MAG.xml 3.27 KB
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<Spase xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
      <AlternateName>Mercury Magnetometer</AlternateName>
      <Description>MPO-MAG is designed as follows: Two identical magnetometers are used each with 
        their own dedicated electronics. This two sensors technique will be applied in order to 
        help determine the magnetic influence of the spacecraft.
        The instrument hardware comprises an electronics box, two sensor units with their associated 
        thermal hardware and mechanical fixings, plus an electrical harness which connects the 
        sensors to the electronics box. The sensors are mounted on a deployable boom, whilst the 
        electronics box is located inside the spacecraft structure. The boom is a critical 
        subsystem both for the MPO-MAG instrument and the spacecraft. It enables both sensors 
        to be slightly removed from the spacecraft; combining the signal from both the inboard 
        and outboard sensors will help determine the magnetic interference from the spacecraft 
        itself. The MPO-MAG instrument is largely autonomous in operation, requiring a minimum 
        of commanding only for selecting from a set of science operations modes and corresponding 
        telemetry bit-rates. The two sensors measure the magnetic field with a sample rate of 
        128 Hz. These data will be reduced onboard to a lower temporal resolution depending on 
        the instrument mode: 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1, and 0.5 Hz.To achieve the prime goals, 
        the separation of the measured magnetic field into its internal and external contributions 
        is required.  Almost complete coverage of the surface is required and also as many 
        measurements above any given surface area as possible, which are needed to stabilize 
        the inversion procedure and remove intervals that contain transient field structures 
        due to magnetospheric processes. </Description>
        <Name>Heyner, D., Auster, HU., Fornaçon, KH. et al. The BepiColombo Planetary Magnetometer MPO-MAG: What Can We Learn from the Hermean Magnetic Field?. Space Sci Rev 217, 52 (2021). </Name>
        <Description>Reference paper</Description>
    <InvestigationName>Mercury Magnetometer on MPO/InvestigationName</InvestigationName>