DD_comm.hh 18.2 KB
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 *               DD SYSTEM base package
 *              DD_Server DD_Client library
 *                  DD_comm.h
 *                   V. 5.6
 * Changes listing:
 *      Feb 27 1995 - V 1.0
 *      13 Apr. 2002 - changed for NetCDF 3.3
 *      03 Oct. 2002 - v.4.0  Fedorov, communication ideology is changed
 *      Oct 31, 2002 - V.4.1  Fedorov, UserName, UserHost and UserID transferred into DD_Access.h
 *      May 7, 2003  - V.4.2  Fedorov, The Cash structure is changed (flag of open file )
 *      June 17, 2003 - V.4.3  Fedorov, The Maximal Packet Size is changed
 *      Nov 18, 2004 - V.4.4  Fedorov,  Some changes
 *      Aug 17, 2005 - V.4.5  Fedorov,  Cach Time constant is changed
 *      Jun 17, 2007 - V.4.6  Fedorov, New requestes and external executables
 *      Aug 01, 2007 - V.4.7  Fedorov, Cache length = 20, New DD_Var_t structure
 *      Sep 20, 2007 - V.5.0  Fedorov, Update Time Info library now in the separate file
 *      Sep 23, 2007 - V.5.1  Fedorov, New interface of SetTime
 *      Sep 25, 2007 - V.5.2  Fedorov, Individual minimal gap
 *      Oct 08, 2007 - V.5.3  Budnik,  php createVI.php <baseID> <remSetID> <ddSetID>
 *      Jan 25, 2008 - V.5.3.1 Budnik, min data gap = 1 day!!!!
 *      May 22, 2008 - V.5.4 Fedorov, DD_Var_t has a LockStartTime value
 *      May 27, 2008 - V.5.5 Fedorov, Maximal tracnsmition buffer
 *      Sep 19, 2008 - V.5.6 MAXVARLENGTH=64 REQUESTLENGTH 184 
#ifndef DD_COMM_H_
#define DD_COMM_H_
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "DD.hh"
#include "DD_Access.hh"

#ifdef SOLARIS
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>      /* internet stile addres */
#include <rpc/types.h>
#include <rpc/xdr.h>
#include <rpc/rpc.h>
#endif /* SOLARIS */

#ifdef HPUX
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <rpc/xdr.h>
#include <rpc/rpc.h>

#ifdef OSF1
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <rpc/xdr.h>
#endif /* OSF1 */

#ifdef LINUX
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h> 
#include <netdb.h>
#include <rpc/rpc.h>
#include <rpc/xdr.h>
#endif /* LINUX */

#ifdef SUNOS
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/socketvar.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <rpc/xdr.h>
#endif /* SUNOS */

/*----------------- Defenitions of request and server replies --------------------*/
/* 1. Data manipulation requests  */
#define OPENINSREQ  0     /* Open virtual instrument    */
#define DATAINFOREQ 1     /* Request of constant info */
#define TIMESETREQ  2     /* Position of pointer by StartTime*/
#define DATAGETREQ  3     /* Data request by time interval */
#define CLOSEINSREQ 4     /* Request to close virtual instrument */
#define MOVPOINTREQ 5     /* Move the pointer od data request*/
#define ADDVIREQ    6     /*  Add New virtual instrument */

/*  2. Security requests */

/*-------- Some constants ------------------*/
#define EMPTY       0     /* Filler of the trailer */
#define FILEACCMARG 1     /* The minimum time from the last access to remove this file */

/*------------ Important lengths and pathes ----------------*/
#define PROTOCOL        0     /* protocol TCP  */
#define REPLYLENGTH    12     /* Length of header of reply packet */
#define REQUESTLENGTH 196     /* Length of request packets MAXSETLENGTH + 2*MAXVARLENGTH + 4 */
#define MAXVARLENGTH   64     /* Length (with \0) of Variable Name */
#define MAXSETLENGTH   52     /* Max Length of VI name */
#define PATHLENGTH    128     /* Length of complete path */
#define MAXFILENAME    32     /* The maximal length of the data file (info, cach, times as well)*/
#define REFNAME "/refer.nc"   /* path name for databse  refer file */
#define CASHLEN 20            /* Length of cash array */
#define TRY 100               /* How many tymes to ask the socket */
#define MAXPACKSIZE  5000000  /* Maximal size of one packet of transmission in bytes */
#define MAXCOMMANDL   300     /* Command in system() maximal length */
 * XDR length to calcolate the total len
#define XDRINTLEN 4
// String length is counted as 4B + N + r (to completed to 4 bytes)

/*------------ List of External Call of DD_Server and ERRORS -------------------*/
#define ADDDATASETCALL "php %s/createVI.php %s %s %s"        /* Format to call to create new VI */
#define GETNEWDATACALL "php %s/CALLEXT/getData.php  %s %s %s %s %s &"  /* Format to call to get new data  */   
#define NOPHP     32512
#define NOSCRIPT  256
#define PHPOK     0

/*------ Constant to understand data availabilities -------------------------------*/
#define GLOBSTARTNAME "GlobalStart"
#define GLOBSTOPNAME "GlobalStop"
#define SAMPLNAME "MinSampling"
#define REMARCHNAME "DataBaseID"
#define REMINSTNAME "DataSetID"
#define MINGAP    86400.0 /*Seconds. The minimal time gap to set up the flag DATAGAP */
#define REQTIMEINT 86400.0 /* One day, +/- of request time interval */
#define ISOTIMEF  "%4u%*1c%2u%*1c%2u%*1c%2u%*1c%2u%*1c%2u%*1c%3u" /* Format to READ time in ISO format */
#define ISOTIMEP  "%04u-%02u-%02uT%02u:%02u:%02u.%03uZ" /* Format to PRINT time in ISO format */ 
#define DIRLOCK "LOCK"

/*------------- More internal specifications -----------------------*/
 *   See ../DOC/TECHDOC/DDGenProt.html (lyx)

/* Reply variables:
 * Error - negative value described in DD.h
 * Type - int (see DD.h)
 * Dim_Number - int ( the dimension (vector, matrix, cube, etc) ov the variable)
 * Data_Size - int (the size of the data packet in bytes)
 * RemID     - int (number of virtual instruments still open in this session)
 * Dim       - int (the particular dimension )
 * LastPacketFlag - int ( == OK in this packet is last, or MOREDATA)
 * Data - array of Type of Dim X Dim X....X Dim size
 *                         --------------------
 *                             Dim_Number
 * DataPacket:
 * <LastPacketFlag>             |
 * <Dim>    |                   |
 * <.....>  |  Dim_Number       |  Data_Size bytes
 * <Dim>    |                   |
 * <data>                       |
 * .....  | only for real data  |
 * <data> |                     |
 * Note is the value is scalar - the Dim = 0 (???)

 * Reply consists Header 12 bytes length and Data Block
 * on Open Virtual instrument:
 * on Constant Info request:
 * <DATAINFOREQ><Type/Error><Dim_Number><Data_Size><DataPacket>
 * on Set pointer by StartTime:
 * on Get Data by TimeInt :
 * <DATAGETREQ><Type/Error><Dim_Numbers><Data_Size><LastRecordFlag><DataPacket>
 * on Move pointer with records number
 * on Close Virtual Instrument

/*-------------------- TYPEDEF ---------------------------*/

	 struct DD_data_t {
		 	 	 	 int type;        /* Type of variable in netcdf style */
					 int DimNumber;   /* number of dimensions */
					 int *Dimensions; /* Dimensions array
									   * fastest change is last */
					 int VarNumber;   /* Dimension of variable array */
					 void **Variables;/* Variables array pointer
									   * It is static array refreshed
									   * each call
					 DD_data_t(int pType, int pDimNumber, int *pDimensions, int pVarNumber,  void **pVariables):
						 Variables(pVariables) {}

					 DD_data_t(DD_data_t& pData):
							 Variables(pData.Variables) {}

					 DD_data_t() :
					 						 Variables(NULL) {}

					 void clear() {
						    if(Dimensions != NULL)
						       Dimensions = NULL;
						    if(Variables != NULL)
						       for(int i = 0; i< VarNumber; i++)
						       Variables = NULL;
						       VarNumber = 0;

					 ~DD_data_t() {
				   } ;

typedef struct { char CacheFilePath[PATHLENGTH];
				 char names[CASHLEN][MAXSETLENGTH];
                 long times[CASHLEN];
                 int FileOpen[CASHLEN];    /* 1 if file is open */
                 int ID;                   /* ID of open cach file */
                 int nameID;               /* ID of names array */
                 int timeID;               /* ID of times array */
                 int fopenID;             /* ID of fopen flag */
               } DD_cash_t;      /* The structure holding cash informaton
                                  * of particular virtual instrument DataBase

 * This structure corresponds to ONE requested variable
 * of some Virtual instrument
typedef struct { char  InstrName[MAXSETLENGTH]; /* Virtual Instrument Name */
                 char path[PATHLENGTH]; /* Path to directory of open virtual instrument */
                 /*------- Cache part --------------------------------*/
                 DD_cash_t Cash;        /* Cash holder */
                 int CurrCushN;         /* Current cash pointer */
                 /*--- This is the part of open data file ------------*/
                 int ncID;              /* ID of open nc_file */
                 size_t nc_rec;         /* the current record number nc_file */
                 size_t Maxnc_rec;      /* Maximum of records number in in the current nc file */
                 DD_data_t *VarData;     /* Dimensions of Variable */
                 /*--- This is part of times file of given VI --------------*/
                 char TimesFileName[PATHLENGTH]; 
                 double SDTime;         /* Requested Start Time in double form */
                 double FDTime;         /* Requested Stop Time in double form */
                 double CDTime;         /* Current Time in double form */
                 int tmID;              /* ID of "times" file of this  virtual instrument*/
                 int NameID;            /* ID of FileName variable in times file */
                 int StartID;           /* ID of Start variable in times file */
                 int StopID;            /* ID of Stop variable in times file */
                 size_t TimeRecNumber;  /* Current Record number in the "times" file */
                 size_t MaxTimeRecNum;  /* Maximum records number in the "times" file */
                 int RValidMin;      /* Minimal record with valid data */
                 int RValidMax;      /* Maximal record with valid data */
                 double MinValidTime;
                 double MaxValidTime;   /* Start of RValidMin, and stop of RValidMax */
                 int CurrRmin;       /* Sure that looking time is greater than stop; -1 if NOT */
                 int CurrRmax;       /* Sure that looking time is less than start; -1 if NOT */
                 /*------- Working with external Data Base ------------------------------*/
                 int VILocked;       /* Flag to show that request to remote database has been sent */
                 time_t LockStartTime; /* Value to calculate a time elapsed from lock made by THIS VI */ 
                 /*---------- This is the part of Info file of given VI -----------------*/
                 int attrID;            /* ID of constant information nc_file */
                 char AttrName[PATHLENGTH]; /* Name of constant information file */
                 DD_data_t AttrData;    /* Dimensions of Attributes */
                 /*---- Part concerning External call ------------------*/
                 double MinGap;         /* The minimal gap between two files */
                 double GlobalStart;    /* The principal begin of data */
                 double GlobalStop;     /* The principal end of data */
                 char BaseName[MAXSETLENGTH]; /* The name of external data archive */
                 char RemSetID[MAXSETLENGTH]; /* The name of VI in exterval archiving */
                 int ExtCallAllowed; /* 1 If Server can call external archiving */
                 /*------------ Flow Control -----------------------------*/
                 int LastPacketFlag;  /* OK - request is completed, 
                                       * MOREDATA - one or several blocks expected, 
                                       * MOREDELAY - wait, system is blocked */
                 int LastFileStatus;    /* The file status after the last SetNewFile */
                 int NewFile;           /* 1 if File was changed, VI has to be refreshed*/
                 int NewFileWasOpen;    /* 1 if the original position of pointer 
                                          * (in data file, times file) was lost after open 
                                          * a new data file */ 
              } DD_Var_t;
/*---------------- Usefull enumerations ---------------------*/
   * enumerate of the status of time inteval searching
   * NOONEDATA - no data at al in this VI
   * INSIDE - CTime is inside valid data interval (tolerance is MINGAP)
   * DATAATRIGHT, DATAATLEFT - Valid interval is on the right/left from CTime 

/* Return function IsTimesLocked */

/*------------------ Function for Server ---------------------*/
extern int OpenInstr(char *InstrName);
 * Open Virtual instrument by name and returns the ID
 * Returns negative value in case of error (see DD.h)or OK
extern int GetAttribute(int ID, char *Name);
 * Variable - address of structure with variable description
 * Name - name of attribute
 * Returns OK or an error (see DD.h)
extern int GetData(int ID, char *Name, char *TimeInterval);
/* Name - string name of requested variable,
 * TimeInterval - Time in DD_time.h style
 * Returns  negative value in case of error (see bellow)
 * Returnes MOREDATA if "there is more data", and OK if data is finished.

extern int SetTime(DD_Var_t *D, double CTime);
 *                      SET TIME 
 * Set time and try to open appropriate data file. If not try to 
 * call external archive
 * D - address of VI holder
 * Time -  Time in DD_time.h style 
 * Return:
 * OK 
 * NOID - call with uncorrect VI holder
 * OUTOFTIME - Requested time is out of General time limitation
 * WAITEXTCALL - Server sent request to external archive
 * TRYAGAIN - VI is blocked by call to external database
 * NODATAATTIME - request time is inside NODATA time interval
 * some return of SetNewFile(); see ...

extern int CloseID(int ID);
/* ID - integer identificator of opened Data Set
 * Returns number of remained IDs of this communication seasson
 * in case of 0 the server closes this comminication session

int SetNewFile(DD_Var_t *D, int N);
 * Function tries to get new data for the gap beetween files, or just 
 * open a new data file according to offset N referring to current position in the times file.
 * The current position changed if file is succesefully open.
 * Return values: 
 * OK 
 * OUTOFTIME - next interval exceeeds GlobalStart/Stop
 * TIMEINEMPTY - next interval marked as "NODATA"
 * TRYAGAIN - the VI is blocked while new data is arriving
 * WAITEXTCALL - new data is requested
 * CACHTOOREC - now free space in the CACH
 * CHACHERR - unrecovable error in CACH
 * DATAFILEERR - unrecovable error in data file

size_t MaxRecord(int ncID);
 * Inspect all variables and dimensions of the file (exept Time associated) and
 * returm maximal record number to transmit
/*------------------ Global constants ----------------------------------*/

/*------------------ Global data variable for entire  session --------------------*/
extern   DD_Var_t **DD_Var ; /* Actually this variable is implimented
                                                * in DD_GetData.c . The dimension of this array is defined
                                                * by sysconf(_SC_OPEN_MAX)*/
extern size_t MaxIDNumber;        /* Size of DD_Var array. Defined actually in  DD_GetData.c  */

 * Fuctions prototypes in ExtDataRequest.c file
 *                IsTimesLocked
 * Return 1 if there is LOCK in the VI directory
extern int IsTimesLocked(DD_Var_t *DD_Var);

 *                ExtDataRequest
 *  Return folowing values:
 *  OK - request is accepted SERVER has to wait when LOCK file is gone
 *  NOEXEC - error in external executable
 *  NODATAATTIME - time corresponds to the NODATA interval
 *  GAPISSMALL - Time is inside too small gap
extern int ExtDataRequest(DD_Var_t *DD_Var, double CurrTime);

 *                UpdateTimeInfo.c
 *  int SearchLeft(DD_Var_t *DD_VarL, size_t Rmin, size_t Rmax)
 *  int SearchRight(DD_Var_t *DD_VarL, size_t Rmin, size_t Rmax)
 *  Search the next to the left(right) non-empty time interval
 *  DD_VarL - common data structure corresponding to THIS open VI
 *  Rmin, Rmax - start points
 *  int UpdateTimeInfo(DD_Var_t *DD_VarL)
 *  Function reopen "times" file and update all time constants
extern int SearchLeft(DD_Var_t *DD_VarL, size_t Rmin, size_t Rmax);
extern int SearchRight(DD_Var_t *DD_VarL, size_t Rmin, size_t Rmax);
extern int UpdateTimeInfo(DD_Var_t *DD_VarL);

#endif /*  DD_COMM_H_  */