21.7 KB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Jul 15 16:47:35 2022

@author: frede
import numpy as np
import radiation_fields as rf


This programme seeks to calculate how a neutral gas subjected to a radiation field 
is heated, involving pahs in the ionization of the gas

This program works with the script "" 
which calculates the scale factor of the radiation field G0

Example of execution of the program for the star of 10 solar radius HD200775,
for a distance to the star at 20pc, for a gas at 750K, an electron density
at 2.4 cm-3 and a size of PAHs à 54 C atoms :
HeatingGas(filename='HD200775_RF.txt', star_radius=10, t_gas=750,
            n_e=1.6, n_c=54, parsec=20) 

If i consider the Interstellar Radiation Field with 
an approach described by Habing (1968), for a gas at 50K and a
fraction of cosmic carbon locked in PAHs at 5%: 
HeatingGas('habing1968.txt', 1, t_gas=100, n_e=1.6, n_c=54, 
           parsec=1, fc_pah=0.05, ISRF=True)

While considering ISRF, the value of the parameters 
parsec and star_radius are no longer important

''' Constants '''
h = 6.62607015e-34 #Planck constant in J s
c = 299792458 #Light speed in m s-1
eps_0 =  8.85418782e-12 #epsilon_0, vacuum permitivity in F (Farad) m-1
z_0 = 0 #the charge state of the neutral molecule 
z_1 = 1 #the charge state of the ionized 1 molecule 
one_in_4_pi_eps_0 = 1/( 4*np.pi*(eps_0/1e9) )

''' Conversions '''
ev = 1.602176634e-19 # 1 ev = 1.60218e-19 J and value of electron charge
erg = 1e-7 # 1 erg = 1e-7 J
ev_to_erg = ev/erg #1 eV in erg
mb = 1e-18 #1Mb = 1e-18cm2, Mb for Megabarn (unit used to express the cross sectional area of nuclei)

''' Saving parameters ''' 
dust_heating_rate = np.zeros([3])
ionization_rate = np.zeros([2])
recombination_rate = np.zeros([2])
gas_heating_rate = np.zeros([2])
intrinsic_efficiency = np.zeros([2])

class HeatingGas:


    Returns total_gas_heating, g_0 , gamma , t_gas, n_e , n_c
    total_gas_heating : float,
        gas heating rate
    g_0 : float,
        scaling factor of the radiation field
    gamma : float,
        ( g_0 * sqrt(t_gas) )/n_e ionization parameter
    t_gas : float,
        gas temperature
    n_e : float,
        electron density in cm-3
    n_c : float,
        number of carbon atoms in pah molecules (size of the pah)
    def __init__(self, filename, star_radius, t_gas, n_e, n_c, parsec, fc_pah=0.1, ISRF=False):
        filename : str, 
            name of the file containing wavelength in nm and 
            intensity in erg cm-2 s-1 sr-1 nm-1 of a star or of the interstellar medium
        star_radius : float, 
            star radius, in unit of solar radius
        n_e : float, 
            electron density in cm-3 (n_e = n_h * 1.6e-4, n_h : hydrogen density)
        parsec : float, 
            distance in parsec from the star
        fc_pah : float, 
            fraction of cosmic carbon locked in PAHs (default: 0.1)
        ISRF : bool, 
            Interstellar Radiation Field; if true, then the filename is a file for ISRF
            if false, the radiation field of a star is studied (default: False)
        ''' input parameters '''
        self.filename = filename
        self.t_gas = t_gas
        self.n_e = n_e
        self.n_c = n_c
        self.parsec = parsec
        self.star_radius = star_radius
        self.fc_pah = fc_pah
        self.ISRF = ISRF
        ''' parameters to be observed '''
        self.g_0 = None
        self.distance = None
        self.wavelength = None
        self.wavelength_intensity = None
        self.energy_intensity = None = None
        self.energy_range = None
        self.energy_negative_charged = None
        self.energy_neutral = None
        self.energy_charged = None
        self.energy_double_charged = None
        self.pah_cross_a = None
        self.pah_cross_n = None
        self.pah_cross_c = None
        self.pah_cross_dc = None
        self.ip_neutral = None
        self.ip_charged = None
        self.detachment_yield = None
        self.yield_of_first_photoionization = None
        self.yield_of_second_photoionization = None
        self.heating_efficiency = None
        self.total_gas_heating = None
        self.frac_anion = None
        self.frac_neutral = None
        self.frac_charged = None
        self.frac_double_charged = None
    def parameters(self):
        ''' others parameters to be returned '''
        self.g_0, self.distance, self.wavelength, self.wavelength_intensity, self.energy_intensity,, self.ISRF, RF_list = rf.radiation_field(self.filename, self.star_radius, self.parsec, self.ISRF, RF_list=False)
        self.gamma = ( self.g_0 * np.sqrt(self.t_gas) ) / self.n_e #ionization parameter

        ''' Ionization Potential (IP) estimation '''
        a = (self.n_c/468)**(1/3) #molecule diameter, in nm
        self.ip_neutral = 3.9 + one_in_4_pi_eps_0 * ( ( z_0 + (1/2) ) * (ev**2/a) + ( z_0 + 2 ) * (ev**2/a) *(0.03/a) ) * (1/ev)
        #IP to ionize the molecule : neutral to charged, in ev
        self.ip_charged = 3.9 + one_in_4_pi_eps_0 * ( ( z_1 + (1/2) ) * (ev**2/a) + ( z_1 + 2 ) * (ev**2/a) *(0.03/a) ) * (1/ev)
        #IP to ionize the charged molecule : charged 1 to charged 2, in ev
        '''==========================|building of the cross section|======================='''
        ''' derives a mean photoabsorption cross section of the molecule considered, in 3 size ranges'''
        ''' small size '''
        self.energy_negative_charged,cross_anion = np.loadtxt('./anions/coronene_anion.txt',unpack=True) #C24
        self.energy_negative_charged,crossa_1_case1 = np.loadtxt('./anions/ovalene_anion.txt',unpack=True) #C32
        self.energy_neutral,crossn_1_case1 = np.loadtxt('./neutrals/ovalene_neutral.txt',unpack=True) #C32
        self.energy_charged,crossc_1_case1 = np.loadtxt('./cations/ovalene_cation.txt',unpack=True) #C32
        self.energy_double_charged,crossdc_1_case1 = np.loadtxt('./dications/ovalene_dication.txt',unpack=True) #C32
        self.energy_negative_charged,crossa_2_case1 = np.loadtxt('./anions/tetrabenzocoronene_anion.txt',unpack=True) #C36
        self.energy_neutral,crossn_2_case1 = np.loadtxt('./neutrals/tetrabenzocoronene_neutral.txt',unpack=True) #C36
        self.energy_charged,crossc_2_case1 = np.loadtxt('./cations/tetrabenzocoronene_cation.txt',unpack=True) #C36
        self.energy_double_charged,crossdc_2_case1 = np.loadtxt('./dications/tetrabenzocoronene_dication.txt',unpack=True) #C36
        self.energy_negative_charged,crossa_3_case1 = np.loadtxt('./anions/circumbiphenyl_anion.txt',unpack=True) #C38
        self.energy_neutral,crossn_3_case1 = np.loadtxt('./neutrals/circumbiphenyl_neutral.txt',unpack=True) #C38
        self.energy_charged,crossc_3_case1 = np.loadtxt('./cations/circumbiphenyl_cation.txt',unpack=True) #C38
        self.energy_double_charged,crossdc_3_case1 = np.loadtxt('./dications/circumbiphenyl_dication.txt',unpack=True) #C38
        ''' medium size '''
        self.energy_negative_charged,crossa_1_case2 = np.loadtxt('./anions/circumanthracene_anion.txt',unpack=True) #C40
        self.energy_neutral,crossn_1_case2 = np.loadtxt('./neutrals/circumanthracene_neutral.txt',unpack=True) #C40
        self.energy_charged,crossc_1_case2 = np.loadtxt('./cations/circumanthracene_cation.txt',unpack=True) #C40
        self.energy_double_charged,crossdc_1_case2 = np.loadtxt('./dications/circumanthracene_dication.txt',unpack=True) #C40
        self.energy_negative_charged,crossa_2_case2 = np.loadtxt('./anions/circumpyrene_anion.txt',unpack=True) #C42
        self.energy_neutral,crossn_2_case2 = np.loadtxt('./neutrals/circumpyrene_neutral.txt',unpack=True) #C42
        self.energy_charged,crossc_2_case2 = np.loadtxt('./cations/circumpyrene_cation.txt',unpack=True) #C42
        self.energy_double_charged,crossdc_2_case2 = np.loadtxt('./dications/circumpyrene_dication.txt',unpack=True) #C42
        self.energy_negative_charged,crossa_3_case2 = np.loadtxt('./anions/hexabenzocoronene_anion.txt',unpack=True) #C42
        self.energy_neutral,crossn_3_case2 = np.loadtxt('./neutrals/hexabenzocoronene_neutral.txt',unpack=True) #C42
        self.energy_charged,crossc_3_case2 = np.loadtxt('./cations/hexabenzocoronene_cation.txt',unpack=True) #C42
        self.energy_double_charged,crossdc_3_case2 = np.loadtxt('./dications/hexabenzocoronene_dication.txt',unpack=True) #C42    
        ''' large size '''
        self.energy_negative_charged,crossa_1_case3 = np.loadtxt('./anions/dicoronylene_anion.txt',unpack=True) #C48
        self.energy_neutral,crossn_1_case3 = np.loadtxt('./neutrals/dicoronylene_neutral.txt',unpack=True) #C48
        self.energy_charged,crossc_1_case3 = np.loadtxt('./cations/dicoronylene_cation.txt',unpack=True) #C48
        self.energy_double_charged,crossdc_1_case3 = np.loadtxt('./dications/dicoronylene_dication.txt',unpack=True) #C48
        self.energy_negative_charged,crossa_2_case3 = np.loadtxt('./anions/circumcoronene_anion.txt',unpack=True) #C54
        self.energy_neutral,crossn_2_case3 = np.loadtxt('./neutrals/circumcoronene_neutral.txt',unpack=True) #C54
        self.energy_charged,crossc_2_case3 = np.loadtxt('./cations/circumcoronene_cation.txt',unpack=True) #C54
        self.energy_double_charged,crossdc_2_case3 = np.loadtxt('./dications/circumcoronene_dication.txt',unpack=True) #C54
        self.energy_negative_charged,crossa_3_case3 = np.loadtxt('./anions/circumovalene_anion.txt',unpack=True) #C66
        self.energy_neutral,crossn_3_case3 = np.loadtxt('./neutrals/circumovalene_neutral.txt',unpack=True) #C66
        self.energy_charged,crossc_3_case3 = np.loadtxt('./cations/circumovalene_cation.txt',unpack=True) #C66
        self.energy_double_charged,crossdc_3_case3 = np.loadtxt('./dications/circumovalene_dication.txt',unpack=True) #C66
        #for each cross section for each state of the molecule, we have an associated energy 
        self.energy_range = np.where(self.energy_neutral<13.6)[0]
        self.pah_cross_a = ( ( (cross_anion/24)   +(crossa_1_case1/32)+(crossa_2_case1/36) +\
                               (crossa_3_case1/38)+(crossa_1_case2/40)+(crossa_2_case2/42) +\
                               (crossa_3_case2/42)+(crossa_1_case3/48)+(crossa_2_case3/54) +\
                               (crossa_3_case3/66)                                         )/10 ) * self.n_c
        self.pah_cross_n = ( ( (crossn_1_case1/32)+(crossn_2_case1/36)+(crossn_3_case1/38) +\
                               (crossn_1_case2/40)+(crossn_2_case2/42)+(crossn_3_case2/42) +\
                               (crossn_1_case3/48)+(crossn_2_case3/54)+(crossn_3_case3/66) )/9 ) * self.n_c
        self.pah_cross_c = ( ( (crossc_1_case1/32)+(crossc_2_case1/36)+(crossc_3_case1/38) +\
                               (crossc_1_case2/40)+(crossc_2_case2/42)+(crossc_3_case2/42) +\
                               (crossc_1_case3/48)+(crossc_2_case3/54)+(crossc_3_case3/66) )/9 ) * self.n_c
        self.pah_cross_dc = ( ((crossdc_1_case1/32)+(crossdc_2_case1/36)+(crossdc_3_case1/38) +\
                               (crossdc_1_case2/40)+(crossdc_2_case2/42)+(crossdc_3_case2/42) +\
                               (crossdc_1_case3/48)+(crossdc_2_case3/54)+(crossdc_3_case3/66) )/9 ) * self.n_c
        #cross_n is the average cross section of a pah of all types of size
        ''' Ranges imposed '''
        self.energy_negative_charged = self.energy_negative_charged[self.energy_range]
        self.energy_neutral = self.energy_neutral[self.energy_range]
        self.energy_charged = self.energy_charged[self.energy_range]
        self.energy_double_charged = self.energy_double_charged[self.energy_range]
        self.pah_cross_a = self.pah_cross_a[self.energy_range]
        self.pah_cross_n = self.pah_cross_n[self.energy_range]
        self.pah_cross_c = self.pah_cross_c[self.energy_range]
        self.pah_cross_dc = self.pah_cross_dc[self.energy_range]
        ''' yield from anion to neutral '''
        part = np.where(self.energy_negative_charged <=13.6)[0]

        self.detachment_yield = np.full(len(part), 1)
        #the anion being unstable, any energy is enough to detach the electron

        ''' yield from neutral to the first photoionization '''
        first_part = np.where(self.energy_neutral<self.ip_neutral)[0]

        second_part = np.where( (self.energy_neutral>=self.ip_neutral) & (self.energy_neutral<(self.ip_neutral+9.2) ) )[0]
        third_part = np.where((self.energy_neutral>self.ip_neutral+9.2))[0]
        y_1 = np.zeros([len(first_part)])
        y_2 = ( self.energy_neutral[second_part]-self.ip_neutral )/9.2
        y_3 = np.full(len(third_part), 1)
        self.yield_of_first_photoionization = np.concatenate( (y_1,y_2,y_3) )
        ''' yield from the first photoionization to the second photoionization '''
        alpha = 0.3 #teepness coefficient, see Wenzel et al. 2020
        if (self.n_c >= 32) & (self.n_c < 50):
            beta = 0.59 + 8.1e-3 * self.n_c
        if self.n_c >= 50:
            beta = 1
        first_part = np.where( self.energy_charged<self.ip_charged )[0]
        second_part = np.where( ( self.energy_charged>=self.ip_charged ) & ( self.energy_charged<11.3 ) )[0]
        third_part = np.where( ( self.energy_charged>=11.3 ) & ( self.energy_charged<12.9 ) )[0]
        fourth_part = np.where( ( self.energy_charged>=12.9 ) & ( self.energy_charged<13.6 ) )[0]
        y_1 = np.zeros([len(first_part)])
        y_2 = ( alpha/(11.3-self.ip_charged) ) * (self.energy_charged[second_part]-self.ip_charged)
        y_3 = np.full(len(third_part), alpha)
        y_4 = ( (beta-alpha)/2.1 ) * (self.energy_charged[fourth_part]-12.9) + alpha
        self.yield_of_second_photoionization = np.concatenate( (y_1,y_2,y_3,y_4) )

        ''' adaptating the cross section from 0 to 13.6eV'''
        pah_crossa = np.interp(,self.energy_negative_charged,self.pah_cross_a)*mb #in cm2/Carbon (from Mb/C to cm2/C)
        pah_crossn = np.interp(,self.energy_neutral,self.pah_cross_n)*mb #in cm2/Carbon (from Mb/C to cm2/C)
        pah_crossc = np.interp(,self.energy_charged,self.pah_cross_c)*mb #in cm2/Carbon (from Mb/C to cm2/C)
        pah_crossdc = np.interp(,self.energy_double_charged,self.pah_cross_dc)*mb #in cm2/Carbon (from Mb/C to cm2/C)

        yield_a = np.interp(,self.energy_negative_charged,self.detachment_yield)
        yield_n = np.interp(,self.energy_neutral,self.yield_of_first_photoionization) 
        yield_c = np.interp(,self.energy_charged,self.yield_of_second_photoionization)
        '''===================== dust and gas heating calculation ==================='''
        energy_range_power_absorbed = np.where(<=13.6)[0]
        energy_range_anion = np.where(<=13.6)[0]
        energy_range_neutral = np.where(np.logical_and( >= self.ip_neutral, <= 13.6))[0]
        energy_range_charged = np.where(np.logical_and( >= self.ip_charged, <= 13.6))[0]
        ''' photoabsorption of the neutrals, cations and dications molecules '''
        photo_absorption_a = self.energy_intensity*pah_crossa*2*np.pi #erg s-1 eV-1 /!\ the 2*np.pi is the solid angle considered =>  the RF comes from the star only
        photo_absorption_n = self.energy_intensity*pah_crossn*2*np.pi #erg s-1 eV-1
        photo_absorption_c = self.energy_intensity*pah_crossc*2*np.pi #erg s-1 eV-1
        photo_absorption_dc = self.energy_intensity*pah_crossdc*2*np.pi #erg s-1 eV-1
        ''' power density absorbed for ionization '''
        ionization_absorption_a = yield_a*photo_absorption_a #erg s-1 eV-1
        ionization_absorption_n = yield_n*photo_absorption_n #erg s-1 eV-1
        ionization_absorption_c = yield_c*photo_absorption_c #erg s-1 eV-1
        ''' number of ionizations '''
        number_ionization_absorption_a = ionization_absorption_a/(*ev_to_erg)
        number_ionization_absorption_n = ionization_absorption_n/(*ev_to_erg)
        number_ionization_absorption_c = ionization_absorption_c/(*ev_to_erg)
        #number of ionizations per s per eV for a charge state
        ''' detachment rate '''
        kdet = np.trapz(number_ionization_absorption_a[energy_range_anion],[energy_range_anion])
        #in s-1
        ''' photoemission rate '''
        kpe_neutral = np.trapz(number_ionization_absorption_n[energy_range_neutral], ([energy_range_neutral])
        kpe_charged = np.trapz(number_ionization_absorption_c[energy_range_charged], ([energy_range_charged])
        #in s-1
        ''' attachment rate ''' #for coronene
        katt = self.n_e * 2.74e-9 * (self.t_gas/300)**(0.11) * np.exp(-(-1.12)/self.t_gas)
        #in s-1
        ''' recombination rate '''
        phi = ( 1.85*1e5 )/( self.t_gas*np.sqrt(self.n_c) ) #dimensionless
        krec_neutral = self.n_e * 1.28e-10 * self.n_c * np.sqrt(self.t_gas) * ( 1 + phi )
        krec_charged = self.n_e * 1.28e-10 * self.n_c * np.sqrt(self.t_gas) * ( 1 + phi * (1 + z_1) )
        #in s-1
        ''' population fraction computation '''
        self.frac_anion = 1/(1 + (kdet/katt) + (kdet*kpe_neutral)/(katt*krec_neutral) + (kdet*kpe_neutral*kpe_charged)/(katt*krec_neutral*krec_charged))
        self.frac_neutral = 1/(1 + (katt/kdet) + (kpe_neutral/krec_neutral) + (kpe_neutral*kpe_charged)/(krec_neutral*krec_charged))
        self.frac_charged = 1/(1 + (krec_neutral/kpe_neutral) + (krec_neutral*katt)/(kdet*kpe_neutral) + (kpe_charged/krec_charged))
        self.frac_double_charged = 1/(1 + (krec_charged/kpe_charged) + (krec_neutral*krec_charged)/(kpe_neutral*kpe_charged) + (katt*krec_neutral*krec_charged)/(kdet*kpe_neutral*kpe_charged) )
        ''' selection of the partition coefficient '''
        partition_coeff = 0.46 #pah parameter, 0.46 + or - 0.06
        ''' spectrum of the gas heating per charge state '''

        anion_heating_rate_spectrum = 1 * ( *\
                                      number_ionization_absorption_a * ev_to_erg #erg s-1 eV-1
        neutral_heating_rate_spectrum = partition_coeff * ( *\
                                        number_ionization_absorption_n * ev_to_erg #erg s-1 eV-1
        charged_heating_rate_spectrum = partition_coeff * ( *\
                                        number_ionization_absorption_c * ev_to_erg #erg s-1 eV-1
        #partition_coeff * (E-IP) is the kinetic energy of the photoelectron following absorption of a UV photon of energy E
        ''' gas heating rate per charge state '''
        anion_gas_heating_rate =   np.trapz(anion_heating_rate_spectrum[energy_range_anion],\
                                  [energy_range_anion] ) #erg s-1 molecule-1
        neutral_gas_heating_rate = np.trapz(neutral_heating_rate_spectrum[energy_range_neutral],\
                                            ([energy_range_neutral] ) #erg s-1 molecule-1
        charged_gas_heating_rate = np.trapz(charged_heating_rate_spectrum[energy_range_charged],\
                                            ([energy_range_charged] ) #erg s-1 molecule-1
        #powers injected in the gas by photoelectrons ejected from
        #anionic neutral and cationic PAHs
        '''======================== heating efficiencies ========================'''
        ''' total power injected into the gas via the photoelectrons from pahs '''
        total_injected_power = self.frac_anion   * anion_gas_heating_rate   +\
                               self.frac_neutral * neutral_gas_heating_rate +\
                               self.frac_charged * charged_gas_heating_rate
        #erg s-1 /(molecule of size n_c)
        ''' heating rate of the molecule itself '''
        heating_pah_a = np.trapz(photo_absorption_a[energy_range_power_absorbed],\
                              [energy_range_power_absorbed]) #erg s-1
        heating_pah_n = np.trapz(photo_absorption_n[energy_range_power_absorbed],\
                              [energy_range_power_absorbed]) #erg s-1
        heating_pah_c = np.trapz(photo_absorption_c[energy_range_power_absorbed],\
                              [energy_range_power_absorbed]) #erg s-1
        heating_pah_dc = np.trapz(photo_absorption_dc[energy_range_power_absorbed],\
                              [energy_range_power_absorbed]) #erg s-1
        #power absorbed by each PAH charge state   
        ''' total power of the radiation absorbed by pahs '''
        total_absorbed_radiation_power = self.frac_anion   * heating_pah_a +\
                                         self.frac_neutral * heating_pah_n +\
                                         self.frac_charged * heating_pah_c +\
                                         self.frac_double_charged * heating_pah_dc
        #erg s-1 /(molecule of size n_c)
        ''' heating efficiency '''
        self.heating_efficiency = total_injected_power/total_absorbed_radiation_power
        ''' gas heating '''
        self.total_gas_heating = total_injected_power * (self.fc_pah/self.n_c) * 2.7e-4
        #2.7e-4 : elemental abundance of C relative to H (Tielens 2021)  
        return self.total_gas_heating, self.g_0 , self.gamma, self.t_gas, self.n_e, self.n_c