instrument_description.xcat 95.6 KB
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652
\========= instrument_description.xcat
\instru: instrument name -- must match the non-numerical part of filter name
\filter: filter name used by DustEMWrap 
\wave: reference wavelength in microns (see IRAS explanatory supplement for a clear definition of the reference frequency for wide-band instruments).
\NB This is the wavelength used for color correction and absolute calibration. It may not be the same as the wavelength used for the PSF information.
\bunit: typical brightness unit of archival data -- for convenience only
\flux_conv : flux convention  -- must be known to, see the User Guide 'Color Corrections' for more information
\reso_orig: typical intrinsic angular resolution in degrees -- for convenience only, this may differ from value used in calibration
\sighit: sigma for one hit -- for convenience only
\sigabs: absolute uncertainty in percent (%) -- for convenience only
\name : filter name used by original instrument team -- for convenience only
\filename : file containing filter transmission information (in subdirectories of Data/FILTERS/) -- instrument-dependent, not fully implemented yet
\ttype : transmission convention (energy/photon) -- for convenience only, not fully implemented yet. Information from SVO.
|INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
|char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
|NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
\========= JWST/NIRCAM throughputs extracted from Pandeia Engine v2.0 (Dec 2022) 
\========= according to 
\========= Contact Scientist: Bryan Hilbert, STScI, 
\========= Reference wavelength = pivot wavelength, see Gordon et al (2022) AJ, 163, 267G 
\========= Transmissions represent total throughput of energy (including the blocking filter if relevant) 
\========= DustEMWrap uses averaged module A and B throughputs 
\========= RESO_ORIG values are empirical PSF FWHMs, except for F150W2 and F322W2, which use simulated PSF FWHM values 
\========= Note that the wavelength for the PSF measurement is not necessarily the pivot wavelength for the flux calibration 
\========= see Table 1 
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
NIRCAM     NIRCAM1    0.704374               flambda=cste  8.05556e-06                  F070W                nircam_f070w_totaleff.fits                               photon           
NIRCAM     NIRCAM2    0.902676               flambda=cste  9.16667e-06                  F090W                nircam_f090w_totaleff.fits                               photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM3    1.154008               flambda=cste  1.11111e-05                  F115W                nircam_f115w_totaleff.fits                               photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM4    1.405461               flambda=cste  1.33333e-05                  F140M                nircam_f140m_totaleff.fits                               photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM5    1.501331               flambda=cste  1.38889e-05                  F150W                nircam_f150w_totaleff.fits                               photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM6    1.627067               flambda=cste  1.52778e-05                  F162M                nircam_f162m_totaleff.fits                               photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM7    1.644496               flambda=cste  1.55556e-05                  F164N                nircam_f164n_totaleff.fits                               photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM8    1.670903               flambda=cste  1.25000e-05                  F150W2               nircam_f150w2_totaleff.fits                              photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM9    1.845224               flambda=cste  1.72222e-05                  F182M                nircam_f182m_totaleff.fits                               photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM10   1.874044               flambda=cste  1.77778e-05                  F187N                nircam_f187n_totaleff.fits                               photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM11   1.987502               flambda=cste  1.83333e-05                  F200W                nircam_f200w_totaleff.fits                               photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM12   2.095654               flambda=cste  1.97222e-05                  F210M                nircam_f210m_totaleff.fits                               photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM13   2.121253               flambda=cste  2.00000e-05                  F212N                nircam_f212n_totaleff.fits                               photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM14   2.503264               flambda=cste  2.36111e-05                  F250M                nircam_f250m_totaleff.fits                               photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM15   2.776153               flambda=cste  2.55556e-05                  F277W                nircam_f277w_totaleff.fits                               photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM16   2.996149               flambda=cste  2.77778e-05                  F300M                nircam_f300m_totaleff.fits                               photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM17   3.246888               flambda=cste  2.66667e-05                  F322W2               nircam_f322w2_totaleff.fits                              photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM18   3.236783               flambda=cste  3.00000e-05                  F323N                nircam_f323n_totaleff.fits                               photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM19   3.362345               flambda=cste  3.08333e-05                  F335M                nircam_f335m_totaleff.fits                               photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM20   3.565652               flambda=cste  3.22222e-05                  F356W                nircam_f356w_totaleff.fits                               photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM21   3.623313               flambda=cste  3.33333e-05                  F360M                nircam_f360m_totaleff.fits                               photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM22   4.053120               flambda=cste  3.77778e-05                  F405N                nircam_f405n_totaleff.fits                               photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM23   4.083447               flambda=cste  3.80556e-05                  F410M                nircam_f410m_totaleff.fits                               photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM24   4.281304               flambda=cste  4.00000e-05                  F430M                nircam_f430m_totaleff.fits                               photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM25   4.401087               flambda=cste  4.02778e-05                  F444W                nircam_f444w_totaleff.fits                               photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM26   4.630002               flambda=cste  4.36111e-05                  F460M                nircam_f460m_totaleff.fits                               photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM27   4.654336               flambda=cste  4.38889e-05                  F466N                nircam_f466n_totaleff.fits                               photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM28   4.707872               flambda=cste  4.44444e-05                  F470N                nircam_f470n_totaleff.fits                               photon
NIRCAM     NIRCAM29   4.814268               flambda=cste  4.55556e-05                  F480M                nircam_f480m_totaleff.fits                               photon
\========= JWST/MIRI throughputs extracted from Pandeia Engine v2.0 (Dec 2022) 
\========= according to 
\========= Contact Scientist: Karl Gordon, STScI,  
\========= Reference wavelength = pivot wavelength, see Gordon et al (2022) 
\========= Transmissions represent total throughput of energy 
\========= RESO_ORIG values are empirical PSF FWHMs for MIRI Wide filters  
\========= Note that the wavelength for the PSF measurement is not necessarily the pivot wavelength for the flux calibration 
\========= see Table 1 
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
MIRI       MIRI1      5.63501415             flambda=cste  5.75000e-05                  F0560W               miri_f0560w_totaleff.fits                                photon
MIRI       MIRI2      7.63926083             flambda=cste  7.47222e-05                  F0770W               miri_f0770w_totaleff.fits                                photon
MIRI       MIRI3      9.95294785             flambda=cste  9.11111e-05                  F1000W               miri_f1000w_totaleff.fits                                photon
MIRI       MIRI4      10.5953262             flambda=cste                               F1065C               miri_f1065c_totaleff.fits                                photon
MIRI       MIRI5      11.3039289             flambda=cste                               F1140C               miri_f1140c_totaleff.fits                                photon
MIRI       MIRI6      11.3086580             flambda=cste  0.000104167                  F1130W               miri_f1130w_totaleff.fits                                photon
MIRI       MIRI7      12.8100925             flambda=cste  0.000116667                  F1280W               miri_f1280w_totaleff.fits                                photon
MIRI       MIRI8      15.0635204             flambda=cste  0.000135556                  F1500W               miri_f1500w_totaleff.fits                                photon
MIRI       MIRI9      15.5129386             flambda=cste                               F1550C               miri_f1550c_totaleff.fits                                photon
MIRI       MIRI10     17.9839002             flambda=cste  0.000164167                  F1800W               miri_f1800w_totaleff.fits                                photon
MIRI       MIRI11     20.7945621             flambda=cste  0.000187222                  F2100W               miri_f2100w_totaleff.fits                                photon
MIRI       MIRI12     22.6753973             flambda=cste                               F2300C               miri_f2300c_totaleff.fits                                photon
MIRI       MIRI13     25.3650244             flambda=cste  0.000223056                  F2550W               miri_f2550w_totaleff.fits                                photon
\========= JWST/NIRISS throughputs extracted from Pandeia Engine v2.0 (Dec 2022)  
\========= according to 
\========= Contact Scientist: Steph LaMassa,  
\========= Reference wavelength = pivot wavelength, see Gordon et al (2022) AJ, 163, 267G 
\========= Transmissions represent total throughput of energy (including the blocking filter if relevant) 
\========= RESO_ORIG values are empirical PSF FWHMs for NIRISS filters  
\========= Note that the wavelength for the PSF measurement is not necessarily the pivot wavelength for the flux calibration 
\========= see Table 1 
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
NIRISS     NIRISS1    0.900389                flambda=cste 2.44444e-05                    F090W              niriss_f090w_totaleff.fits                               photon               
NIRISS     NIRISS2    1.150102                flambda=cste 2.61111e-05                    F115W              niriss_f115w_totaleff.fits                               photon                
NIRISS     NIRISS3    1.405134                flambda=cste 2.55556e-05                    F140M              niriss_f140m_totaleff.fits                               photon                
NIRISS     NIRISS4    1.498293                flambda=cste 2.55556e-05                    F150W              niriss_f150w_totaleff.fits                               photon                
NIRISS     NIRISS5    1.586646                flambda=cste 2.63889e-05                    F158M              niriss_f158m_totaleff.fits                               photon                
NIRISS     NIRISS6    1.983678                flambda=cste 2.94444e-05                    F200W              niriss_f200w_totaleff.fits                               photon                
NIRISS     NIRISS7    2.775790                flambda=cste 3.16667e-05                    F277W              niriss_f277w_totaleff.fits                               photon                
NIRISS     NIRISS8    3.594819                flambda=cste 3.63889e-05                    F356W              niriss_f356w_totaleff.fits                               photon                
NIRISS     NIRISS9    3.828358                flambda=cste 3.86111e-05                    F380M              niriss_f380m_totaleff.fits                               photon                
NIRISS     NIRISS10   4.285510                flambda=cste 4.16667e-05                    F430M              niriss_f430m_totaleff.fits                               photon                
NIRISS     NIRISS11   4.434596                flambda=cste 4.11111e-05                    F444W              niriss_f444w_totaleff.fits                               photon                
NIRISS     NIRISS12   4.816824                flambda=cste 4.66667e-05                    F480M              niriss_f480m_totaleff.fits                               photon                
\========= Information for PILOT taken from Bernard et al (2022) 
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
PILOT      PILOT1     240.        MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.03666667            
\========= Filter transmission information for SOFIA/HAWC+ from SVO Filter Service
\========= Reference WAVE, RESO_ORIG and SIGABS from Chuss et al. (2019) ApJ 872 187 --> DEPRECATED this WAVE and FLUX_CONV (6/2/2023)
\========= Note: The filter at 63 microns is not in Chuss et al (2019)
\========= Reference WAVE and FLUX_CONV from
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
\HAWCPLUS   HAWCPLUS1  53.        MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.00141667           15       BAND_A                SOFIA_HAWC.A.dat                                        photon                         
\HAWCPLUS   HAWCPLUS2  63.        MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.002916667                   BAND_B                SOFIA_HAWC.B.dat                                        photon
\HAWCPLUS   HAWCPLUS3  89.        MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.00219444           15       BAND_C                SOFIA_HAWC.C.dat                                        photon   
\HAWCPLUS   HAWCPLUS4  155.       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0038888890         15       BAND_D                SOFIA_HAWC.D.dat                                        photon     
\HAWCPLUS   HAWCPLUS5  214.       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0051944447         20       BAND_E                SOFIA_HAWC.E.dat                                        photon   
\HAWCPLUS   HAWCPLUS1  53.560     MJy/sr      flambda=cste  0.00141667           15       BAND_A                SOFIA_HAWC.A.dat                                        photon                         
\HAWCPLUS   HAWCPLUS2  63.253     MJy/sr      flambda=cste  0.002916667                   BAND_B                SOFIA_HAWC.B.dat                                        photon
\HAWCPLUS   HAWCPLUS3  89.305     MJy/sr      flambda=cste  0.00219444           15       BAND_C                SOFIA_HAWC.C.dat                                        photon   
\HAWCPLUS   HAWCPLUS4  156.480    MJy/sr      flambda=cste  0.0038888890         15       BAND_D                SOFIA_HAWC.D.dat                                        photon     
\HAWCPLUS   HAWCPLUS5  216.969    MJy/sr      flambda=cste  0.0051944447         20       BAND_E                SOFIA_HAWC.E.dat                                        photon   
HAWCPLUS   HAWCPLUS1  53.560     MJy/sr      fnu=cste      0.00141667           15       BAND_A                SOFIA_HAWC.A.dat                                        photon                         
HAWCPLUS   HAWCPLUS2  63.253     MJy/sr      fnu=cste      0.002916667                   BAND_B                SOFIA_HAWC.B.dat                                        photon
HAWCPLUS   HAWCPLUS3  89.305     MJy/sr      fnu=cste      0.00219444           15       BAND_C                SOFIA_HAWC.C.dat                                        photon   
HAWCPLUS   HAWCPLUS4  156.480    MJy/sr      fnu=cste      0.0038888890         15       BAND_D                SOFIA_HAWC.D.dat                                        photon     
HAWCPLUS   HAWCPLUS5  216.969    MJy/sr      fnu=cste      0.0051944447         20       BAND_E                SOFIA_HAWC.E.dat                                        photon   
\HAWCPLUS   HAWCPLUS1  53.560     MJy/sr       nuInu=cste    0.00141667           15       BAND_A                SOFIA_HAWC.A.dat                                        photon                         
\HAWCPLUS   HAWCPLUS2  63.253     MJy/sr       nuInu=cste    0.002916667                   BAND_B                SOFIA_HAWC.B.dat                                        photon
\HAWCPLUS   HAWCPLUS3  89.305     MJy/sr       nuInu=cste    0.00219444           15       BAND_C                SOFIA_HAWC.C.dat                                        photon   
\HAWCPLUS   HAWCPLUS4  156.480    MJy/sr       nuInu=cste    0.0038888890         15       BAND_D                SOFIA_HAWC.D.dat                                        photon     
\HAWCPLUS   HAWCPLUS5  216.969    MJy/sr       nuInu=cste    0.0051944447         20       BAND_E                SOFIA_HAWC.E.dat                                        photon   
\========= Information for JCMT/SCUBA2 from SVO Filter Service
\========= Note misnomer of SVO filenames. 450GHz is actually 450um, 850GHz is actually 850um
\========= RESO_ORIG values are typical values from SCUBA2 public legacy surveys
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
SCUBA2     SCUBA21    449.        MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.00222222                  SC450um               JCMT_SCUBA2.450GHz.dat                                   energy                                     
SCUBA2     SCUBA22    861.        MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.00375000                  SC850um               JCMT_SCUBA2.850GHz.dat                                   energy
\========= Information for NIKA2 from SVO Filter Service and IRAM NIKA2 wiki
\========= Contact Scientist: Carsten Kramer,
\========= WAVE (150.0, 260.0GHz), FLUX_CONV and RESO_ORIG (12".5, 18".5) from Perotto et al (2020)
\========= Previous release RESO_ORIG =[11".2,17".7] from NIKA2 wiki
\========= The transmission curve at 1mm used by DustEMWrap is the average of A1 and A3
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
NIKA2      NIKA21     1153.04789  MJy/sr     NIKA2        0.0034722222                  NIKA1mm              NIKA2_1mm_avg.xcat                                       energy
NIKA2      NIKA22     1998.61648  MJy/sr     NIKA2        0.0051388890                  NIKA2mm              NIKA2_2mm.xcat                                           energy
\========= Information for Spitzer IRS PU imaging filters from SVO Filter Service 
\========= WAVE (sec 4.2.4) and RESO_ORIG (4.2.3) values are from the Spitzer IRS Handbook
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
IRS        IRS1       15.80      MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0010555555                 IRS_PU_BLUE            Spitzer_IRS.Blue.dat                                    photon
IRS        IRS2       22.30      MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0014722223                 IRS_PU_RED             Spitzer_IRS.Red.dat                                     photon
\========= Information for S-PASS taken from Carretti et al (2019)
\========= Flux convention does not really matter (narrow band of 8 MHz for 2.3 GHz). Resolution is 8.9' (0.148333 deg)
\========= Reference frequency is 2.303 GHz (130174.74 micron)
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
SPASS      SPASS1     130174.74  MJy/sr      NULL         0.14833333           5.0
\========= Information for ZOA-FF (Zone of Avoidance Free-Free) taken from Alves, M. I. R., et al, 2015, MNRAS, 450, 2025
\========= Flux convention does not really matter (narrow band of ? MHz for 1.4 GHz)
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
\CHIPASS    ZOA_FF1    214286.    MJy/sr      NULL         0.24                5.0
\========= Information for CHIPASS taken from Calabretta, M. et al. 2014, PASA, 31, 7
\========= Flux convention does not really matter (narrow band of 64 MHz for 1.4 GHz)
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
CHIPASS    CHIPASS1   214286.    MJy/sr      NULL         0.24                5.0
\========= Information for IRAC taken from SVO filter service and Spitzer IRAC handbook at IRSA
\========= RESO_ORIG are typical values taken from public legacy data (1.7", 1.7", 1.9", 2.0", e.g.  Meixner et al 2006)
\========= FLUX_CONV: "The conventions used by IRAC are the same as those used by IRAS (Beichman et al. 1988), COBE/DIRBE (Hauser et al. 1998), and ISO (Blommaert et al. 2003)" (IRAC instrument hand book).
\========= FLUX_CONV: This is nu*Inu=cste.
\========= FLUX_CONV: "Note that our definition of the color correction (Eq4.8) looks slightly different from that of IRAS, because we used the system spectral response R in electrons/photon, instead of ergs/photon"
\========= FLUX_CONV: This color correction is called "IRAC" in DustemWrap
\========= WAVE: is taken as lambda_0 of Tab 4.3 of the IRAC instrument hand book. Verified JPB 17/01/2023
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
IRAC       IRAC1      3.544      MJy/sr      IRAC         0.000472222                  IRAC3p6                irac1.dat                                                energy
IRAC       IRAC2      4.487      MJy/sr      IRAC         0.000472222                  IRAC4p5                irac2.dat                                                energy  
IRAC       IRAC3      5.710      MJy/sr      IRAC         0.000527778                  IRAC5p8                irac3.dat                                                energy  
IRAC       IRAC4      7.841      MJy/sr      IRAC         0.000555556                  IRAC8                  irac4.dat                                                energy
\========= Information for IRAS taken from SVO filter service and IRAS handbook at IRSA
\========= RESO_ORIG are typical values for the IRIS reprocessing of the IRAS data
\========= ang resolution [arcmin]: [3.8,3.8,4.0,4.3]
\========= ang resolution error: +-0.2 in all bands
\========= sig_hit=[0.04,0.05,0.03,0.06] errors in MJy/sr (according to MAMD, this is for "average" coverage, not 1 hit)
\========= iris_abs_error=[5.1,15.1,10.4,13.5] expressed as % 
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
IRAS       IRAS1      12.0000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1      IRAS1                 IRAS12.txt                                               energy
IRAS       IRAS2      25.0000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.05    15.1     IRAS2                 IRAS25.txt                                               energy
IRAS       IRAS3      60.0000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0666667    0.03    10.4     IRAS3                 IRAS60.txt                                               energy
IRAS       IRAS4      100.000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0716667    0.06    13.5     IRAS4                 IRAS100.txt                                              energy
\========= Information for AKARI taken from SVO filter service and AKARI handbook at JAXA
\========= WAVE for AKARI/IRC: see Table 4.6.6
\========= WAVE for AKARI/FIS: see Table 4.6
\========= RESO_ORIG for AKARI/FIS: see Section 3.1.1 PSFs
\========= RESO_ORIG for AKARI/IRC: see Wada et al (2008) Table 5
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
AKARI      AKARI1     2.40        MJy/sr      nuInu=cste  0.0012222222                  N2                    AKARI_IRC.N2.dat                                        energy 
AKARI      AKARI2     3.20        MJy/sr      nuInu=cste  0.0012222222                  N3                    AKARI_IRC.N3.dat                                        energy 
AKARI      AKARI3     4.10        MJy/sr      nuInu=cste  0.0012222222                  N4                    AKARI_IRC.N4.dat                                        energy 
AKARI      AKARI4     7.00        MJy/sr      nuInu=cste  0.0014166667                  S7                    AKARI_IRC.S7.dat                                        energy 
AKARI      AKARI5     9.00        MJy/sr      nuInu=cste  0.0014166667                  S9W                   AKARI_IRC.S9W.dat                                       energy 
AKARI      AKARI6     11.00       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste  0.0014166667                  S11                   AKARI_IRC.S11.dat                                       energy 
AKARI      AKARI7     15.00       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste  0.0015000000                  L15                   AKARI_IRC.L15.dat                                       energy 
AKARI      AKARI8     18.00       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste  0.0015000000                  L18W                  AKARI_IRC.L18W.dat                                      energy 
AKARI      AKARI9     24.00       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste  0.0015000000                  L24                   AKARI_IRC.L24.dat                                       energy 
AKARI      AKARI10    65.00       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste  0.010277778                   N60                   AKARI_FIS.N60.dat                                       energy 
AKARI      AKARI11    90.00       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste  0.010833333                   WIDE-S                AKARI_FIS.WIDE-S.dat                                    energy 
AKARI      AKARI12    140.00      MJy/sr      nuInu=cste  0.016111111                   WIDE-L                AKARI_FIS.WIDE-L.dat                                    energy 
AKARI      AKARI13    160.00      MJy/sr      nuInu=cste  0.016944444                   N160                  AKARI_FIS.N160.dat                                      energy 
\========= Information for MIPS taken from SVO filter service and Spitzer MIPS handbook at IRSA
\========= RESO_ORIG are typical values taken from public legacy data (6, 18, 40", e.g.  Meixner et al 2006)
\========= WAVE taken from mips instrument handbook, p99 of PDF
\========= Caution, the flux convention is not nuInu=cste, see Eq 4.2 of MIPS instrument handbook, p99. verified JPB 17/01/2023
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
MIPS       MIPS1      23.675     MJy/sr      MIPS         0.00166667                    MIPS24                MIPSfiltsumm_24.txt                                      energy
MIPS       MIPS2      71.440     MJy/sr      MIPS         0.00500000                    MIPS70                MIPSfiltsumm_70.txt                                      energy
MIPS       MIPS3      155.899    MJy/sr      MIPS         0.0111111                     MIPS160               MIPSfiltsumm_160.txt                                     energy
\========= Information for SPIRE taken from SVO filter service and SPIRE handbook at IRSA
\========= By default, DustEMWrap uses the transmission curves for extended sources (_E.dat)
\========= Point-sources transmission curves are provided (but commented here by default)
\========= RESO_ORIG [18.1,25.2,36.9"] are typical values taken from Matt Griffin SDP2009 slides
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
\Following three lines for point source transmission curves
SPIRE      SPIRE1     250.000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.00502778                   PSW                    Herschel_SPIRE.PSW.dat                                 energy                  
SPIRE      SPIRE2     350.000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.00700000                   PMW                    Herschel_SPIRE.PMW.dat                                 energy
SPIRE      SPIRE3     500.000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0102500                    PLW                    Herschel_SPIRE.PLW.dat                                 energy
\Following three lines for extended source transmission curves
\SPIRE      SPIRE1     250.000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.00502778                   PSW                    Herschel_SPIRE.PSW_E.dat                                energy                  
\SPIRE      SPIRE2     350.000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.00700000                   PMW                    Herschel_SPIRE.PMW_E.dat                                energy
\SPIRE      SPIRE3     500.000    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0102500                    PLW                    Herschel_SPIRE.PLW_E.dat                                energy
\========= Information for PACS taken from SVO filter service and PACS handbook at ESA
\========= RESO_ORIG [5.6, 6.8, 10.7] are from Table 4.3 of the handbook. Likely to be a lower limit for fast scanning mode obs (see Table 7.3)
\========= WAVE is from the reference wavelength quoted in PACS Explanatory Supplement, p142,143, Table 7.5. Verified JPB 17/01/2023
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
PACS       PACS1      70.0        Jy/pixel    nuInu=cste   0.001555556                  PACS_BLUE                                      energy
PACS       PACS2      100.0       Jy/pixel    nuInu=cste   0.001888889                  PACS_GREEN                                    energy
PACS       PACS3      160.0       Jy/pixel    nuInu=cste   0.002972222                  PACS_RED                                        energy
\========= RESO_ORIG from Lambda: [0.88   0.66    0.51    0.35    0.22]
\========= sigabs 1% from Guilaine Lagache (paper ?) but ...
\========= sigabs 0.1% from Bennett et al 2003
\========= sig-hit as computed in in MJy/sr from Tab 1 of Bennett 2003 :
\========= W: 1.7616037
\========= V: 0.35912723
\========= Q: 0.11226172
\========= Ka: 0.049682426
\========= K: 0.022302618
\========= WAVE (computed from 23,33,41,61,94 GHz) taken from Bennett et al ApJSup 148:97โ€“1172003, Tab1, frequency.
\========= Apparently the same as used in Miville Deschenes et al 2008, A&A 490, 1093โ€“1102
\========= no confirmation in WMAP explanatory supplement ...
\========= IDL> print,cmic/([23,33,41,61,94.]*1.e9)    = 13034.454       9084.6201       7312.0109       4914.6305       3189.2816
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
WMAP       WMAP1      3189.2816  MJy/sr      CMB          0.22        1.762    0.1      WMAP_W                wmap_bandpass_W_v3.xcat                                  energy
WMAP       WMAP2      4914.6305  MJy/sr      CMB          0.35        0.359    0.1      WMAP_V                wmap_bandpass_V_v3.xcat                                  energy
WMAP       WMAP3      7312.0109  MJy/sr      CMB          0.51        0.112    0.1      WMAP_Q                wmap_bandpass_W_v3.xcat                                  energy
WMAP       WMAP4      9084.6201  MJy/sr      CMB          0.66        0.049    0.1      WMAP_Ka               wmap_bandpass_Ka_v3.xcat                                 energy
WMAP       WMAP5      13034.454  MJy/sr      CMB          0.88        0.022    0.1      WMAP_K                wmap_bandpass_K_v3.xcat                                  energy
\========= Information for MSX from SVO filter service and MSX handbooks at IRSA
\========= Transmission curves are in the PSC explanatory guide V1.2 (but not v2.3)
\========= RESO_ORIG values [18.3"] from Price et al (2001) corresponds to full res MSX Galactic Plane survey
\========= WAVE : MSX_psc_es.pdf clearly states how color correction should be done. I did not check that this is nuInu=cste (signed JPB)
\========= WAVE : MSX_psc_es.pdf uses ``isophotal'' wavelengths listed in Table 1 of the Explanatory Guide, which are the ones listed below
\========= NAME : Also consistent with msxpsc2.3_explguide.pdf
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
MSX        MSX1       4.29        MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.005083                     MSXB1                 MSX_MSX.B1.dat                                          energy
MSX        MSX2       4.35        MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.005083                     MSXB2                 MSX_MSX.B2.dat                                          energy
MSX        MSX3       8.28        MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.005083                     MSXA                  MSX_MSX.A.dat                                           energy
MSX        MSX4       12.13       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.005083                     MSXC                  MSX_MSX.C.dat                                           energy
MSX        MSX5       14.65       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.005083                     MSXD                  MSX_MSX.D.dat                                           energy
MSX        MSX6       21.34       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.005083                     MSXE                  MSX_MSX.E.dat                                           energy
\========= Information for BOLOCAM is from Bolocam website at CSO and Aguirre et al (2010)
\========= Origin of transmission file unknown
\========= RESO_ORIG [33"] is typical value for BGPS from Aguirre et al (2010)
\========= WAVE from Aguirre et al (2011) -- 271.1GHz = 0.0011058371650761754 m
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
BOLOCAM    BOLOCAM1   1105.837165 MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0091666663                  BOLOCAM_1p1mm         bolocam_1p1.txt                                         energy
\========= Information for WISE from SVO filter service and WISE website
\========= Filters from
\========= RESO_ORIG are typical values from
\========= WAVE values are isophotal wavelenghts given by Wright et al (2010)
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
WISE       WISE1      3.35260    MJy/sr      flambda=cste   0.0016944                   W1                    RSR-W1.EE.txt                                           energy
WISE       WISE2      4.60280    MJy/sr      flambda=cste   0.0017778                   W2                    RSR-W2.EE.txt                                           energy   
WISE       WISE3      11.5608    MJy/sr      flambda=cste   0.0018055                   W3                    RSR-W3.EE.txt                                           energy    
WISE       WISE4      22.0883    MJy/sr      flambda=cste   0.0033333                   W4                    RSR-W4.EE.txt                                           energy    
\========= Information for LABOCA from SVO filter service and APEX website
\========= RESO_ORIG [18".6] is from
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
LABOCA     LABOCA1    876.000    MJy/sr      LABOCA       0.005166667                   LABOCA_345GHz        laboca_passband_normalized.txt                           energy  
\========= Information for SABOCA from SVO filter service and APEX website
\========= RESO_ORIG [7".8] is typical value from Ragan et al (2013)
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
SABOCA     SABOCA1    357.000    MJy/sr      SABOCA       0.0021666668                   SABOCA_852GHz        saboca_passband_normalized.txt                           energy  
\========= Information for GISMO is from IRAM wiki
\========= RESO_ORIG [16".7] is from IRAM GISMO wiki
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
GISMO      GISMO1     2000.00    MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0046389                     GISMO_2mm             GISMO_TRANSMISSION.txt 
\========= Information for DIRBE is from SVO filter service and LAMBDA
\========= dirbe_abs_errs=[3.1,3.1,3.1,3.0,5.1,15.1,10.4,13.5,10.6,11.6]  ;in %, from Hauser et al 98 ApJ 508, 25 tab 2
\========= nuInu=[2.4,1.6,0.9,0.8,0.9,0.9,0.9,0.5,32.8,10.7] ;1-sig nuInu in nW/m2/sr from Hauser et al 98 ApJ 508, 25 tab 2
\========= above are in 0.7deg*0.7deg
\========= gives in MJy/sr in 1deg beam:
\========= 0.0007, 0.089, 0.00046, 0.00065, 0.001, 0.0025, 0.0052, 0.007, 0.766, 0.35 (see
\========= WAVE taken from, chapt 2, tab 2.2-2. Verified JPB 17/01/2023
\========= NAME are not the names from the official documentation
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
DIRBE      DIRBE1     1.25       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   1.          0.0007  3.1       DIRBE_1p25m           COBE_DIRBE.1p25m.dat                                    photon
DIRBE      DIRBE2     2.2        MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   1.          0.089   3.1       DIRBE_2p2m            COBE_DIRBE.2p2m.dat                                     photon
DIRBE      DIRBE3     3.5        MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   1.          0.00046 3.1       DIRBE_3p5m            COBE_DIRBE.3p5m.dat                                     photon
DIRBE      DIRBE4     4.9        MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   1.          0.00065 3.0       DIRBE_4p9m            COBE_DIRBE.4p9m.dat                                     photon
DIRBE      DIRBE5     12.0       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   1.          0.001   5.1       DIRBE_12m             COBE_DIRBE.12m.dat                                      photon
DIRBE      DIRBE6     25.0       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   1.          0.0025  15.1      DIRBE_25m             COBE_DIRBE.25m.dat                                      photon
DIRBE      DIRBE7     60.0       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   1.          0.0052  10.4      DIRBE_60m             COBE_DIRBE.60m.dat                                      photon
DIRBE      DIRBE8     100.0      MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   1.          0.007   13.5      DIRBE_100m            COBE_DIRBE.100m.dat                                     photon
DIRBE      DIRBE9     140.0      MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   1.          0.766   10.6      DIRBE_140m            COBE_DIRBE.140m.dat                                     photon
DIRBE      DIRBE10    240.0      MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   1.          0.35    11.6      DIRBE_240m            COBE_DIRBE.240m.dat                                     photon
\========= Information for ARCHEOPS from SVO filter service and Macias-Perez et al 2007 A&A 467, 1313โ€“1344
\========= WAVE assumed to correspond to reference frequencies [545.,353.,217.,143.] GHz ==> [550.07791,849.27043,1381.5321,2096.4509] microns
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
ARCHEOPS   ARCHEOPS1  550.07791  K           CMB                                        KS3.545GHz            ARCHEOPS_KS3.545GHz.dat                                 energy
ARCHEOPS   ARCHEOPS2  849.27043  K           CMB                                        KS3.353GHz            ARCHEOPS_KS3.353GHz.dat                                 energy
ARCHEOPS   ARCHEOPS3  1381.5321  K           CMB                                        KS3.217GHz            ARCHEOPS_KS3.217GHz.dat                                 energy
ARCHEOPS   ARCHEOPS4  2096.4509  K           CMB                                        KS3.143GHz            ARCHEOPS_KS3.143GHz.dat                                 energy
\========= Information for  PLANCK HFI from SVO filter service and Planck-HFI DR3 products at IRSA
\========= The HFI flux convention forces compute cc using the official Planck routine
\========= RESO_ORIG from Planck wiki
\========= in arcmin: [9.60,7.18,4.87,4.78,4.71,4.51]
\========= Origin of following uncertainty information unknown...
\========= sig-hit taken from internal noise in PSD
\========= values below from FRB table:
\========= in muK for 1 sq deg: 1.8 0.9 1.3 4.7 70 4.E3
\========= lead to:0.121905    0.0523205    0.0180480   0.00796892   0.00281441   0.00274250 (see dustem_hfi_errors)
\========= WAVE from Planck collaboration, 2014, A&A 571, A9.
\========= It is assumed that the filter frequencies (857, 545,353,217, 143 100 GHz are the reference frequencies used for color correction. This is TBC)
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
HFI        HFI1       349.81618  MJy/sr       HFI          0.0735000   0.1219  7.       HFI857GHz             PLANCK_HFI.857GHz.dat                                   energy
HFI        HFI2       550.07791  MJy/sr       HFI          0.0780000   0.118   7.       HFI545GHz             PLANCK_HFI.545GHz.dat                                   energy
HFI        HFI3       849.27043  MJy/sr       HFI          0.0750000   0.0785  2.       HFI353GHz             PLANCK_HFI.353GHz.dat                                   energy
HFI        HFI4       1381.5321  MJy/sr       HFI          0.0785000   0.075   2.       HFI217GHz             PLANCK_HFI.217GHz.dat                                   energy
HFI        HFI5       2096.4509  MJy/sr       HFI          0.118000    0.075   2.       HFI143GHz             PLANCK_HFI.143GHz.dat                                   energy
HFI        HFI6       2997.9246  MJy/sr       HFI          0.158833    0.0735  2.       HFI100GHz             PLANCK_HFI.100GHz.dat                                   energy
\========= Information for  Planck LFI  from SVO filter service and Planck-HFI DR3 products at IRSA
\========= RESO_ORIG from Planck wiki
\========= in deg: [0.53899997,0.45200002,0.22183333]
\========= WAVE same assumption as for HFI leads to: 4282.7494       6813.4647       9993.0817. This is also TBC
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
LFI        LFI1       4282.7494   MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.22183333                   LFI70GHz              PLANCK_LFI.070GHz.dat                                   energy
LFI        LFI2       6813.4647   MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.45200000                   LFI44GHz              PLANCK_LFI.044GHz.dat                                   energy            
LFI        LFI3       9993.0817   MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.53900000                   LFI30GHz              PLANCK_LFI.030GHz.dat                                   energy            
\========= Information for PRONAOS SPM 
\====== There is no such document as a expalanory supplement for PRONAOS-SPM.
\====== The values below reflect the knowledge of JPB and what was done in the PRONAOS papers, in particular Pajot et al. 2006, A&A 447, 769โ€“781
\====== WAVE from Pajot 2006. Verified JPB 17/01/2023
\====== RESO_ORIG from Pajot 2006, geometrical beam FWHM in tab 4 (2.0,2.0,2.5,3.5'). Verified JPB 17/01/2023
\====== FLUX_CONV assumed nuInu=cste, like in Pajot et al. 2006. Verified JPB 17/01/2023
\====== SIGABS taken to be 8%, as quoted in Pajot et al. 2006. Verified JPB 17/01/2023
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
SPM        SPM1       200.00     MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0333333            8.0
SPM        SPM2       260.00     MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0333333            8.0
SPM        SPM3       360.00     MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0416667            8.0
SPM        SPM4       580.00     MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0583333            8.0
\========= Information for  ISOCAM 
\========= reso_orig values arbitrary
\========= sighit values arbitrary
\========= sigabs values arbitrary
\========= WAVE taken from ISOCAM Handbook : p97 (color correction) and Tab. 2.3 (SW filters) and 2.4 (LW filters). Verified JPB 17/01/2023
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
ISOCAM     ISOCAM1     2.80       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1     SW4                    ISOCAM_SW4_transmission.xcat                           photon
ISOCAM     ISOCAM2     3.00       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1     SW7                    ISOCAM_SW7_transmission.xcat                           photon
ISOCAM     ISOCAM3     3.30       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1     SW2                    ISOCAM_SW2_transmission.xcat                           photon
ISOCAM     ISOCAM4     3.60       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1     SW1                    ISOCAM_SW1_transmission.xcat                           photon
ISOCAM     ISOCAM5     3.70       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1     SW6                    ISOCAM_SW6_transmission.xcat                           photon
ISOCAM     ISOCAM6     3.90       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1     SW9                    ISOCAM_SW9_transmission.xcat                           photon
ISOCAM     ISOCAM7     4.05       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1     SW8                    ISOCAM_SW8_transmission.xcat                           photon
ISOCAM     ISOCAM8     4.00       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1     SW5                    ISOCAM_SW5_transmission.xcat                           photon
ISOCAM     ISOCAM9     4.26       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1     SW11                   ISOCAM_SW11_transmission.xcat                           photon
ISOCAM     ISOCAM10    4.50       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1     SW3                    ISOCAM_SW3_transmission.xcat                           photon
ISOCAM     ISOCAM11    4.50       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1     LW1                    ISOCAM_LW1_transmission.xcat                           photon
ISOCAM     ISOCAM12    4.60       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1     SW10                   ISOCAM_SW10_transmission.xcat                           photon
ISOCAM     ISOCAM13    6.00       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1     LW4                    ISOCAM_LW4_transmission.xcat                           photon
ISOCAM     ISOCAM14    6.80       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1     LW5                    ISOCAM_LW5_transmission.xcat                           photon
ISOCAM     ISOCAM15    6.70       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1     LW2                    ISOCAM_LW2_transmission.xcat                           photon
ISOCAM     ISOCAM16    7.70       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1     LW6                    ISOCAM_LW6_transmission.xcat                           photon
ISOCAM     ISOCAM17    9.60       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1     LW7                    ISOCAM_LW7_transmission.xcat                           photon
ISOCAM     ISOCAM18   11.30       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1     LW8                    ISOCAM_LW8_transmission.xcat                           photon
ISOCAM     ISOCAM19   12.00       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1     LW10                   ISOCAM_LW10_transmission.xcat                           photon
ISOCAM     ISOCAM20   14.30       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1     LW3                    ISOCAM_LW3_transmission.xcat                           photon
ISOCAM     ISOCAM21   14.90       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1     LW9                    ISOCAM_LW9_transmission.xcat                           photon
\========= Information for  ISOPHOTP 
\========= reso_orig values arbitrary
\========= sighit values arbitrary
\========= sigabs values arbitrary
\========= WAVE, NAME from p233 for color correction, Tab 2.2 for lambda_ref
\========= WAVE, NAME Verified JPB 17/01/2023
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
ISOPHOTP   ISOPHOTP1  3.30       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1      P3.29
ISOPHOTP   ISOPHOTP2  3.60       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1      P3.6
ISOPHOTP   ISOPHOTP3  4.80       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1      P4.85
ISOPHOTP   ISOPHOTP4  7.30       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1      P7.3
ISOPHOTP   ISOPHOTP5  7.70       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1      P7.7
ISOPHOTP   ISOPHOTP6  10.0       MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1      P10
ISOPHOTP   ISOPHOTP7  11.30      MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1      P11.3
ISOPHOTP   ISOPHOTP8  12.00      MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1      P11.5
ISOPHOTP   ISOPHOTP9  12.80      MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1      P12.8
ISOPHOTP   ISOPHOTP10 15.00      MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1      P16
ISOPHOTP   ISOPHOTP11 20.00      MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1      P20
ISOPHOTP   ISOPHOTP12 25.00      MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1      P25
ISOPHOTP   ISOPHOTP13 60.00      MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1      P60
ISOPHOTP   ISOPHOTP14 100.0      MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1      P100
\========= Information for  ISOPHOT C 
\========= reso_orig values arbitrary
\========= sighit values arbitrary
\========= sigabs values arbitrary
\========= WAVE, NAME from p233 for color correction, Tab 2.2 for lambda_ref
\========= WAVE, NAME Verified JPB 17/01/2023
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
ISOPHOTC   ISOPHOTC1  65.00      MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1      C50                  ISO_PHT-C.50mu.dat                                       energy
ISOPHOTC   ISOPHOTC2  60.00      MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1      C60                  ISO_PHT-C.60mu.dat                                       energy
ISOPHOTC   ISOPHOTC3  80.00      MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1      C70                  ISO_PHT-C.70mu.dat                                       energy
ISOPHOTC   ISOPHOTC4  90.00      MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1      C90                  ISO_PHT-C.90mu.dat                                       energy
ISOPHOTC   ISOPHOTC5  100.00     MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1      C100                 ISO_PHT-C.100mu.dat                                       energy
ISOPHOTC   ISOPHOTC6  105.00     MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1      C105                 ISO_PHT-C.105mu.dat                                       energy
ISOPHOTC   ISOPHOTC7  120.00     MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1      C120                 ISO_PHT-C.120mu.dat                                       energy
ISOPHOTC   ISOPHOTC8  150.00     MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1      C135                 ISO_PHT-C.135mu.dat                                       energy
ISOPHOTC   ISOPHOTC9  170.00     MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1      C160                 ISO_PHT-C.160mu.dat                                       energy
ISOPHOTC   ISOPHOTC10 180.00     MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1      C180                 ISO_PHT-C.180mu.dat                                       energy
ISOPHOTC   ISOPHOTC11 200.00     MJy/sr      nuInu=cste   0.0633333    0.04    5.1      C200                 ISO_PHT-C.200mu.dat                                       energy
\========= Information for SLOAN SDSS taken from SVO
\========= Reference wavelength is pivot wavelength from SVO; current flux convention (flambda=cste) is a placeholder until I find true flux convention definition.
\========= Transmission components: Filter + Instrument + Atmosphere
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
SDSS       SDSS1      0.355652               flambda=cste                               sdss_u                SLOAN_SDSS.u.dat                                         photon                                     
SDSS       SDSS2      0.470250               flambda=cste                               sdss_g                SLOAN_SDSS.g.dat                                         photon                                     
SDSS       SDSS3      0.617558               flambda=cste                               sdss_r                SLOAN_SDSS.r.dat                                         photon                                     
SDSS       SDSS4      0.748998               flambda=cste                               sdss_i                SLOAN_SDSS.i.dat                                         photon                                     
SDSS       SDSS5      0.894671               flambda=cste                               sdss_z                SLOAN_SDSS.z.dat                                         photon                                     
\========= Information for ASTROSAT taken from SVO
\========= Reference wavelengths are pivot wavelengths from SVO; current flux convention (flambda=cste) is a placeholder until I find true flux convention definition.
\========= Reference for filter response: Tandon et al (2020)
\========= Transmission components: Filter 
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
ASTROSAT   ASTROSAT1  0.149919               flambda=cste                              F148W                 Astrosat_UVIT.F148W.dat                                 photon
ASTROSAT   ASTROSAT2  0.149699               flambda=cste                              F148Wa                Astrosat_UVIT.F148Wa.dat                                photon
ASTROSAT   ASTROSAT3  0.155213               flambda=cste                              F154W                 Astrosat_UVIT.F154W.dat                                 photon
ASTROSAT   ASTROSAT4  0.160095               flambda=cste                              F169M                 Astrosat_UVIT.F169M.dat                                 photon
ASTROSAT   ASTROSAT5  0.171828               flambda=cste                              F172M                 Astrosat_UVIT.F172M.dat                                 photon
ASTROSAT   ASTROSAT6  0.219296               flambda=cste                              N219M                 Astrosat_UVIT.N219M.dat                                 photon
ASTROSAT   ASTROSAT7  0.241441               flambda=cste                              N242W                 Astrosat_UVIT.N242W.dat                                 photon
ASTROSAT   ASTROSAT8  0.244750               flambda=cste                              N245M                 Astrosat_UVIT.N245M.dat                                 photon
ASTROSAT   ASTROSAT9  0.263593               flambda=cste                              N263M                 Astrosat_UVIT.N263M.dat                                 photon
ASTROSAT   ASTROSAT10 0.279214               flambda=cste                              N279N                 Astrosat_UVIT.N279N.dat                                 photon
\================ DUMMY FILTER, DO NOT DELETE!
\================ This last dummy filter needs to be included so that DustEMWrap copes with spectral data
\INSTRU    |FILTER    |WAVE      |BUNIT      |FLUX_CONV   |RESO_ORIG  |SIGHIT |SIGABS  |NAME                 |FILENAME                                               | TTYPE                     |
\char      |char      |real      |char       |char        |real       |real   |real    |char                 |char                                                   | char                      |
\NULL      |NULL      |NULL      |NULL       |NULL        |NULL       |NULL   |NULL    |NULL                 |NULL                                                   | NULL                      |
UNKNOWN    SPECTRUM   -32768.    MJy/sr      NONE         0