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         ACE Solar Wind Electron Proton Alpha Monitor (SWEPAM) 64-Second Level 2 Data
         Solar Wind Ion parameters from ACE/SWEPAM. Level 2 data, 64-second averages. Parameters include proton density, temperature (radial component) and flow speed, flow velocity vector in GSE, GSM and RTN coordinates, and alpha to proton density ratio. ACE position vectors in GSE and GSM are included. The data are accessible via ftp in HDF and CDF from the ACE Science Center and CDAWeb, respectively, and in ASCII format from the value-added interfaces at those sites. Hourly averaged L2 plasma parameters are also available from these access paths. The "parameter keys" given below are as used by CDAWeb.
          Please acknowledge the ACE/SWEPAM instrument team and the ACE Science Center
         <Name>ACE SWEPAM Level 2 data Home Page</Name>
            ACE Science Center site hosting instrument information, data release notes, as well as web utilities for plotting and downloading data
         <Name>Rules of use, and caveats</Name>
         <Description>ACE level 2 data rules of use, and caveats</Description>
         <Name>AMDA at CDPP</Name>
          Please acknowledge the ACE/SWEPAM instrument team, the ACE Science Center, and the CDAWeb team at GSFC/SPDF.
      The quality of ACE level 2 data is such that it is suitable for serious scientific study. However, to avoid confusion and misunderstanding, it is recommended that users consult with the appropriate ACE team members before publishing work derived from the data. The ACE team has worked hard to ensure that the level 2 data are free from errors, but the team cannot accept responsibility for erroneous data, or for misunderstandings about how the data may be used. This is especially true if the appropriate ACE team members are not consulted before publication. At the very least, preprints should be forwarded to the ACE team before publication.
      <Name>Velocity in GSE coordinates</Name>
         <Name>Velocity in GSM coordinates</Name>
      <Name>Proton Number density</Name>
      <Description>Solar Wind Proton Number Density, scalar</Description>
         Np is the proton number density in units of cm-3, as calculated by integrating the ion distribution function.
      <Name>Solar Wind Proton Speed</Name>
      <Description>Solar Wind Bulk Speed</Description>
         Vp is the solar wind proton speed, or more generally just the solar wind (bulk) speed. It is obtained by integrating the ion (proton) distribution function.
      <Name>Proton Temperature</Name>
      <Description>radial component of the proton temperature</Description>
         The radial component of the proton temperature is the (1,1) component of the temperature tensor, along the radial direction. It is obtained by integration of the ion (proton) distribution function.
      <Name>alpha/proton ratio</Name>
      <Description>alpha to proton density ratio</Description>
         Alpha ratio (Na/Np) - is the ratio of the number density of helium++ ions to the number density of protons.