mgs-proxy-euv.xml 4.82 KB
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Spase xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
      <AlternateName>Extreme Ultraviolet Proxy</AlternateName>
      <Description>The F10.7 radio flux measured at Earth is used to estimate the solar EUV flux from 2-100 nm at Earth. These values are then scaled to Mars' orbital distance from the Sun using a 1/r2 scaling, and time-shifted to account for the solar longitude difference between the Earth and Sun. A 26-day solar rotation rate is assumed.                         
        <Name>MGS Proxy webpage</Name>
            <Name>CDPP/AMDA HAPI Server</Name>
            <Description>Web Service to this product using the HAPI interface.</Description>
         <Acknowledgement>Thank you for acknowledging the use of AMDA in publications with wording like "Data analysis was performed with the AMDA science analysis system provided by the Centre de Données de la Physique des Plasmas (CDPP) supported by CNRS, CNES, Observatoire de Paris and Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse".. See the Rules of the road at Please acknowledge the Data Providers.</Acknowledgement>
            <Name>CDPP/AMDA Web application</Name>
            <Description>Access to Data via CDPP/AMDA Web application.</Description>
         <Acknowledgement>Thank you for acknowledging the use of AMDA in publications with wording like "Data analysis was performed with the AMDA science analysis system provided by the Centre de Données de la Physique des Plasmas (CDPP) supported by CNRS, CNES, Observatoire de Paris and Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse".. See the Rules of the road at Please acknowledge the Data Providers.</Acknowledgement>
    <ProviderName>David Brain</ProviderName>
    <Caveats>The EUV proxy relies on a number of assumptions, not least of which is extrapolation and time-shifting of observations from Earth to Mars. Please use appropriate caution when using the information on this page. We favor use of the EUV proxy for statistical studies (e.g. comparing observations made during high EUV time periods to low EUV time periods), rather than specific case studies.
      <UnitsConversion>1.e-22 W/m2-Hz</UnitsConversion>
      <UnitsConversion>1.e-22 W/m2-Hz</UnitsConversion>