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IMA.xml 2.65 KB
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Spase xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
    <ResourceID>spase://CDPP/Instrument/AMDA/VEX/IMA</ResourceID><!--- don't modify -->
      <ResourceName>IMA</ResourceName><!-- don't modify : shown as instrument node name in the AMDA tree -->
      <AlternateName>Ion Mass Analyzer</AlternateName><!-- shown in instrument tooltip in the AMDA tree -->
      <ReleaseDate>2016-07-10T00:00:00Z</ReleaseDate><!--- current date -->
      <Description>The Ion Mass Analyzer (IMA) of the ASPERA-4 package
 flown on Venus Express provides ion measurements in the energy range 
0.01 - 36 keV/q for the main ion components H+, H2+, He+, O+, and for the 
group of molecular ions with M/q ration between 20 and 80 amu/e. IMA has a 90 deg x 360 deg field 
of view. Electrostatic sweeping performs elevation (+/- 45 deg) coverage. 
The IMA sensor is a spherical electrostatic analyzer followed by a circular 
magnetic separating section. A large diameter MCP with a discrete anode images 
the matrix azimuth x mass.</Description><!--- AMDA help -->
      <Acknowledgement>Principal Investigator: Stas Barabash, IRF, Kiruna</Acknowledgement>
      <Contact><!--- multiple tags possible -->
      </Contact><!--- AMDA help -->
        <Name>ASPERA web page, IRF, Kiruna</Name><!--- AMDA help -->
        <URL>http://www.irf.sw/aspera-4</URL><!--- AMDA help -->
        <Name>VEX IMA/ELS Inventory Graph, IRAP, Toulouse</Name>
    <InstrumentType>MassSpectrometer</InstrumentType><!-- shown in instrument tooltip in the AMDA tree ; multiple tags possible-->
    <InvestigationName>ASPERA4</InvestigationName><!--- consortium, group of instruments, if exists -->
      <Note>Data Gap : 2014-10-13T00:00:00Z - 2014-11-07T00:00:00Z</Note><!--- if possible note large data gaps; multiple Note tags -->
    </OperatingSpan><!-- shown in instrument tooltip in the AMDA tree -->
    <ObservatoryID>spase://CDPP/Observatory/AMDA/VEX</ObservatoryID><!--- don't modify -->
    <Caveats></Caveats><!--- AMDA help, if exists -->