plugins_description.xcat 1.88 KB
\Plugin code is
\Possible SCOPES are:
\     ADD_SED: the output of the plugin function is to be added to the intensity SED
\     ADD_EXT: the output of the plugin function is to be added to the intensity Extinction SED
\     ADD_POLSED: the output of the plugin function is to be added to the intensity POLarizationSED
\     ADD_POLEXT: the output of the plugin function is to be added to the intensity POLarizationSED Extinction SED
\     MODIFY : Plugin modifies dust model variables
\Caution: scope(s) could also be defined inside the plugin, as a returned keyword ....
|char           |char         |char         |real           |char      |real             |char       |real           |char        |real           |  
|NULL           |NULL         |NULL         |NULL           |NULL      |NULL             |NULL       |NULL           ||NULL       |NULL           |
\This is the NIR continuum plugin
nir_continuum   ADD_SED       Temperature   1000.           Amplitude   0.001             NULL        NULL            NULL         NULL
\This is the free-free plugin 
\freefree        ADD_SED       Tgas          1000.           Amplitude  1.000             NULL        NULL            NULL         NULL
\This is the synchtron plugin 
\s=3           ;power spectrum of CR E distribution
\A=1.          ;Synchrotron radiation amplitude at 10 mm
\synchrotron     ADD_SED       s             3.              Amplitude  1.                NULL        NULL            NULL         NULL
\grey_body       ADD_SED