RemoteDataCenterClass.php 3.59 KB
 * @class RemoteDataCenterClass  
 * @brief   Server
 * @details
abstract class RemoteDataCenterClass
	protected $url = null, $WSDL = null, $treeXML = null;	
	protected $needsArgs = false;
	protected $hasAccessUrl = false;

	public $domAmda = null, $dataCenter = null;  
	public $domAmdaName = "base.xml";
	public $additionalArgs = null;
	public $baseID = null;
	public $tree = null;
	protected $DDserverDir;
   public static $MAX_NAME_LENGTH = 31;
   public static $MAX_VI_NAME_LENGTH = 16;
	 * @brief Constructor
	function __construct()
		$this->baseID = get_class($this);	
	/*    Function to change  External Bases stuff in case of existing AMDA aliases.
		Uses file  DICTIONARY_DIR.mapBaseID.xml */

	protected function alias($Dictionary, $name) {

		$xmldoc =  new DomDocument("1.0");
		$item = $xmldoc->getElementById(strtoupper($name));
		if (!$item) return $name;      
		$alias =  $item->nodeValue;

	return $alias;
	public function param2dd($paramID) 
		$pairs = array(" " => "_","-" => "_","/" => "_","%" => "_","\\" => "_","$" => "_",":" => "_","+" =>"_","#" => "_",
							"@" => "_","." => "_", ">" => "_", "<" => "_", "," => "_", ")" => "", "(" => "_"); 

		return strtr($paramID,$pairs); 
	public function saveProxy()
	abstract public function init(); 
	abstract protected function getRemoteTree();
	abstract protected function setDataCenterAttributes();
	abstract protected function createMissionNodes();
	abstract protected function makeArgumentsList();
//	abstract public function getDatasetInfo($ds);	
//	abstract public function getData($ds, $start, $stop);
//	abstract protected function convert2nc();
// abstract protected function createDatasetNodes();
// abstract protected function createParameterNodes();
// abstract protected function createDatasetGroupNodes($data);
	public function initProxy() 
		if (!is_dir(RemoteData."/bases/".$this->baseID))
				mkdir(RemoteData."/bases/".$this->baseID, 0755, true);

		$this->DDserverDir = RemoteData."/DDServer/".$this->baseID;
		if (!is_dir($this->DDserverDir)) 
				mkdir($this->DDserverDir, 0755, true);		
	public function makeProxy()
		$this->domAmda = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
		$this->domAmda->formatOutput = TRUE;
		$this->domAmda->preserveWhiteSpace = FALSE;
		$dataRoot = $this->domAmda->createElement('dataRoot');
		$dataRoot->setAttribute('xml:id', 'myRemoteData-treeRootNode');

		$this->dataCenter->setAttribute('xml:id', $this->baseID);
		$this->dataCenter->setAttribute('name', $this->baseID);		 
		$missionNodes = $this->createMissionNodes();
		foreach ($missionNodes as $missionNode)
	protected function getIdFromSpase($spaseId) 
		$temp = explode('/',$spaseId);
		return $temp[count($temp)-1]; 
	public function monitor()
		$ch = curl_init($this->url."/".$this->WSDL);  
		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 3);  
		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 3);  
		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);  
		$data = curl_exec($ch);  
		$httpcode = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);		
		if($httpcode >= 200 && $httpcode < 300)
			return true;  
		} else 
			return false;  