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<AlternateName>Suprathermal Energy Ionic Charge Analyzer (SULEICA)</AlternateName>
The Suprathermal Energy Ionic Charge Analyzer (SULEICA) on AMPTE IRM is an instrument to determine the ionic charge state and mass
composition of all major ions from H through Fe for energies of the suprathermal plasma (≈5 up to ≈270 keV/charge) by the use of
electrostatic deflection, time-of-flight measurement, and energy analysis in solid-state detectors. With its acceptance fan of
400° X 10° the instrument scans a field of 360° by 40° in the satellite spin plane.
The data contain counting rate information for the evaluation of absolute particle fluxes
<Acknowledgement>User will acknowledge the AMPTE/IRM SULEICA team in any publication resulting from the use of these data.</Acknowledgement>
<Name>IEEE Transaction on Geoscience and Remote Sensing Article</Name>
<Description>Deatiled information about the AMPTE IRM SULEICA instrument</Description>
<InvestigationName>SULEICA Ion Spectrometer</InvestigationName>