMWrap routines
* step-by-step examples 
* patches, minor updates
* FAQ and list of current known issues

1. Directory Structure and Files 

The DustEMWrap directory is organized as follows:

- Data

This directory contains data files that are read by DustEMWrap. It contains the following subdirectories:


Example SEDs and extinction curves 

Filter transmission information for instruments known to DustEMWrap

Stellar parameters, used by plugins for modifying the dust-heating ISRF.

- README.txt

This file.

- instrument_description.xcat

A keyfile describing the instruments and filters that are known to the DustEMWrap code. 
For new users, we recommend contacting the DustEMWrap team if there are instruments and/or filters that you would like implemented.

- src

This directory contains the IDL code. It contains the following subdirectories: 

  -- idl

The core DustEMWrap routines

  -- idl_extern

Routines from external libraries that are used by DustEMWrap. They  are provided in case of conflicts/installation issues with the required external libraries. 

  -- idl_special

IDL routines used by DustEMWrap that have been deprecated in recent IDL versions. These are backups for safe-keeping.

2. Getting Help 

The DustemWrap maintainers can be contacted by email:

To be added to the DustemWrap mailing list and be informed of new releases and any major bug fixes, please email with the subject 'SUBSCRIBE'.