{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}
\f0\fs24 \cf0 Directory containing all the data needed for the study of gas heating by photoelectric effect on PAH.\
-XXX_LR11_reproj.fits = map at Lower Resolution of 11\'92\'92 reprojected on the PACS [CII] 158mu map. When this part is not present in the title of the .fits file, the spatial resolution of the corresponding map is the original (higher than PACS at 158mu)\
-XXXLR_11_proj_CII157line_BS_hdr_.fits = same as the former one\
-XXX_BS.fits = gas emission map given by J. Bernard-Salas at its original spatial resolution\
For IRS map of NGC7023: \
-N7023_\'ab\'a0population name\'a0\'bb_map.fits = contribution of this population relatively to eVSG+PAH0+PAH+\
-N7023_\'ab\'a0population name\'a0\'bb_map_int.fits = integrated intensity of this population obtained with PAHTAT\
-N7023_int_PAH_emissionLR_11_reproj.fits = map of the integrated intensity of the emission of PAH0+PAH+, used in the computation of the reduced heating efficiency.\
-PE_PAH_h2_PAH_map_publication.fits= map of the reduced heating efficiency of PE on PAH. Used for the cuts.}