about.html.jinja2 2.41 KB
{% extends 'layout.html.jinja2' %}
{% set menu_section = 'about' %}
{% block title %}About{% endblock %}


{% block content %}

<div class="mdl-layout mdl-js-layout">

  <main id="" class="mdl-layout__content">

    <div class="mdl-grid">
    <a href="/index.html" class="mdl-button mdl-button--raised mdl-button--primary">
      &crarr; Back

    <div class="mdl-grid">
      <div class="mdl-cell mdl-cell--4-col mdl-cell--4-col-tablet mdl-cell--4-col-phone">
        <h2>Bug Reports</h2>
          Please send bug reports
{# There are no safe ways to embed multiple recipients in a mailto #}
{# https://web.archive.org/web/20151116223616/http://www.sightspecific.com/~mosh/WWW_FAQ/multrec.html #}
          <a href="mailto:{{ authors_emails | shuffle | join(',') }}?subject=Heliopropa%20Bug%20Report%20%23{{ uuid4 }}">via email</a> or,
          <em>(if you can)</em>,
          use <a href="https://gitlab.irap.omp.eu/CDPP/SPACEWEATHERONLINE/issues">our issue tracker</a>.
      <div class="mdl-cell mdl-cell--4-col mdl-cell--4-col-tablet mdl-cell--4-col-phone">
          The <a href="http://www.europlanet-2020-ri.eu/">Europlanet 2020 Research Infrastructure</a> project has received funding
          from the <a href="https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/">European Union's Horizon 2020</a> research and innovation programme
          under grant agreement N°&nbsp;654208.
          If you like the pixel art planets, you can <a href="https://www.redbubble.com/people/spacefruitdox/portfolio" title="We're not affiliated with the author of these images in any way, but they're nice and this is a way of saying thanks.">buy goodies</a> of them.
      <div class="mdl-cell mdl-cell--4-col mdl-cell--4-col-tablet mdl-cell--4-col-phone">
          Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, in girum imus nocte et consumimur igni.
          Alea jacta est.


{% endblock %}

{#### CSS ####################################################################}

{% block styles %}
{{ super() }}
{% endblock %}

{#### JAVASCRIPT #############################################################}

{% block scripts_footer %}
{{ super() }}
{% endblock %}