FileLoaderCDF.h 2.53 KB

#include <list>

#include "FileLoaderAbstract.h"
#include "cdf.h"

namespace TREPS
	namespace File
		//CDF variable type
		typedef enum {CDFVT_R,CDFVT_Z} t_CDFVarType;

		//CDF variable defintion
		typedef struct
			//rVariable or zVariable
			t_CDFVarType type;
			//variable number
			long         num;
			//variable name
			char         name[CDF_VAR_NAME_LEN256+1];
			//data type
			long         dataType;
			//number of bytes for the data type
			long         numBytes;
			//number of elements (of the data type)
			long         numElts;
			//number of dimensions
			long         numDims;
			//dimension sizes
			long         dimSizes[CDF_MAX_DIMS];
			//record variance
			long         recVary;
			//dimension variances
			long         dimVarys[CDF_MAX_DIMS];
			//maximum record number
			long         maxRecNum;
			//field id used by TREPS
			string       fieldId;
			//field attributes
			map<string,string> attributes;
		} t_CDFVar;

		//list of CDF variables
		typedef list<t_CDFVar> t_CDFVarList;

		class FileLoaderCDFClass : public FileLoaderAbstractClass
			public :

				//open CDF file
				bool open(const char *file_path);
				//close CDF file
				bool close(void);
				//test if a CDF file is opened
				bool isOpened(void);
				//get file format
				t_FileFormat getFormat(void);

				//detect frames
				t_StringList getFrames(const t_FieldList *fields);

				//detect fields
				t_FieldList getFields(long int nbRecords);

				//get number of records in CDF file
				long int getNbRecords(void);

				// add CDF specific vectors
				void addSpecificFormatVectors(const t_FieldList *fields, t_VectorList &vectors);

				//get general attributes
				map<string,string> getAttributes(void);

				//get data
				bool getData(int start, int limit, DataRecordListClass *data, int &total);

			private :
				//CDF identifier
				CDFid cdfid;

				//buffer for CDF status text
				char cdfbuffer[CDF_STATUSTEXT_LEN+1];

				//get information about a CDF variables
				bool getVarInfo(t_CDFVarType varType, long varNum, t_CDFVar &var);

				//get CDF variables list
				t_CDFVarList getVarList(void);

				//detect the type of a field
				void getFieldType(long dataType, t_FieldType &fieldType, t_TimeFormat &timeformat);

				//data extraction
				string extractValToStr(void *val, const t_CDFVar *var);
