SEP.xml 2.41 KB
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<Spase xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
      <AlternateName>Solar Energetic Particle</AlternateName>
      <Description>The Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) instrument is part of the Particles and Fields 
        Package and determines the impact of SEPs on the upper atmosphere.

    * Determine SEP input into the atmosphere as a function of altitude
    * Determine SEP heating, ionization, and sputtering of upper atmosphere
    * Detect the highest energy pickup ions (>30 to 100s of keV)

    * Characterize solar particles in an energy range that affects upper atmosphere and ionospheric processes (~120 – 200 km)
    * Time resolution adequate to capture major SEP events ( less 1 hour)
 Technical details and heritage:
    * Two dual double-ended telescopes
    * Four look directions per species, optimized for parallel and perpendicular Parker Spiral viewing
    * Protons and heavier ions from ~25 keV to 12 MeV
    * Electrons from ~25 keV to 1 MeV
    * Energy fluxes 10 to 106 eV/cm2-sec-ster-eV
    * Better than 50% energy resolution
    * Heritage from (nearly identical to) SST on THEMIS
        <Name>SEP web page, Summary sheet </Name>
    <InvestigationName>MAVEN Solar Energetic Particle Investigation</InvestigationName>
      <!-- Note :  Mission phases : multiple tags possible -->
      <Note>Mars arrival : 2014-09-28T19:24:00</Note>