instrument_description.xcat 15 KB
\Instrument description
\Caution: units and flux_conv wrong for MIPS
\Caution: units and flux_conv probably wrong for IRAC and bolocam
\Caution: PACS wavelengths must be checked
\reso_orig in degrees
\Wave is in microns
\sighit: sigma for one hit (except for some experiments)
\sigabs: absolute gain error in percent (%)
|INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |reso_orig  |sighit |sigabs  |
|char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |
|NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |
\========= IRAC ==========
\resolution taken to be 1.7, 1.7, 1.9, 2" (eg Meixner et al)
IRAC       IRAC1      3.55000    MJy/sr      IRAC         0.000472222
IRAC       IRAC2      4.49300    MJy/sr      IRAC         0.000472222  
IRAC       IRAC3      5.73100    MJy/sr      IRAC         0.000527778  
IRAC       IRAC4      7.87200    MJy/sr      IRAC         0.000555556
\========= IRAS ==========
\ang resolution from IRIS web site: 3.8,3.8,4.0,4.3'
\ang resolution error: +-0.2 in all bands
\sig_hit=[0.04,0.05,0.03,0.06] ;errors in MJy/sr (according to MAMD, this is for "average" coverage, not 1 hit)
\iris_abs_error=[5.1,15.1,10.4,13.5] ; in % from
IRAS       IRAS1      12.0000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1
IRAS       IRAS2      25.0000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.05    15.1
IRAS       IRAS3      60.0000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0666667    0.03    10.4
IRAS       IRAS4      100.000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0716667    0.06    13.5
\========= AKARI ==========
\Akari filters are S9w, L18w, N60, WS, N160, WL (Ryou)
\Akari filters are N60, WS, N160, WL
\wavelength provided by M. Juvela & Ryou Ohsawa
AKARI      AKARI1       9.000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste
AKARI      AKARI2      18.000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste
AKARI      AKARI3      65.000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste
AKARI      AKARI4      90.000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste
AKARI      AKARI5     140.000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste
AKARI      AKARI6     160.000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste
\========= MIPS ==========
\resolution taken to be 6,18,40" (eg Meixner et al)
MIPS       MIPS1      23.6800    MJy/sr      MIPS         0.00166667
MIPS       MIPS2      71.4200    MJy/sr      MIPS         0.00500000
MIPS       MIPS3      155.900    MJy/sr      MIPS         0.0111111
\========= SPIRE ==========
\Spire resolution below correspond to 18.1,25.2,36.9" (Matt Griffin SDP2009 slides)
SPIRE      SPIRE1     250.000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.00502778
SPIRE      SPIRE2     350.000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.00700000  
SPIRE      SPIRE3     500.000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0102500
\========= PACS ==========
\PACS resolution taken to be 5,8,13" (P. Andre .pdf). Must confirm
\PACS       PACS1       75.000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.00138889
\PACS       PACS2      110.000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.00222222
\PACS       PACS3      170.000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.00361111
\Wavelengths and flux conventions from Marc Sauvage email on Oct 16 2009
\resolution 9.01, 9.84, 13.645" from ScanReleaseNote
\Caution, this is cross-scan + in-scan average in // mode (dirty)
PACS       PACS1       70.000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.00250278
PACS       PACS2      100.000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.00273333
PACS       PACS3      160.000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.00379028
\========= WMAP ==========
\K must be checked.
\resolution from lambda: 0.88	0.66	0.51	0.35	0.22
\sigabs 1% Dixit GL but ...
\sigabs 0.1% Dixit Bennett et al 2003
\sig-hit as computed in in MJy/sr from Tab 1 of Bennett 2003 :
\W: 1.7616037
\V: 0.35912723
\Q: 0.11226172
\Ka: 0.049682426
\K: 0.022302618
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |reso_orig  |sighit |sigabs  |
WMAP       WMAP1      3200.      MJy/sr      CMB          0.22        1.762    0.1
WMAP       WMAP2      4900.      MJy/sr      CMB          0.35        0.359    0.1
WMAP       WMAP3      7300.      MJy/sr      CMB          0.51        0.112    0.1
WMAP       WMAP4      9100.      MJy/sr      CMB          0.66        0.049    0.1
WMAP       WMAP5      13000.     MJy/sr      CMB          0.88        0.022    0.1
\Fake WMAP at 10'
WMAP10     WMAP101    3200.      MJy/sr      CMB          0.166667    1.762    0.1
WMAP10     WMAP102    4900.      MJy/sr      CMB          0.166667    0.359    0.1
WMAP10     WMAP103    7300.      MJy/sr      CMB          0.166667    0.112    0.1
WMAP10     WMAP104    9100.      MJy/sr      CMB          0.166667    0.049    0.1
WMAP10     WMAP105    13000.     KMJy/sr     CMB          0.166667    0.022    0.1
\========= MSX ==========
\Everything should be checked.
MSX        MSX1       8.28       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.005083
MSX        MSX2       12.13      MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.005083
MSX        MSX3       14.65      MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.005083
MSX        MSX4       21.34      MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.005083
\========= BOLOCAM ==========
\Everything should be checked.
BOLOCAM    BOLOCAM1   1105.4     MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0
\========= DIRBE ==========
\dirbe_abs_errs=[3.1,3.1,3.1,3.0,5.1,15.1,10.4,13.5,10.6,11.6]  ;in %, from Hauser et al 98 ApJ 508, 25 tab 2
\nuInu=[2.4,1.6,0.9,0.8,0.9,0.9,0.9,0.5,32.8,10.7] ;1-sig nuInu in nW/m2/sr from Hauser et al 98 ApJ 508, 25 tab 2
\above are in 0.7°*0.7°
\gives in MJy/sr in 1° beam:
\0.0007, 0.089, 0.00046, 0.00065, 0.001, 0.0025, 0.0052, 0.007, 0.766, 0.35 (see
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |reso_orig  |sighit |sigabs  |
DIRBE      DIRBE1     1.25       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   1.          0.0007  3.1
DIRBE      DIRBE2     2.2        MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   1.          0.089   3.1
DIRBE      DIRBE3     3.5        MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   1.          0.00046 3.1
DIRBE      DIRBE4     4.9        MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   1.          0.00065 3.0
DIRBE      DIRBE5     12.        MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   1.          0.001   5.1
DIRBE      DIRBE6     25.        MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   1.          0.0025  15.1
DIRBE      DIRBE7     60.        MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   1.          0.0052  10.4
DIRBE      DIRBE8     100.       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   1.          0.007   13.5
DIRBE      DIRBE9     140.       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   1.          0.766   10.6
DIRBE      DIRBE10    240.       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   1.          0.35    11.6
\========= DIRBE ==========
\nu_archeops=[143.,217.,353.,545.]  ;GHz
\resolution must be checked
ARCHEOPS   ARCHEOPS1  550.07791  K           CMB          0.
ARCHEOPS   ARCHEOPS2  849.27042  K           CMB          0.
ARCHEOPS   ARCHEOPS3  1381.5321  K           CMB          0.
ARCHEOPS   ARCHEOPS4  2096.4508  K           CMB          0.
\========= HFI ==========
\nu_hfi=[100.,143.,217.,353.,545.,857.]  ;GHz
\      3000.00      2097.90      1382.49      849.858      550.459      350.058
\Must check if freq is the reference
\resolution res=[4.25,4.7,4.8,4.7,7.0,9.6]             ;median value Taken from Ma et al.
\    0.0708333    0.0783333    0.0800000    0.0783333     0.116667     0.160000
\From F. Bouchet email for DR2 release
\  Freq:    100    143     217     353     545     857     GHz
\  FWHM:   9.94   7.04    4.66    4.41    4.47    4.23    arcmin
\leads to:     0.165667     0.117333    0.0776667    0.0735000    0.0745000    0.0705000
\  FWHM from latest table by FRB (email Oct 18 2010)
\  FWHM:   9.53   7.08    4.71    4.5     4.68    4.41    arcmin
\leads to:
\     0.158833     0.118000    0.0785000    0.0750000    0.0780000    0.0735000
\sig-hit in practice taken from internal noise in PSD
\values below from FRB table:
\in muK for 1 sq deg: 1.8 0.9 1.3 4.7 70 4.E3
\lead to:0.121905    0.0523205    0.0180480   0.00796892   0.00281441   0.00274250 (see dustem_hfi_errors)
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |reso_orig  |sighit |sigabs  |
\HFI        HFI1       349.81617  MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0735000   0.1219  7.
\HFI        HFI2       550.07791  MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0780000   0.118   7.
\HFI        HFI3       849.27042  MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0750000   0.0785  2.
\HFI        HFI4       1381.5321  MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0785000   0.075   2.
\HFI        HFI5       2096.4508  MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.118000    0.075   2.
\HFI        HFI6       2997.9246  MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.158833    0.0735  2.
\The foloowing flux conventions are used to compute cc using official routine.
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |reso_orig  |sighit |sigabs  |
HFI        HFI1       349.81617  MJy/sr      HFI          0.0735000   0.1219  7.
HFI        HFI2       550.07791  MJy/sr      HFI          0.0780000   0.118   7.
HFI        HFI3       849.27042  MJy/sr      HFI          0.0750000   0.0785  2.
HFI        HFI4       1381.5321  MJy/sr      HFI          0.0785000   0.075   2.
HFI        HFI5       2096.4508  MJy/sr      HFI          0.118000    0.075   2.
HFI        HFI6       2997.9246  MJy/sr      HFI          0.158833    0.0735  2.
\Fake HFI at 10'
HFI10      HFI101     349.81617  MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.166667    0.1219  7.
HFI10      HFI102     550.07791  MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.166667    0.118   7.
HFI10      HFI103     849.27042  MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.166667    0.0785  2.
HFI10      HFI104     1381.5321  MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.166667    0.075   2.
HFI10      HFI105     2096.4508  MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.166667    0.075   2.
HFI10      HFI106     2997.9246  MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.166667    0.0735  2.
\========= LFI ==========
\nu_lfi=[30.,44.,70.]  ;GHz
\fwhm from Clive's email of Oct 18 2010: 13.01, 27.92, 32.65
\leading to:      0.216833     0.465333     0.544167
\Units TBC
LFI        LFI1       4285.71    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.216833            5.
LFI        LFI2       6818.18    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.465333            5.
LFI        LFI3       10000.0    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.544167            5.
\Fake LFI at 10'
LFI10      LFI101     4285.71    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.166667            5.
LFI10      LFI102     6818.18    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.166667            5.
LFI10      LFI103     10000.0    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.166667            5.
\========= SPM ==========
\resolutions: 2,2,2.5,3.5'
\Everything should be checked.
SPM        SPM1       200.00     MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0333333
SPM        SPM2       260.00     MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0333333
SPM        SPM3       360.00     MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0416667
SPM        SPM4       580.00     MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0583333
\========= ISOPHOT ==========
\reso_orig values arbitrary
\sighit values arbitrary
\sigabs values arbitrary
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |reso_orig  |sighit |sigabs  |
ISOPHOT    ISOPHOTP1  3.30000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1
ISOPHOT    ISOPHOTP2  3.60000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1
ISOPHOT    ISOPHOTP3  4.80000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1
ISOPHOT    ISOPHOTP4  7.30000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1
ISOPHOT    ISOPHOTP5  7.70000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1
ISOPHOT    ISOPHOTP6  10.0000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1
ISOPHOT    ISOPHOTP7  11.3000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1
ISOPHOT    ISOPHOTP8  12.0000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1
ISOPHOT    ISOPHOTP9  12.8000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1
ISOPHOT    ISOPHOTP10 15.0000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1
ISOPHOT    ISOPHOTP11 20.0000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1
ISOPHOT    ISOPHOTP12 25.0000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1
ISOPHOT    ISOPHOTP13 60.0000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1
ISOPHOT    ISOPHOTP14 100.000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1
ISOPHOT    ISOPHOTC1  65.000     MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1
ISOPHOT    ISOPHOTC2  60.000     MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1
ISOPHOT    ISOPHOTC3  80.000     MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1
ISOPHOT    ISOPHOTC4  90.000     MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1
ISOPHOT    ISOPHOTC5  100.000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1
ISOPHOT    ISOPHOTC6  105.000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1
ISOPHOT    ISOPHOTC7  120.000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1
ISOPHOT    ISOPHOTC8  150.000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1
ISOPHOT    ISOPHOTC9  170.000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1
ISOPHOT    ISOPHOTC10 180.000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1
ISOPHOT    ISOPHOTC11 200.000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1
\=== Non-photometric data
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |reso_orig  |sighit |sigabs  |
PARKES     PARKES1    -32768.    Kkm/s       NULL         0.0166667
AVDO       AVDO1      0.55       mag         NULL         0.0433333
XMM        XMM1       -32768.    cts/s       NULL         0.000555
\HI LAB data: 1.7 Kkm/s taken from Bernard Planck early paper. absolute accuracy 10% assumed.
HI_CENT_II HI_II      -32768.    Kkm/s       NULL         0.6          1.7     10.
LABII      LABII1      -32768.    Kkm/s       NULL         0.6          1.7     10.
\CO data
\NANTEN sig-hit of 1.2 Kkm/s has tio be checked. Maybe 3-sig. Varies on sky. 10% absolute assumed
\DHT2001: 1.2 Kkm/s assumed. 24% is from intercalib with NANTEN
NANTEN     NANTEN1    -32768.    Kkm/s       NULL         0.0433333    1.2     10.
DHT        DHT1       -32768.    Kkm/s       NULL         0.146667     1.2     24.
CO12_COMB  NANTEN1    -32768.    Kkm/s       NULL         0.0666667    1.2     10.
CO12_COMBNVNANTEN1    -32768.    Kkm/s       NULL         0.0666667    1.2     10.
\resolution 6':
WHAM       HALPHA     -32768.    R           NULL         0.1          1.      10.
\8.6 GHz sighit corresponds to 0.5 Jy/beam for Nside=4096
ATCAPRAD   ATCAPRAD1  34859.587  MJy/sr      ?            0.00972222   16.56   2.
\4.8 GHz sighit corresponds to 0.5 Jy/beam for Nside=4096
ATCAPRAD   ATCAPRAD2  62456.760  MJy/sr      ?            0.00611111   10.4    2.
\========= WISE ==========
\ filters from
WISE       WISE1      3.40000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0169444    
WISE       WISE2      4.60000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0017778   
WISE       WISE3      12.0000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0018055    
WISE       WISE4      22.0000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0033333    
\========= LABOCA ==========
LABOCA     LABOCA1    869.570    MJy/sr      LABOCA       0.0053333  
\========= GISMO ==========
GISMO      GISMO1     2000.00    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0046389 
\========= BOLOCAM ==========
\Everything should be checked.
BOLOCAM    BOLOCAM1   1105.4     MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0