vex-ima-param.xml 10 KB
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Spase xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
        <ResourceID>spase://CNES/NumericalData/CDPP-AMDA/VEX/IMA/vex-ima-param</ResourceID><!--- don't modify -->
            <ResourceName>imaextra moments</ResourceName><!-- shown as dataset node name in the AMDA tree -->
            <Description>Venux Express (VEX) ASPERA-4 Ion Mass Analyzer (IMA) data (moments)
                Calculated using Andrei Fedorov (IRAP) procedure</Description><!--- AMDA help -->
            <Acknowledgement>Principal Invistigator : Stas Barabash, IRF, Kiruna</Acknowledgement>
            </Contact><!--- AMDA help -->
            </Contact><!--- AMDA help -->
        <AccessInformation><!--- CDPP team to fill -->
            <Acknowledgement>AMDA is a science analysis system provided by the Centre de Donnees de la 
                Physique des Plasmas (CDPP) supported by CNRS, CNES, Observatoire de Paris and 
                Universite Paul Sabatier, Toulouse</Acknowledgement>
        <ProviderName>IRAP</ProviderName><!--- CDPP team to fill -->
        <ProviderResourceName/><!--- CDPP team to fill -->
        <ProviderAcknowlegment/><!--- CDPP team to fill -->
        <ProviderProcessingLevel>Final</ProviderProcessingLevel><!--- CDPP team to fill -->
        <InstrumentID>spase://CDPP/Instrument/AMDA/VEX/IMA</InstrumentID><!--- don't modify -->
        <TemporalDescription><!--- don't modify -->
        <ObservedRegion>Venus</ObservedRegion><!--- First item - principal target (used in AMDA filtering) -->  
        <Caveats/><!--- AMDA Help, if exists -->
            <Name>protons: moments quality</Name><!-- shown as parameter name in the AMDA tree -->
            <ParameterKey>vex_h_qual</ParameterKey><!--- don't modify -->
            <Description>Proton moments quality flag</Description>
            <Units>0-1</Units><!-- shown in parameter tooltip in the AMDA tree -->
            <Name>heavy: moments quality</Name>
            <Description>Heavy ion moments quality flag</Description>
            <Name>protons: density</Name>
            <Description>Proton density</Description>
            <Name>heavy: density</Name>
            <Description>Heavy ion density</Description>
            <Name>protons: temperature</Name>
            <Description>Proton temperature</Description>
            <Name>heavy: temperature</Name>
            <Description>Heavy ion temperature</Description>
            <Name>protons: v_vso</Name>
            <Description>Proton bulk velocity components in VSO coordinates</Description>
                    <Name>vx</Name><!-- shown as parameter component name in the AMDA tree -->
                    <ParameterKey>vex_h_vel(0)</ParameterKey><!--- don't modify -->
            <Name>heavy: v_vso</Name>
            <Description>Heavy ion bulk velocity components in VSO coordinates</Description>
            <Name>scan flag</Name>
            <Description>Scan flag : 0 - no scanning; 1 - scanning</Description>