9.4 KB
;   Craig B. Markwardt, NASA/GSFC Code 662, Greenbelt, MD 20770
;   Generate a descriptive string in IDL HELP format
;   The HELPFORM function converts an IDL data value into a
;   representation very similar to the format produced by the built-in
;   command HELP.  Programmers can thus present data types and values
;   to users in a format they are familiar with.
;   For example, if the variable A is defined in the following manner,
;   and HELP is called, then the following transcript will result:
;     IDL> a = [1,2]
;     IDL> help, a
;     A               INT       = Array[2]
;   The same result can be achieved with the HELPFORM function:
;     IDL> print, helpform('A', a)
;     A               INT       = Array[2]
;   The benefit is that the output of HELPFORM is a string that can be
;   outputted or reformatted.  This capability is not available in all
;   versions of IDL.
;   HELPFORM actually produces *two* forms of output.  The above
;   output is considered the "long" form, as it appears in the IDL
;   HELP command, and is the default.  A "short" form can also be
;   produced, and is very similar to the information that appears in
;   certain terse IDL error messages.  It is activated by setting the
;   SHORTFORM keyword.
;   If the variable name is too long, the HELPFORM may be forced to be
;   two lines long to have consistent formatting.  In that case a
;   two-element string is returned.  If a single line is desired, use
;   the SINGLE keyword, but this comes at the expense of consistent
;   output formatting.
;   NAME - A scalar string containing the name of the IDL variable.
;          An empty string is permitted.  The name is ignored if the
;          SHORTFORM keyword is set.
;   VALUE - Any IDL value to be examined.  VALUE is optional if the
;           SIZE keyword is passed and uniquely describes the data.
;           VALUE should be passed for scalars and structures, since
;           the help form for these values requires additional
;           information beyond the SIZE.
;   SIZE - the IDL SIZE descriptor for the value to be printed.
;          Default: information is taken from VALUE.
;   SINGLE - if set, then output which would normally
;            appear on two lines for consistent formatting, appears on
;            one single line instead.
;   FULL_STRUCT - if set, then a detailed output is printed for
;                 structures, similar to HELP, VALUE, /STRUCTURE.

;   RECURSIVE_STRUCT - if both this keyword and FULL_STRUCT are set,
;                      and if VALUE itself has sub-structures, then
;                      print the full contents of those sub-structures
;                      as well.  The contents will be slightly indented.
;   SHORTFORM - set this keyword for a shorter output format that can
;               be used in error messages.
;   WIDTH - the width of the terminal in characters (used for
;           formatting).
;           Default: 80
;   An array of strings containing the HELPFORM output, which may have
;   more than one element depending on the length of NAME, SHORTFORM
;   and SINGLE.  The helpforms of pointer- and object-typed values
;   does not include the sequence number, but are otherwise correct.
;     IDL> print, helpform('A', size=[1,2,1,2])
;     A               BYTE      = Array[2]
;     ;; Do not pass VALUE and instead use SIZE to specify the type
;     IDL> print, helpform('A', size=[1,2,1,2], /shortform)
;     BYTE     (Array[2])
;     ;; Compare to the short form, which is meant to be placed in
;     ;; error messages
;     IDL> print, helpform('fjsldkfjsldfkjslkdfjslkdfjslkdfjsldkfjk',a)
;     fjsldkfjsldfkjslkdfjslkdfjslkdfjsldkfjk
;                      INT       = Array[2]
;     IDL> print, helpform('fjsldkfjsldfkjslkdfjslkdfjslkdfjsldkfjk',a,/single)
;     fjsldkfjsldfkjslkdfjslkdfjslkdfjsldkfjk INT       = Array[2]
;     ;; Compare the long and short forms
;   Written, CM, 13 May 2000
;   Documented, 04 Jul 2000
;   Improved output for objects, CM, 11 Jan 2001
;   Added support for full structure output, CM 08 Feb 2001
;   Added forward_function declaration for safety, CM 08 Apr 2001
;   Print more info about POINTER type, CM 08 Apr 2001
;   Add the RECURSIVE_STRUCT keyword, CM 04 Jan 2009
; $Id:,v 1.6 2009/01/04 09:18:18 craigm Exp $
; Copyright (C) 2000-2001, 2009, Craig Markwardt
; This software is provided as is without any warranty whatsoever.
; Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute modified or
; unmodified copies is granted, provided this copyright and disclaimer
; are included unchanged.
forward_function helpform
function helpform, name0, value, size=sz, single=single, shortform=short, $
                   width=width0, structure_name=stname, tagform=tagform, $
                   full_struct=struct, recursive_struct=recstruct

  ;; Names of all the known IDL types, as of IDL 5.2
  typenames = ['UNDEFINED', 'BYTE', 'INT', 'LONG', 'FLOAT', 'DOUBLE', $
               'COMPLEX', 'STRING', 'STRUCT', 'DCOMPLEX', 'POINTER', $
               'OBJREF', 'UINT', 'ULONG', $
               'LONG64', 'ULONG64', 'UNKNOWN']
  blanks = string(replicate(32b,80))
  if n_elements(sz) LT 3 then sz = size(value)
  tp = sz(sz(0)+1) < 16

  if n_elements(name0) EQ 0 then name0 = ''
  name = strtrim(name0(0),2)

  nlen = 15  ;; Length of name
  tlen = 9   ;; Length of type name

  if n_elements(width0) EQ 0 then width0 = 80
  width = floor(width0(0))

  ;; ================================ STRUCTURES
  if tp EQ 8 AND keyword_set(struct) then begin
      sz1 = size(value)
      if sz1(sz1(0)+1) NE 8 then goto, NOT_STRUCT
      nt = n_tags(value)
      len = n_tags(value, /length)
      tn = tag_names(value)
      sn = tag_names(value, /structure_name)
      if sn EQ '' then sn = '<Anonymous>'

      a = string(sn, nt, len, $
             format='("** Structure ",A0,", ",I0," tags, length=",I0,":")')

      for i = 0, nt-1 do begin
         stri = helpform(tn(i), value(0).(i), /tagform)
         szi = size(value(0).(i))
         tpi = szi(szi(0)+1)

         a = [a, '   '+stri]
         ;; Recursive structures
         if keyword_set(recstruct) AND tpi EQ 8 then begin
            stri = helpform(tn(i), value(0).(i), $
                            /full_struct, /recursive_struct)
            a = [a, '     '+stri]

      return, a

  if NOT keyword_set(short) then begin
      ;; Pad the name out, or else put the name on a line by itself
      if strlen(name) GT nlen then begin
          if keyword_set(single) then begin
              a1 = name+' '
          endif else begin
              a0 = name
              a1 = strmid(blanks,0,nlen)+' '
      endif else begin
          a1 = strmid(name+blanks,0,nlen)+' '
      a1 = a1 + strmid(typenames(tp)+blanks,0,tlen)
      if NOT keyword_set(tagform) then $
        a1 = a1 +' = '        
  endif else begin
      a1 = strmid(typenames(tp)+blanks,0,tlen)

  ndims = sz(0)
  if ndims GT 0 then begin
      ;; It is an array, compose the dimensions
      dims = sz(1:ndims)  
      v = 'Array['
      for i = 0L, ndims-1 do begin
          v = v + strtrim(dims(i),2)
          if i LT ndims-1 then v = v + ', '
      v = v + ']'

      ;; If it is a structure, add the structure name (structures are
      ;; never scalars)
      if NOT keyword_set(short) AND tp EQ 8 then begin
          ;; Protect against empty value
          if n_elements(stname) EQ 0 then begin
              if n_elements(value) GT 0 then v0 = value(0) else v0 = {dummy:0}
              sn = tag_names(v0, /structure_name)
              sn = sn(0)
          endif else begin
              sn = strtrim(stname(0),2)
          if sn EQ '' then sn = '<Anonymous>'
          v = '-> '+sn+' ' + v 
  endif else begin
      ;; It is a scalar

      ;; Protect against empty or vector value
      if n_elements(value) GT 0 then begin
          v0 = value(0) 
      endif else begin
          if tp NE 10 AND tp NE 11 then tp = 0

      case tp < 16 of 
          0:  v = '<Undefined>'
          1:  v = string(v0, format='(I4)')
          7:  begin
              w = (width - 35) > 5
              if strlen(v0) GT w then $
                v = "'"+strmid(v0,0,w)+"'..." $
              else $
                v = "'"+v0+"'"
          10: begin
              sz = size(v0)
              if sz(sz(0)+1) EQ 10 then v = string(v0(0), /print) $
              else                      v = '<PtrHeapVar>'
          11: begin
              if n_elements(stname) EQ 0 then begin
                  forward_function obj_class
                  sz = size(v0)
                  if sz(sz(0)+1) EQ 11 then sn = '('+obj_class(v0)+')' $
                  else                      sn = ''
              endif else begin
                  sn = '('+strupcase(strtrim(stname(0),2))+')'
              v = '<ObjHeapVar'+sn+'>'
          16: v = ''
          else: v = string(v0)

  if keyword_set(short) then return, a1 + '('+v+')'

  a1 = a1 + v
  if n_elements(a0) GT 0 then a1=[a0, a1]

  return, a1